Partie II - Lois des Premières nations promulguées

Informations sur la décision

Contenu de la décision

( Indian Band Council: WiltSFISB H im BAM? - ' Eesoluiioa or By-law Mo: 1963-69/9 r 9*_____ , Being a By-law to authorise the carrying on of a coBMuaity Program of Recreation within the meaning of the Regulations under the Department of Education Act. 1. îhe Council of the Band enacts as follows : (a) Pursuant to Regulation 19/66 made under the Department of Education Act, a coaaranity program of recreation is hereby established for tha residents of the Resarre. -(b) ïhe said Cossauaity Program of Recreation shall be : directed managed and controlled on behalf of the Council by a committee known as the bühitefish Hirer Band - He creation Committee. . . 2. Ihs Comittae shall be appointed from tiae to time by the Council as follows: ' (a) 3 members of the Council. (b) 7 residents of the said .Roserre. V : I
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