Partie II - Lois des Premières nations promulguées

Informations sur la décision

Contenu de la décision

Stt&Mr mmm : 7 ©f*'4s> fid' gac nmoio niBzm of $m mmm arm Bespeetiiig Meposol of garbage WBSBlAi it te naeessary to pans a %f*%m reapanting disposal of garbage, « whereea it is deemed naeeseary and expad loot to regulate the disposal of garbage and refuse on th# Six Hat ions Baser* now mmwmm m$ wwrnh m m i bu mwims xmum of mm mmm nzrm mmm imora as followsr X». la tïiia by#law the word «garbage» shall wen esaa* oardboard boa®»# household refuse a ad ear other pate rial oomsmly fcaown ea garbage. ft Wo publie garbage dump or refusa damp ttty be established oa the Six la tiens Base rye wi thout tha mm*- first mating application to and reeeiriag gypwal frost the Ooaaoil of the Six nations, x\ I# So person within the «esportte limita of the Be sorte shell dm# any refuse, any household refuse or any garbage on any reed or in any plats not liaeneed by the Gouneil of the Six Bâtions* 4* lay person found guilty of violating the terse of this by-law Shall be liable to a fine of htot less than $10*00 and not no-re than $|0*00 plus ooate, #r lapriesisaent of not less than five days and not , mm than thirty'days* or both* Passed in General Season at b s a t n on the First day of May 4*1* 1952. * * * # * .# * * ÿf* J&l ifah*Jldri * * geeretary*
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