Partie II - Lois des Premières nations promulguées

Informations sur la décision

Contenu de la décision

SfcP I T "dc. 13: 13 h k u l l 1 1 H h M IILK b I l i b I U 1 j U b r' d . j y d 'db I H'.iti . U U t_' UU 9 m a I A n d d a i i a r n s C an a d n a N d or a t hern e A t f f d a u ir e N s o r m d d e C n a n n e a s da C ^oncl^ cftf NO - N* COns&Vtif 1 Filf Pa'fffor^ - N* (Je rtftrcncV OV OOZVtf B A N D C O U N C IL R E S O L U I IO N R E S O L U I IO N D E C O N S E IL U E O A N D E NQ1E Tho words ' From our Band ^uod?" "Capital" or "Revenue*. whichever the caw. must appear n> *1! resolutions requesting expenditures from 0arttf Funds. NOTA. t L a 4 n s o M es ots "des fondi de notra bands'' "capital" ou Revenu" $#on l« cas doivent paraitre dans toutca Ics resolutions portant Sur dM d^pansas It las foods Ces The council of the Current Capital Balance Le conseil de la bande indienne B u c t o u c h e B a n d Soide de capital AgerKy Disjnci A t l a n t i c Committed Engage $ i 111,111 Province N e w B r u n s w i c k Current Revenue Balance Place Solde de revenue ^ Mom de rencjro'i B u c t o u c h e , N e w B r u n s w i c k Committed Date ___M o n d a y ( 2 5 ) ____ A p r i l AU 19 9 4 Engage j O.iy - vC'.ir Morth - Myf - Aor>4f On HEREBY RESOLVE DECIDE, PAR LES PRESENTES: THE BUCTOUCHE FIRST NATION BAND OF INDIANS By - law No. 03 Being a by - law respecting the control of pets on the reserve. WHEREAS secion 81 (a), (d), (e), (q) and (r) of the Indian Act empowers the council of an Indian Band to pass by - laws to provide for the health of residents on the reserve, the prevention of trespass by cattle and other domestic animals, matters arising out of or ancillary to the exercise of powers under this section, and the imposition of a penalty for the violation of any such by - law. AND WHEREAS the Council of the Buctouche First Nation Band is of the opinion that the uncontrolled ownership, breeding and running at large of pets may be detrimental to the health of the residents of the reserve, and a nuisance to such residents; A quorum for this Band Pour cetto bands le quorum est c ti o x n 4 s a is ts of - _ Council Members. Membres du Conse l (CpuncJOf - CdrtSoilfc') (Councilor - Conner) iCOuncJor - COtaelV) (Councilor - Cons*B#r) (Councilor - Com#**) (Councillor - Cons***) (Covnc'ior - C0rwc*i#») (Councior - Conte>1cr) [OourvyHot - Consoidff) F O n D E P A IU M E N IA L U S E O N LY - n £ S E n v £ A U M IN IS T E R S t. Ssmd fur# COO* o# pond* Z Computer BifrncP! ~ JwNtJctt q ypir*t*ji 3. E*C«ncWur# - 04p«ftf9* 4. Authority (fndtan Ad SfĈOO) Coot du compro I A f u tO Inr ft tfr L $ov^t or Fund# # ( t A i riefe Of If Loi fur A Cap** S___ B Pc.fnu# - RS/enu Sovct <M» fgndf I ___________ Q - Cap it if - n -. P P f t vo y o H u# -6. Recommended - RfconmendfWf ApprOvf J - ApprouvlWf Oats R*C0rhn>«:nj nQ Qii rmj a*5 <*■#> 7MO* t9U ftfrxtnmfpde far Oa'f V p'c." ^ Offoyt - AppfQu\6 par
