Partie II - Lois des Premières nations promulguées

Informations sur la décision

Contenu de la décision

( C O P Y ) SERPENT RIVER.............................Sttbiatt JUNE 5 t h , 19 52 We, the undersigned, Chief and Councillors o f the.................................. ......... ............................................ Band of Indians owning the Reserve situated at............ CUTLER................................... , jn the... SAULT..STE......MARIE....................... Indian Agency, in the Province of..................... ONTARIO........................................ at a council summoned for the purpose, according to the rules of the Band, and held on the said Reserve, this............ of................J.Ç.NE............................ , A.D. 19....5.?.., in the presence of the Indian Agent for the said Reserve, representing thereat the Minister of Mines and Resources for the Dominion of Canada; Do hereby for ourselves, and on behalf of the Indian owners of the said Reserve, request that æXOCMCSXXXSœaEÉœîgC....................................... ................................................................ ...chilmen... under...... ..SIXTEEN. YEARS. OF. AGE ..BE. .3ANN.E.D...,FRQM....AN.Y . PUB L.IG....D.ANCES IN THE DANCE HALL AND HAVE THE NOTICES MAD .$.O.....Q.F.....IN.0.IA.N....ACT.j,....MDX®P....BX....P.QMINIC...DAY...SECONDED...BY.............. ALEX MEAWASIGE - C A R R IE D ..................................................................................... WI.LLIAM..MAWASIGE............................., Chief. Signed and sealed in the AUGUSTUS PELLETIER........................... , h . M. presence of........................................... .............................................. . H.M. .............................................. , H. M. Indian Agent R î.P .G . L a u r e n c e .............................................. . H. M. Form No. I.A. 514 R . 4240
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