Partie II - Lois des Premières nations promulguées

Informations sur la décision

Contenu de la décision

r » n a i i o a H U l O l H W b Affairs Canada el du Nord Canada H o o / 3 ^ BAND COUNCIL RESOLUTION RESOLUTION DE CONSEIL DE BANDE jo ta 75? Fu('ds*, c fPrtali* * '^vanua*. whichayaf is tha casa, must appear « all resolutions requesting expenditures from Band Funds. bandes** tonds de noire bande capital ou Revenu selon le cas doivent paraître dans toutes les resolutions portant sur des dépenses à même les tonds des The council of the Current Capital Biance Le conseil de la bande indienne SERPENT RIVER INDIAN BAND Solde de capital Apency District SUDBURY t Committed Engagé Province ONTARIO Current Revenue Balance Place Solde de revenue Nom de l'endroit CUTLER Date le December a d 19 89 _ Committed Day - Jour Engagé-"*™™ Month - Mon Year - Aunéu L/fciH I IFI'ËD OÜPY 1 DO HEREBY RESOLVE: DECIDE. PAR LES PRESENTES: BY-LAW NO. 201-1989-03 This By-Law is made pursuant to the Indian Act, Section 81 (H), (I), (P), and (R), and Section 29 (1). The purpose of this By-Law is to control and regulate the rental of resi­ dential housing units owned by the Serpent River First Nation. The Serpent River First Nation Band Council Hereby Enacts The Following As A By-Law: 1 - No person may occupy, or take possession of, or reside in a resi­ dential housing unit owned by the Serpent River First Nation unless he or she; (A) Agrees to, and enters into, a written lease agreement with the Serpent River First Nation, in a form of lease approved by the Band Counci 1. (B) Agrees to abide by all of the terms of the lease agreement. Violations of this By-Law shall be punishable by a fine of not more than One Hundred Dollars ($100.00), or imprisonment for thirty (30) days, or both fine and imprisonment. This Bv-Law was approved and passed at a meeting of the Band Council on December 18, 1989. I INDIAN AFFAIRS A quorum lor this Banda Pour cette bande le quorum est SUDBURY DISTRICT consists of . bxé A ________ 4 DEC 2 1 1989 Council Members. Membres du Conseil. (Chef - Chef) i ' e i i Y L r (Counciof - Consedler) (Councillor - Consaüler) 777, X ■>, {Councillor - C o n cu r) (Councillor - Consulter) {Councillor - Conseiller) - Conseiller) (Councillor - Conner) ^ (Counc4or - Conseiller) , ' (Councillor - ConseAer) FOR DEPARTMENTAL USE ONLY - RÉSERVÉ AU M INIS! ERE 1 Band Fund Code 2 Computer B.iijncus - Soldes d'ordinateur 3. Espenddure - Dépendus 4 Autfioriiy (Indian Ac! Section) & Source of Funds Code du compte Autuiié (Atide de la Loi sur Source des tonds de bande A. Capital B. Revenue - Revenu les Indiens QCapéâJ Revenue 1 _____________________________ _____________________________ I - - _________________ _________________ Revenu___ 6 Recommended - Recommandable Approved - Approuvante Date Recommencing Officer - Recommandé per date Approving Officer - Approuvé par t 135 (9 85) 7530 21 023 4582 ,
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