b t P i ; M:lc 1 3 : 1 b 1 k'UH I 1 H H l l l l L P b l l ib I u i b u t . P U o j y b I'M t_ . U U «_ >_• 1 + Indian and Northern Allaire1? tnd-enn&s Affairs Canada et du Nord Car iada onc»̂ i'C&l No - N* COm&vft 2 PHf Pa'fffoc* - N* d« r*4rcncc <?U OOMltf BAND COUNCIL RESOLUIION RESOLUIION DE CONSEIL OE UANDE NO^E Tho words ' From oor Band ^uodc" "Cap'tai" or "Revenue". whichever'? the car*. must appear in aM resolutions request'np expenditures from 0aod Funds. NOTA. U s Mots "des food« de noire bande' "capital'' ou *Revenu" $e«on la ca$ doivent parailr# dans toute* les resolutions pod ant $ur d ftt d#pense$ a m«me lo t foods dSS fcsndes The council of (he _ , , Current Capital Balance La consaii de la band® indienne b u c t o u c n e B a n a Solde de capital o S A t l a n t i c Committed Engage $ 1 Province N e w B r u n s w i c k Current Revenue Balance Place Solde de revenue ^ Nom de renefroit B u c t o u c h e , N e w B r u n s w i c k °ate _____M o n d - a vC y -'.ir ( 2 5 ) A p r i l a d 19 9 4 Commuted O.xy Morth - M>| Y9*r - Aorv4* Engage DO HEREBY RESOLVE DECIDE. PAR LES PRESENTES: NOW THEREFORE the Council of the Buctouche First Nation Band makes a by - law as follows: 1. For greater certainty, the following words and expressions mean: (a) "Band": means the Buctouche First Nation Band; (b) "Council": means the "council of the band" as defined in s.2(l) of the Indian Act and refers to the Council of the Buctouche First Nation Band; (c) "Pet": means any dog or cat, male or female; (d) "Cat": means any domestic cat, male or female; (e) "Dog": means any dog, male or female and includes any animal that is a cross between a dog and a wolf; (f) "Officer": means every peace officer being a member of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police; (g) "Owner": means a person who owns, harbors, possesses or has control or custody of a pet and includes any person who is the owner of any house or premises where any pet is kept or permitted to live and remain; (h) "Reserve": means the Buctouche First Nation Indian R e s e r v e ; (i) "Muzzle": means to secure a pet's mouth in such a fashion that it cannot bite anything; A quorum for th»s Band Pour cette bands le quorum est c fi o x n * s a is ts of _________ Council Members. Membres du Conse I (Counc:fk* lefltr) _ (C©unc«»or - Consol) (Councilor - Cooeetfcr) JLz (COvnc'IK* - Con»*»r) (Councilor - COAseflcr) (Councilor - Cons*!!*) (Councillor - Conw in*) (Councilor - Confo**) (Councilor ~ ConsaX*) (Councilor - COrwcliff' (Councilor - ConselcfJ (Councilor - Cons*Iff) f o n d e p a r t m e n t a l u s e o n l y - ftfsenvfe a u m i n i s t e r s 1. SsnoFunoCod* t Computer Bibrncg; - Scidea yoreinatem 3. Encendnur# - Diponwf 4. Authority (Indian Act Stct»on) Cco# compt# i. $ourct or Funds (fctenefe A. C»p*jl B Pc.fnuo - Rl/enu Autoft* (Atide d* >• loi fur* if« in<ft©n* SovddlilpnM S_______ QCapiiU n iw io # 1 ____________ rarrffltt S. rticommendco - Reconmend*W# ApprChtJ - ApprouvlWO Oat* n*CCmmcn̂ og *• fleco*njnande par Pa* Vpre’.iAfl 0fleer - Apflrouvflpr (♦-«#) 7$9(VXt̂ 4l9<|
^ ^
