Partie II - Lois des Premières nations promulguées

Informations sur la décision

Contenu de la décision

MAR It 99117:12 FR INDIAN AFFAIRS THBAV 807 623 7021 TG 18199970034 P.02/03 l ^ Q F ^ 'FA JR S I frf" O F ONE MAN LAKE, V 4ITEDOG, SWAM LAKE | g-Cüfl Loskoiivs BAND COUNCi . RESOLUTION THE lYAÛASEEMOONG INDE? NDENTNATIONS GRESOLVE THAT; Wabaseemcjong Independent Nations has aboriginal and treaty rights, as recognized and affirmed under section 35 of the Constitution Act, which rights include the inherent right of self- government. Section 81,1 o f the Indian Act provides that the Council of a band may make by-laws with respect to the health o f residents on the reserve, the prevention of nuisances, and the protection against domestic animals. The Council finds that the running of dogs at large in the community, particularly when they gather in packs, is a clear and present danger to the health and safety of the residents, and is a * ; particular hazard to children. Therefore! the Council, under its inherent jurisdiction and under the Indian Act, enacts this by-law: 'i 1. (a) A peace officer, or (b) a Councillor or employee of the First Nation designated in writing by the Chief for the purpose, may (c) capture a i impound a dog found running at large within the reserve, or (d) shoot ant Ü11& dog found running at large if it (i) appe •$ r to be acting dangerously or threateningly, (ii) is kn >wn to have bitten previously while running at large, or (iii) is n wing in a pack of 3 or more dogs. 2. Where a doj is impounded, the person responsible shall post a notice in the community, describing the ( ig and stating that it will be disposed of if not claimed within 7 days. 3. The person 1 isponsible shall release the dog to its owner upon payment of $25 to cover the cost o f capture nd impoundment. COUNCILLOR i ? COUNCILLOR COUNCILLOR r r m w T ~ m r i
MAR 16 ’|9 7:12 FR INDIAN AFFAIRS THBAY 807 623 7021 TO 18199970034 P.03/03 "P/auaseymoong I n d e p e n d e n t N a t i o n s OFONE MAN LAKE. WHITËDOQ, SWAN LAKE Çll|^nU|kklH«, flL l'<v BAND COUNCIL RESOLUTION THE WAOASEEMOONG INDEPENDENT NATIONS RESOLVE THAT: '■ \ 1 4. I f an impounded dog is not claimed by the owner within 7 days, the person responsible may (a) d I i tro :y it by humane means, or (bln ease it to any person who pays the $25 impoundment charge. î idment charges may be kept by the person responsible as remuneration and ent or expenses. ; v a dog is shot and killed under section 1(d), the person responsible shall dispose o f the i | w f t 7. T ip : st nation shall indemnify and save harmless a person acting under the authority of this .i.M1- by-law n >m any claims, actions or prosecutions. Passed as a by-law by the Council o f Wabaseemoong Independent Nations at Whitedog, Ontario, this f i t day of , 1999. Z% " . ' - r’: r. . *r-, ;V f ^ y ' '■i V.' , v ï V fv?!r . A l l U i i U l A 1 f ** TOTAL PAGE.03 **
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