Partie II - Lois des Premières nations promulguées

Informations sur la décision

Contenu de la décision

Chronological No. PAGE 1 COWESSESS NO. 36 BAND COUNCIL RESOLUTION H.Q. Reference 673/28-7-12 NOTF.: The word* From our Band Funds*' must appear in all resolutions requesting expenditures from Band Funds. FOR H E A D Q U A R T E R S USE O N L Y COUNCIL OF THE C O W E S S E S S BAND AGENCY YCRKTON DISTRICT PROVINCE SASKATCHEWAN PLACE BROADVIEW, SASK. hat* THIRD MARCH AD 10 7 1 DAY MONTH YEAR DO HEREBY RESOLVE: THAT the Council o f the Cow ess ess Band o f Indians a t a meeting held March 3, 1971 make the fo llow ing by-law: By-law No* I To create the position o f a Band Administrator, WHSItEAS i t is necessary to appoint a Band Administrator to in terpret and promote the enforcement o f a l l Band promo ted programs and by-laws and to carry out such other duties as may be assigned by Council, THEREFORE the Council o f the Cowessess Band ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1* THAT the position o f Band Administrator is hereby created fo r the Cowessess Band; 2. THAT the said position shall be f i l l e d by competition advertised in accordance with the po licy o f the Band Council expressed by resolution; 3. THAT the incumbent o f the said position shall hold o f f ic e during the pleasure o f and subject to the By-laws o f the Band Council; 4* THAT the said incumbent shall, upon appointment, f i l e with the Band Council an indemnity bond in a sum adequate to ensure protection on moneys entrusted to his care and Trust Account issued by a recognised bonding company, subject to the premium o f such bond being paid from the Administration Grant* F ile before taking over his duties as Band Administrator a Declaration o f O ffice on a form prescribed by the Band Council* 5* THAT the said incumbent sh a ll be paid a salary o f #6,294*00 per annum on a semi­ monthly basis and such salary may be adjusted by Band Council Resolution according to the increase or decrease o f responsib ility o f the position and that th is shall be on the basis o f a 40-hour week; 6* THAT the salary o f the said incumbent shall be payment in fu l l fo r a l l services required o f him and a l l fees or emoluments o f any kind accruing to him by virtue o f any Act or Statute o f the Federal or Prov inc ia l Government or o f any By-laws o f (Chie f) ••••••♦•• 2
Chronological No. COWESSESS NO, 36 .GE 2 H.Q. Reference BAND COUNCIL RESOLUTION 673/28-7-12 NOTE: The words From our Band Funds must appear in all resolutions requesting expenditures, from Band Funds. FOR H E A D Q U A R T E R S USE O N L Y COUNCIL OF THE C O W E S S E S S BAND AGENCY TORKTON DISTRICT PROVINCE SASKATCHEWAN PLACE BROADVIEW, SASK. nm THIRD MARCH AD 10 71 DAY MONTH YEAR DO HEREBY RESOLVE: the Band shall be paid to the Cowes seas Band and credited to the funds of the Band} 7* THAT the duties o f the Band Administrator shall, under the general direction of the Band Council and subject to it s policies and regulations, be as follows: (a ) Maintain or cause to be maintained an adequate bookkeeping system showing a l l receipts and expenditures during each fis c a l year of a l l monies transacted in connection with the business of the Band in accordance with the Band Council and Financial Regulations, (b ) Ensure an audit of the book3 is carried out within sixty days a fte r the close of each f is c a l year by an audit firm appointed by the Band Council end Indian Affa irs Branch as required; (c ) Keep in his o ffice or in the place appointed fo r this purpose, the originals of a l l by-laws and of a l l minutes of the proceedings of the Band Council, (d ) Oversees and supervises the a ffa irs and programs of the band including - public works and u t i l it ie s , housing, recreation, law enforcement, land matters and bn d enterprises, (e ) Maintain records of a l l employees and time-sheets and ensure pay -lists are made up and pay-cheques issued, ( f ) Maintain records related to leases, loans and band projects; (g ) Acquaint himself with a l l provisions of the Indian Act and any other Act o f the Federal and Provincial Governments that bear upon the well-being o f the Cowessess Band or any member thereof; (h ) Acquaint himself with a l l by-laws of the Band and ensure that they are carried out and to bring to the attention o f Council, any cose where a by-law 1 b inadequate or being improperly enforced; 3
Chronological No. r 33 C0WES3ES3 HO. TA BAND COUNCIL RESOLUTION H.Q. Reference 673^ 28- 7-12 NOTE: The word* From our Band Funds'* must appear in a l l resolu tions requesting expenditures from Band Funds. FOR H E A D Q U A R T E R S USE O N L Y COUNCIL OF THE c 0 W K R Fv R 8 BAND AGENCY YOPKTON D IS T R IC T PROVINCE SASKATCHEWAN PLACE BKOADVirar, s/LSKt DATE W rn f j T j4 r n 3AY VfAppTf AD 19 71 TEAR DO HEREBY RESOLVE: ( i ) Supervise d ire c tly any o f f ic e support s ta f f and provide administrative supervision to other Band employees by keeping them informed on the financia l circumstances o f the programs and reports to Council on any problem foreseen in completing projects within assigned budgets; ( j ) To co-operate with other agencies dealing with the Cowessess Band including Provincia l and Federal Government agencies such as welfare, health, guidance, placement, economic development and education and other non-government agencies engaged to provide benefits or serv ice to the Indian people o f the Cowessess Band* (k ) To attend a l l regular and specia l meetings o f the Council and to report as required the a c t iv it ie s carried out by the incumbent* (1 ) To perform such other duties as may be necessary fo r the conduct o f Band A ffa irs or as assigned to him by the Band Council* ORIGINAL SIGNED BY: Victor Sparvier #314 (Chief) HaroldJLe rat:..#3.60..... Norman Delorme #389 (Councillor) (Councillor) (Council lor) J . Sparvie r #291 C lif fo rd Lerat #317 (Councillor) (Councillor) (Councillor) Gordon B. Lerat (Councillor) (Councillor) (Councillor) David Agecoutay #287 (Councillor) (Councillor) (Councillor) FOR HEADQUARTERS USE ONLY 1. TRUST 2. CURRENT BALANCES 3* Expenditure 4. Authority 5. Source of Funds ACCT A. Capital B. Revenue Indian Act Sec* | 1 Capital | ) Revenue $ $ $ 6* Recommended 7. Approved Date A ss is tant Deputy Minister, Date Authorised Officer IA 135 (3 -6 8 ) 7530-21-023-4662
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