Sb o 1 7 He 1 3 : 1 ' j I L u l l 1 I H Hi II lb K b I l ib i u i b u t . r ^ j y d 'd b I H ' j t . U U <_ - »_• »_< Indian and Northern Affaires md-ennes Affairs Canada el du Nord Car rada C f̂onci?Q'C&l No - N* 3 BAND COUNCIL RESOLUIION Frff Pa'ffenr* - N* de r^rcncc dV dO$*fef RESOLUI ION DE CONSEIL DE OANDE NOTE- Tho words ' Fron cur* Band Fund?" "Capital" -or "Rever-un". whehevar »s th* eat*. must appear m all resolution? r®que?t»np «xpsnditurf»s from Band funds. NQTA. L«s Mots "dos fonda de noUe dande* "capital'' ou Revenu" seton »e ca-5 doivent paraitra cans toutes les resolutions podant Suf de t dipanses A m$ma las foods des fcanoes The council of the Current Capital Balance Lo conseil Os la bande indlenne B u c t o u c h e B a n d Soide de capital ¥ Agency Distr.ct A t l a n t i c Committed Engage $ ---- ------------------Province N e w B r u n s w i c k Current Revenue Balance Place Soide de revenue ^ Hom de I'enctroit B u c t o u c h e , N e w B r u n s w i c k Committed Oate M o n d a y ( 2 5 ) A p r i l a d 19 . 9 4 Engage j D.iy - vC'.'r Morfh - M>f - Ann4 On HEREBY RESOLVE DECIDE. PAR LES PRESENTES: (j) "Killer dogs"; means any dog that may be considered to be a serious danger to the general public by reason of its breed and includes those types of dogs set out in Schedule "A" to this by - law; 2. For the purpose of this by - law, a pet shall be deemed to be running at large if it is off the premises of its owner and is not muzzled or is not under the physical control of any person. A quorum for th»s Band Pour celto bande le quorum est consists of fi*4 a . ______________ _ Council Members. Membres du ConseI (Councilor - CooeetHcf) (C$*jnc*or - ConseflcO (Councilor - Conner) (Councillor - Conw»ft*») (Councilor - Conf*«*0 (Councillor " Cons***) (Councillor - COn»c*t#d (Councilor - COnêHctf (Councilor - Cdr»5#itif) __________________________ POn UEPAH rMENIAL USE ONI - nesenvtAU minii5T6RE____ _ _______ __________._______ i . S s o o Pune Coo* t C o m p u te r - S ade r* a v o m a te - jt 3. E trce n d d u r# - C X p r n w i 4. A u th o r ity ( In d ia n A d S fC tO O i 1 Of P u n d f C c d # &j c o m p t# A u to n t# (A rfc te I« L o i t u f S o v c # * * bnO$ 04 tu n e fe A C a p * * B P f . t n v O - Fi/eno te t I n s e r t * Q C a p ita l n S S ________ 6. R e c o m m e n d e d - R a c o rb m e n d a tjt# A p p rO > *J - A p p ro u v tb te O i l * *. f?*com /r>And$ f a r O f to r r - Appfov\4v¥ arv5 <*•#> roottOMtsm
bt. H i 7 He 1 3 : 13 f h u l l 1 1 H Hi ll lb.K3 I I i _• Indian and Nwihern Aflame'S mtl-ennas ! Affairs Canada el du Nord Canada BAND COUNCIL RESOLUIION RESOLUI ION DE CONSEIL UE BANDE NQ^E The words 'From cur Band Fuod«" "Capital" or "Revenue". »vh:ch«v*r is the eat*. must appear m git resolutions requesting expenditures from 8 a rid Funds. NOTA. Les Mots "des fonda de noire hands' "capital" ou *'Revenu" $*ion le cas doivent peraitra dans toutes les resolutions portant $ur d«S d^penses * m«rne le t foods des tanoes The council of the Le conseil de la bande indlenne B u c t o u c h e B a n d Agency Disinci A t l a n t i c Province N e w B r u n s w i c k Place Nom de rendroil B u c t o u c h e , N e w B r u n s w i c k Date M o n d a y ( 2 5 ) A p r i l a d 19 D.iy - vC'.i'’ Month - M>! DO HEREBY RESOLVE DECIDE. PAR LES PRESENTES: 3. GENERAL PROVISIONS APPLICABLE TO DOG CONTROL (1) Subject to subsection (2), every owner of a dog shall keep