Partie II - Lois des Premières nations promulguées

Informations sur la décision

Contenu de la décision

; Indian and Northern Affaires indiennes B Affairs Canada et du Nord Canada Ctirgnolog*c«l no. - N* consécutif 91-053 Fée reference no. - N* de référence du dossier BAND COUNCIL RESOLUTION RÉSOLUTION DE CONSEIL DE BANDE NOTE: The words "from our Band Funds" "capital" or "revenue", whichever is the case, must appear in all resolutions requesting expenditures from Band Funds. NOTA: Les mots "des fonds de notre bande" "capital" ou "revenu" selon le cas doivent paraitre dans toutes les résolutions portant sur des dépenses A même les fonds des bandes. Cash free balance - Solde disponible The council of the Capital account Le conseil de SERPENT RIVER FIRST NATION Compte capital j k D-J M Y-A Province Date of duly convened meeting k Revenue account Date de rassemblée dûment convoquée r l r I 0| 2 I I 1 1 21 9 ^ | , 1 Compte revenu $ ONTARIO DQ HEREBY RESOLVE: DECIDE, PAR LES PR ÉSEN TES: SERPENT RIVER FIRST NATION OF OJIBWAYS SERPENT RIVER RESERVE # 7 BY-LAW # 91-11-29 This by-law provides for the formulation and implementation of an emergency measures organization; and the preparation of an emergency plan and programme which will co­ ordinate the activities of the band upon the request of any or all responding agencies during an emergency or disaster. THEREFORE the Council of the Serpent River First Nation of Ojibways enacts as follows; 1. In this by-law, a) "Disaster" means a calamity caused by accident, by an act of war or insurrection or by forces of nature, that has resulted or may result in serious harm to the safety, health or welfare of people, or in widespread damage to property. b) "Emergency" means a present or imminent event that requires prompt co-ordination of action or special regulation of persons or property to protect the health, safety or welfare of people or to limit damage to property. c) "Emergency Plan" means a written document setting forth the ways and means necessary for the provision of necessary services during an emergency or disaster and the procedures under the manner in which employees of the band and other persons will respond to the emergency. d) "Employee of the Band" means any salaried officer, clerk, workman, servant or other person in the employ of the band. e) "Mutual Aid" means reciprocal assistance given by one municipality or band to another during an emergency, involving manpower, equipment and facilities. Quorum ________________________________ _________________________________________ (Chief - Chef) (Councillor - Conseiller) (Councillor - Conseiller) (Councillor - Conseiller) (Councillor - Conseiller) (Councillor - Conseiller) (Councillor - Conseiller) (Councillor - Conseiller) (Councillor - Conseiller) (Councillor - Conseiller) FOR DEPARTMENTAL USE ONLY - RÉSERVÉ AU MINISTERE ixpenditure - Dépenses Authority (Indian Act Section Source of funds Expenditure - Dépenses Authority (Indian Act Section Source of funds Autorité (Article de la Loi sur Source des fonds Autorité (Article de la Loi sur Source des fonds les Indiens) les Indiens) D **- l i f e r ecommending officer - Recommandé par Recommending officer - Recommandé par Signature Date Signature Date ^proving officer - Approuvé par Approving officer - Approuvé par Signature Date Signature Date -5 (12-89) 7530-21-036-8582 1 |# | Canada
Page 2 Indian and Northern Affaires indiennes Affairs Canada et du Nord Canada Chronological ne. - N* consécutif 91-053___________ Fût reference no. - N* de référence du dossier BAND COUNCIL RESOLUTION RÉSOLUTION DE CONSEIL DE BANDE NOTE: The words "from our Band Funds" "capital" or "revenue", whichever is the case, must appear in aR resolutions requesting expenditures from Band Funds NOTA: Les mots "des fonds de notre bande" "capital" ou "revenu" selon le cas doivent paraître dans toutes Iss résolutions portant sur des dépenses à même les fonds des bandes. Cash free balance - Solde disponible L e ro n s rild e ',he SERPENT RIVER FIRST NATION Capital account Compte capital g k D-J M Y-A Province Date of duly convened meeting k Revenue account Date de rassemblée dûment convoquée j | 0|2 | 1 |2 | 9 |1 ONTARIO Compte revenu g DQ HEREBY RESOLVE. DECIDE, PAR LES PRÉSENTES: 2. The "Emergency Measures Officer" shall mean the person appointed by the Council of the Serpent River First Nation of Ojibways to organize Emergency Measures in the Serpent River First Nation of Ojibways. 