Partie II - Lois des Premières nations promulguées

Informations sur la décision

Contenu de la décision

/ 1 S ' ESKASONI BAND OP INDIANS 0̂R/8h5SM BY-LAW 5-81 Being * By-La w to provide for the regulation of traffic y Whereas paragraph (b) of aeetioa 81 of the Indian Act empowers the Council of a band to make by-laws respecting the regulation of traffic and the Inposition of a penalty for the violation thereof! and whereas it is deemed necessary for the reduction of risk of motor vehicle colli­ sions at the Intersection of the main Kskasoni roadway and the eastern s e s n k d as of o ni t h B e a n a d d m e i n n a i c s t t s r a a t s i v a e c b e y n t l r a e w r t o h a e d w f a o y l , l ow t i h n e g r ! efore the Council of the 1. In the By-Law* (a) council means the council (as defined in the Indian Act) of the Sskasoni Band. (b) administrative centre roadway shall mean the approached and o t f r f av i e c l e l a e r d e a s . eotion leading to and from the sskasoni Band (o) motor vehicle shall mean and include any vehicle or means of transportation and Chall specifically exclude any vehicles being used for repair or maintenance of the administrative centre roadway, and also shall exclude any vehicle being used in connection with a funeral or the maintenance of the grave­ yard, provided the said vehicle is used up to the approach to the graveyard. 2. No person at any time shall cause any motor vehicle to be driven in a direction toward the eastern approach of the administrative centre roadway past the driveway of one Benedict Stevens, unless said motor vehicle is excluded in section 1(c) herein. 3. The Sskasoni Band Council or its agent may at their discretion erect signs indicating one way traffic and/or no entry as appropriate. 4. Any person violating the preceding sections shall be liable upon summary conviction before a judge to a penalty not exceeding one hundred dollars, or imprisonment for a tern not exceeding thirty days, or both, as provided in seotion (r) for a violation against section 81 of the Indian Act. APPROVED AMD PASSED AT DULY CONVENED MEETING OP THE SSKASONI BAND COUNCIL THIS 22nd DAY CP May 1981. X. Allison M. Be m rna i r m d rmarr^k . m CHIEF OP THE SSKASONI BAND OP iNDtxHr-sc^m gay and exact copy or the BY-LAN WAS FORWARDED TO THE MINISTER OP INDIAN AFFAIRS PURSUANT TO S 1 E 98 C 1 T . I ON 82(1) CP THE INDIAN ACT THIS .... 2 . 2n d DAY. CP M a y 4 Councillor Councillor
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