it safely tethered or penned up at all times. ( 2 ) A dog need not be tethered or penned up as provided in subsection (1) if: (a) it is held on a leash by a person capable of restraining its movements; (b) it is being used by a person for the purpose of hunting; A quorum fo r this Band Pour cette bands le quorum est consists of fi*4 a _________ . Council Members. Membres du Conse I a (Councillor Cont#*ie«? J / 0 /{Council* - Ccnf*»*f) / * (CCunc^or - Consrfl̂ ) (CcuncaiQr - ConMVte,) (Councilor - Con**«*f) (Councilor ~ C0rwc4f> (Councillor - Contelcr) F O n U E P A IiT M E N T A L U S E O N L Y ^ R g S E n v fe A U M IN IS ! E B E 1. C S c a o n t d d fo u r x c f o m C p o f d * * t Cor Outer Balance* - SwNdera 0prpir,ateui 3. ixeendnur# - Dapon*** 4. Of D*rXJ# A. Capitef Rc-tny# - Pi/enu S S ______ 6. Recommended - P#con>mend*tji# AppiOvaJ - Approuviblo Oat* Recommencing Qf> - n*Xim,w$p3$ par *y*> (*-«#)I U 1 3 U b t'*i -;! b d 3 3 I' l l'.lL . U U l . »_'Uc_ O'O'Kijg'CS* No - M* COrn̂ ufl 4 Fi»t Pm'mriirr* - N* de r4f*rcncc C*U UOWJff Current Capital Balance Sglde de capital « Committed Engage $ Current Revenue Balance Solde de revenue t Commuted 9 4 Engay4 Y*ar - Aorv** (Councilor - Conner) (Councilor - COrtSeiller) (Counc** •• Consular) (Counciffor - Consoler) A A u u t t o h f o i r t i # t y ( A ( t I i n e d f t e A d O e A l d » L S o f i C t f i O x O ' * 1 S $ o o i v x r c c * f d c* * s P u f n g d nd f i Nr* tndiona n Cadtn n w R f e W ve i ti o u a Arpre.ii g Offer - Appro**6 par
SLR i ? ':IC 1 3 : 1 3 ( R u n I i H H l i U b K b I l i b I U 1 b U b f' -4 b b Hd 3 I Mt_ . U U t_ * U U 4 Indian and Northern Affaires md-ennes B m Affairs Canada et du Nord Canada C*rono?g<csi No - H* cons$cvt»i 5 Prff P*'»'9nr0 - N* d« r*f*rcnco 0V (JOMiW BAND COUNCIL RESOLUIION RLSOLUf ION DE CONSEIL DE UANDE NO'TE Th» words # Prom our Band PundS" ''Capital'' or "Rev®r.un\ »vh:chi5vor »s th* eat*. must appear m all resolution* requesting f xpsnditures from Band funds. NOTA. L4s Mots "des fonda da not'3 bands'' "capital'' ou r R«venu" sslon le ca$ doivent porailr* dans toutes le* resolutions portal Sur dM dip«n$es a mama las foods dcs fcanoas The council of (he Current Capital Balance Le conseil de la bamie indienne Buctouche Band Solde de capital % A Di g st e r n .c c i y Atlantic Committed Engage Province New Brunswick $ Current Revenue Balance N Pl o ac m e deIendroit Buctouche, New Brunswick Solde de revenue t bate M o n P d ay a y - vC'jr ( 25) A Mo p rlh r i - l M >J AD 19 Committed Year - Ann£t Engage DO HEREBY RESOLVE DECIDE. PAR G LE E S N P E RE R S A EN L T ES P : ROVISIONS APPLICABLE TO PETS: (1) No owner shall allow a pet to remain unfed or unwatered sufficiently long either to amount to cruelty or to cause the pet to become a nuisance. (2) No person shall punish or abuse a pet in a manner or to an extent that is cruel or unnecessary. (3) The owner of any female pet that has attained the age of 6 1/2 months shall, if requested to do so by an officer, produce a certificate of a veterinary surgeon to the effect that the pet has been spayed. (4) The owner of any pet that has attained the age