Partie II - Lois des Premières nations promulguées

Informations sur la décision

Contenu de la décision

***** The C ouncil o f the PARUT ISLAND .Band o f Indians at a m eeting h e ld _____ SEPTEMBER 3 / ___________ & 19 6^ , m akes the follow ing b y -law pursuant to paragraphs (c ) , (d ) , (q) and (r) o f Section 80 o f the Indian A ct. Bylaw No . 1_______________ A by -law to provide for the regulation of the a ctiv ities o f boys and g ir ls on the ----------PARRY ISLAND............................... Indian R eserv e actually or apparently under 16 years o f a ge . (a) No boy or g ir l on the______ PARRY ISLAND_______________ Indian R eserve actually or apparently under 16 years o f a g e , shall lo ite r any p lace within the said Indian R eserv e after nine o 'c lo c k in the a fternoon . (b) No boy or g ir l on the_____ PARRY ISLAND______________Indian R eserv e actually or apparently under 16 years of age , shall be in any p lace o f entertainm ent, s tree t, lane, by-w ay or com m on within the said R e s e rv e , or shall be in the cou rse of returning fro m any p lace o f entertainm ent o ff the said R eserve after the hour o f nine o 'c lo c k in the afternoon unless accom panied by his or her parent or an adult appointed by a parent to accom pany such ch ild . (c) A boy or g ir l on th e______ PARKY ISLAND-------------------- Indian R eserv e found violating the p rov is ion s o f paragraph (a) or (bj m ay be warned and conducted hom e by a p o lice o f f ic e r . (d) A parent who perm its his child to violate paragraph (a) or (b) shall be guilty o f an offence and shall be liable on sum m ary conviction to a fine not exceeding $5 .00 or im prisonm ent for a term not exceeding seven days, or both fine and im prison m en t. ^ 0 i *-/) / J ) -r / (X- Zi é fic L . W c 'g H- > Chief / C ouncillor f / n l_ C ouncillor C ouncillor C ouncillor C ouncillor C ouncillor .... V: •* - À "■ ^ ............. oV; ■■ - / ... - V . * 5 * Æ r /'-1 T : ' - w - w . -r
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