3. The Emergency Measures Organization of the Serpent River First Nation of Ojibways shall be comprised of the Emergency Measures Control Committee, band departments and all voluntary emergency services within the Band. 4. There is hereby established an Emergency Measures Control Committee which shall consist of the Chief, Band Administrator, at least one member of Council who shall be appointed annually by resolution, and an Emergency Measures Officer. 5. The head of Council, (Chief) shall act as Chairman of the Emergency Measures Organization established under this by-law. 6. The Emergency Measures Officer shall have the following duties and responsibilities: a) stimulate and co-ordinate the development of an emergency plan for the community in co-operation with the departments and agencies of the band; b) provide emergency plans from guidelines laid down by the Emergency Measures Control Committee; c) submit regular reports to the Emergency Measures Control Committee to keep them fully informed of progress; d) correlate all activities of those person and/or organizations involved within the Serpent River First Nation of Ojibways and designated for Emergency Measures Organizations; e) ensure that a continuous program of training for local Emergency Measures Quorum ________________________________ __________________________ (Chief - Chef) (Councillor - Conseiller) (Councilor - Conseiller) (Councillor - Conseiller) (Councillor - Conseiller) (Councillor - Conseiller) (Councillor - Conseiller) (Councillor - Conseiller) (Councillor - Conseiller) (Councilor - Conseiller) FOR DEPARTMENTAL USE ONLY - RÉSERVÉ AU MINISTERE Expenditure - Dépenses Authority (Indian Act Section Source of funds Expenditure - Dépenses Authority (Indian Act Section Source of funds Autorité (Article de la Loi sur Source des fonds Autorité (Article de la Loi sur Source des fonds les Indiens) les Indiens) Q * * - C f a r Recommending officer - Recommandé par Recommending officer - Recommandé par Signature Date Signature Date Approving officer - Approuvé par Approving officer - Approuvé par Signature Date Signature Oate BO-5 (12-89) 7530-21-036-8582 Canada'
Page 3 M Indian and Northern Affaires indiennes Affairs Canada et du Nord Canada BAND COUNCIL RESOLUTION RÉSOLUTION DE CONSEIL DE BANDE NOTE: The words "from sur Band Funds" "capital" or "revenue", whichever is the case, must appear in all resolutions requesting expenditures from Band Funds. NOTA: Les mots "des fords de notre bande" "capital" ou "revenu" selon le cas doivent paraitre dans toutes les résolutions portant sur des dépenses à même les fonds des bandes. Cash free balance - Solde disponible The council of the ^ . , . _ T ^ , Le conseil de SERPENT RIVER FIRST NATION Capital account Compte capital g I k D-J M Y-A Province Date of duly convered meeting k Revenue account Date de rassemblée dûment convoquée f | g J ] | 2 j 9|1 ONTARIO Compte revenu g DQ HEREBY RESOLVE: DECIDE, PAR LES PRÉSENTES. organization personnel is carried out, either by local training classes or attendance at Provincial or Federal Schools; f) cooperate with the Mutual Aid Area on all metters pertaining to planning and operation; g) submit a projected budget to cover costs of emergency measures operation within the band; 7. Each Band department or voluntary organizations of the Band shall make such plans and carry out such activities as are necessary to ensure a capability to meet their responsibilities in disaster. 8. The Council may, from time to time appropriate and expend monies required to meet the ordinary operating expenses of the said organization. 9. The Council shall cooperate with other Councils of other municipalities and bands for the purpose of jointly establishing and operating an Area Emergency Measures Organization. 10. In the case of an emergency or disaster the Chief or in his absence a Senior Councillor is hereby authorized to cooperate with any or all responding agencies and to co­ ordinate such band resources as may be required by aforesaid agencies. Quorum 4 (Councillor - Conseiller) (Councillor - Conseiller) (Councillor - Conseiller) FOR DEPARTMENTAL USE ON .Y - RÉSERVÉ AU MINISTERE Expenditure - Dépenses Authority (Indian Act Section Source of funds Expenditure - Dépenses Authority (Indian Act Section Source of funds Autorité (Article de la Loi sur Source des fonds Autorité (Article de la Loi sur Source des fonds les Indiens) les Indiens) c a p u a . Cter D*~ Recommending officer - Rec:nmandé par Recommending officer - Recommandé par Siçpaure Date Signature Date Approving officer - Approuve par Approving officer - Approuvé par S*gn*ure Date Signature Date 80-5 (12-89) 7530-21-036-8582 Canada
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