of one (1) year, shall cause the same to be innoculated by a veterinarian against rabies, distemper, parvovirus, corona disease, or feline respiratory diseases, depending on the type of pet, being a dog or cat, that is being innoculated. (5) The Council may prohibit the keeping of pets within any designated area of the reserve. Notice of such prohibition shall be posted in the band office and after the date of such posting, no person shall keep or have a dog within a designated area. Designated areas shall be set out in Schedule "B" to this by - law. (6) A limit of one dog and one cat per household is hereby "established. A quorum for this Band Pour cette bands le quorum est consists of fi*s a . ___________ ... Council Members. Membres du Conse l (Councilor .Convent*) (Councilor - Coneadcr) / (Council** - Conipvf) (CC'uncJor - COAseflcr) (Councilor - COtteiltr) (CouncWoc - Conwti»#0 (Councilor - C onffrt*) (Councillor - Con****) (Councilor - COrwc*!?r> (Counoior - Cone^lcr) (Counc*for - C o n ^ tr ) _______________________________________________ F O P D E P A R T M E N T A L U S E O N LY A U M IN I!5 T E 0 E ___________________________________ _ 1. Ssnn Puno Coo* l Comouiei B*faocP! - safes o oromat-jr 3. Excendrtur# - Oiptnun 4. Aulbority (Indian Aci Stefan) Cco# du comp* 3. Soviet cf Pvnfe 04 bond* A B Rc.onuo - Ri/enu Avtont# (Arid* 04 t» lo i tur Sou»c# dfta fgndt CspUfl ft intfien* Capital M ftwenu* * A ____________________________ 6. RvcornmendcO - Rtcon>mend*0t# ApprOvVj - ApprouvlWO *v$ <* 8#> WX O V i t l* l -tttlSfJ Recommend nfl f jr ^ro'c-*ie Offtft - Appreuvt) par
S L F J 7 'H e l j : i a h k 'U ll 1 i H H l l l lb k b l l ib I U i b U t* ( d •.;« »"• d d b I H '.it . U U t- * U U * Inclran and Northern Aflatres md ennas S t Adairs Canada et du Nord Canada O 'oncî 'C&l NO - N# 6 Flit Pa'frenrA - N* de rtttrcnco dV OOWtf BAND COUNCIL REGOLUIION RESOLUI ION DE CONSEIL UE UANDE NOTE' Tho words ' From cur Band puod«" "C ap ita l" or "R e ve r.u e \ »vh:chav*r .<* th» ca w . most appear fa resolution? requesting expenditures from Baod Funds. NOTA. L4s Wots "des fonda de notrs ta x le ' "capital" ou r R«venu" soton le cas do»v«nt paraitra dans toutes tes resolutions podaot $ur d« l d#panse$ A m ^m i lac foods das fcsnoes The council of the Current Capital Balance Le conseil de la bande indlenne B u c t o u c h e B a n d Soldo de capital <c Agency Distpcf A t l a n t i c Committed i 1 1 Engage $ Province N e w B r u n s w i c k Current Revenue Balance Place Soide de revenue t Nom de I'endroii B u c t o u c h e , N e w B r u n s w i c k Date M o n d a y ( ? B ) A p r i l AD 19 . 9 4 ....... Committed Engage Day - t?t*.ir Morfh - M?j >o*r - AorvtO D9 HEREBY RESOLVE DECIDE. PAR LES PRESENTES: 4. SEIZURE (1) An officer may seize a pet from any person when the officer has reasonable grounds to believe that any provisions of this by - law have been violated. (2) Where in the opinion of the Officer, a pet seized under this section is injured or should be destroyed without delay for humane reasons or for reasons of safety, the Officer may destroy the pet as soon after seizure as he thinks fit without permitting any person to reclaim the pet and no damages or compensation may be recovered on account of its destruction by the Officer. 5. REGISTRATION FEE The owner of a pet must register their pet with the Council on a yearly basis. The fee imposed will be $15.00 for each pet so registered, payable on the first day of April annually. A quorum for this Band Pour cette bande le quorum est f c i o * n 4 s A is ts of _ ______ Council Members. Membres du Consel (Counci** - ConwHIcr) (Councilor - COAselV) (Councillor - Consider) (Councillor - ContOitef) (Councilor - Con**«or) (Count*#* « Cons*#*) (Councilor - COrwc#t*r' (Councillor - Coot/* led (Councilor - Concfififf) FO R D E P A R T M E N T A L U S E O N LY - n g S E R V fe A U M IN IS T E R S Sana Fund Cod» 2 Com outer BoUrnco; - Sakfc* d ordmotejr 3. Exeendrtvro - Otpontoo 4. Authority (lotfon Aci Sfcron) L $dvrp f*F Ccdo du compro Fund* Al/tOM# (Arid# do t« lo t tur do Oondo Sovcodoo A Capitol B P(.onuO - FOvenu io« fatten* S________ Q Capital S ____________ (J Rovonu# 6. Pocornmendcd - ROCOntmencUWO ApprOvOj - ApprouviWO Oaie RfCOmmcnflnp Ctf C?r *. py Arpro’̂ O Off Opr - AppTdUxd VV *V$ <*WF) 7$30214&ft9*i
S t P 17 He 1 3 : 13 f* k'Ull 1 i H Hill lb K b I l i b Ind'an and Northern Affaires md-ennes AHa'rs Canada el du Nord Canada BAND COUNCIL RESOLD I ION RESOLUI ION DE CONSEIL UE BANDE NOTE Tho words ' From Our Band Fund«" "C9p'i?ii" or "Revenue". .vhchevOr th* car most appear in at! resolution* requesting «xp$pd>tures from Band Funds. NOTA. L«s Mots "dos fondi de nous Oande'' "capital'' ou *'Revenu'' seton le ca$ do*v#nt paraitra dans toutes les resolutions portent Suf dee d8pense$ * memt lot foods da9 tanoes The council of the 0 ^ , Le conseil de la bande indlenne B U C t O U C n e B a n d D?st'cty A t l a n t i c Province N e w B r u n s w i c k Place Nom de lencfroil B u c t o u c h e , N e w B r u n s w i c k Date M o n d a y ( 2 5 ) . A p r _ i l AO 19 . 9 4 Day - v'c-gf Morfh - M>| on HEREBY r e s o lv e DECIDE. PAR LES PRESENTES: 6. PROTECTION FROM DOGS (1) An Officer may kill any dog that is running at large and in the act of pursuing, attacking, injuring, damaging, killing or destroying: (a) a person; (b) another dog that is tethered; (2) No person shall keep, have, harbor, or preserve a killer dog on the said reserve. A quorum for this Band Pour cette bande le quorum est consists ol fi*4 a - ____________ Council Members. Membres du Conse I (C<'unc*or - COAseflpj (CcuncM'c* - ConwiWi) (Councilor - Conte**) (Councilor - COrwd»*r> (Counotor - Cooealcd ___________________ _______ ron departmental use oni 1. C S o a d n # a Fu n c d o m Co pt d o » 2 Co»rouItf Stances - 30i<fcs o orojr,*t*j| 3. E*etnd»Tjr# - OAptrtWf 0# Mn & d j t A B Pf.fnu« - Pt/enu Cap*# S S _4_______________ 8. atcornmendcO - R#COn'mend*0 App»0 J - ApprovviW* Dlt* CUrmt *. par KV$ (Mf) I U 1 b U b fd >.:• b J b b I'M Li t_ . U U l - u »J O'OOCiĈ 'C&l No - N" COns&vtf 7 pt fV§f«nc® - N* de r*f*rcnc* Ov OOMIM Current Capital Balance Solde de capital <r Commuted Engage $ Current Revenue Balance Solde de revenue t Commuted .... . Engage Y^r - Aon?* (Councilor - CooettHcr) (Councillor - COTYMilltr) (Councillor - Con****) (Councilor - Cans#4f*d - n£senv£ au mini:5TERE______________________________ 4. A A u u t t o h n o f r # it y ( A ( f I f n e d te ia d n f A c »• t l S o t i c h o m o i 1 S S o o v c# t c* P »tt dot u fg ot n f* dt Capital ri htveou# P * ' * V o ' C * * " ^ Offtr - Appreuvtf par
b h P i T He 1 j : 1 3 I P u l l I 1 H H N M b K b l l i b I u 1 U b f *4 b y H d b I H '.i t_ . U U <_ U »_• 1 + Indian and Northern AHa:re? inrJennes Affairs Canada et du Nord Canada C ^onci^'C fil No - N* COm&vff 8 Pilf Pa'mtor* - N* dft f^rcncC OV OWSlff BAND COUNCIL RESOLUIION RLSOLUIION DE CONSEIL DE UANDE NQTE Tho words #T ro n our Band ^und?" "Capital" -or "Revor-up". »vh:chi5v*r ts th* car*, must appear *n aH resolutions requesting expenditures from Band Funds. NOTA. L4s Mots "des fondi da notrg Panda' "capital'' ou r Ravenu" se<on le cas doivant peraiira dans route* les resolutions p o rta l $ur de* d*pen$e$ It mama las foods des fcsnoes The council of the , ■, Current Capital Balance Le conseil de la band© indienne B u c t o u c n e B a n d Soldo de capital T Agency District A t l a n t i c Committed GngagO $ Province N e w B r u n s w i c k Current Revenue Balance Place Solde de revenue t N om cteIendrO'l B u c t o u c h e , N e w B r u n s w i c k Oate Commuted M o n d a y . ( 2 5 ) A p r i l a o 19 . 9 4 Engage Day - v'C'».ir Mnrth - M>J - Anrv44 DO HEREBY RESOLVE DECIDE. PAR LES PRESENTES: 7. OFFENCES OR PENALTIES (1) Every person who contravenes this by - law is guilty of an offence and is liable under summary conviction to a fine of not more that five hundred dollars ($500.00) or to imprisonment for a term no exceeding thirty (30) days, or both. (2) The presiding Magistrate or Justice of the Peace may, upon conviction of an owner for an offence under this by - law, order the destruction of any pet of such owner that he considers should be destroyed for humane reasons or for the safety of the general public. Approved and passed at a duly convened meeting of the Council of the Buctouche First Nation of Indians this 25 th day of A p r i l 1 9 9 4 A quorum for this Band Pour cette bande le quorum est c fi o x n # s a is ts of —_ _____ Council Members. Membres du Conse l (Councilor - Coneeicc') (Councilor - Coteerlcr) (CovrXJJNOf - CoofUUff) f (C«'unc*or - COAselV) (Counctoor - COtoaltr) (Councillor - Coot***) (Councilor - Cons***) (Councillor * Cons***) (Councilor - C0rwc*l#f* (Counc»*or - Canceled (Councilor - Conotiltff) ___________________________________________ F O n D E P A M IM E N T A L U S E O N I - n £ s e n v £ A U m in i!S T E flE ________________________________________________ 1. Sana fu r# Co<5» t Cc*r outer - 3oide* a oromstejt 3. e*cenditur# - O tptrtfet 4. Authority (Indian Aei Stchon) Coot du compt* S. B o vrt of Puodf Of MAd* A. Cap** B - Avtont# (Arid* do fa lo i tur Fivemj SovC# das fgndt Ift Indian* * 1 ____________________________ _____________ Q Capital n f W w 8. OocomroendcO - R«con>mnd*Ot# ApprO\#J - ApprouvlM KV4 (M#> Oatt a*;cmmcn^ no cn r * - V d'o^ o O ffer - Appreuv$ par
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