Partie II - Lois des Premières nations promulguées

Informations sur la décision

Contenu de la décision

BY-LAW MÜMB1R 4 - Of -îm.m m** °* mm, ,c t R A e s s se p m e b c l t i i e n s g tiie observance of Order and Decorum at ©f the Indians In Oemeral Council, or on Other occasions. WHERSAS It is necessary to pass a by-law respectlag the observance of Order and Decorum at Assemblies ©f the Indians In dtftQeral Council, or on other Oceanians, how mmmwom ms oodhcil of the six hayiohs ihdiaws OF TUS CfflAND KZFYR HSRKSY W A C Î 3 AS FOLLOWS: 1* Svery one who wilfully disturbs, interrupt©» or disquiets any meeting of the Six Hâtions Council, any religious festival or any assemblage of Indians met for the consideration and discussion of aiatters of public Interest or for any lawful purposes, by profane V! discourse, by rude or indecent behaviour or by making noise or noises either within the place of such meeting, or so near It as to disturb the order or solemnity of the meeting, shall upon summary conviction before any Judge, Police magistrate, or Justlee of the Peace, be liable to Imprisonment for a term not exceeding thirty day©, with or without hard labour, or to a penalty not exceeding fifty dollars, togeth* with costs, or to both penalty and costs in the discretion of the convicting Magistrate, ©^Justice of the Peace, t 2, Spitting on the floor, or any part of the council House, or any of the Six Hâtions Schools, or of any Public Building is hereby pret$$ited. Any person found guilty ©f any offence under this section shall, on summary conviction, before any Magistrate or Justice of the Peace, be liable a fine of not more than,|10,DO pirns costs, and in default of payment, to imprisonment in the common Jail of the Oounty where the offfnoe was committed, for a term of not more than fifteen days. Any person using grossly insulting or abusive l«oiguage toward l any person or persons on the Reserve shall on summary oonvietioa before\ a l&agistfat©, or #USties of the Peace, be liable to a penalty of not more tha©iflQi00 and costs, and in default of payment, to imprisonment / r
Z la the common jail ©f the County where the offense wqe committed, for a of not more than fifteen day®. mmm m q m s m m o m qqwqil house 4.(A) The caretaker of the Council House shall b© present at all Oounoll neatlngs and he shall not absent himself from the Council Chamber during the hours of such meetings without permission, and shall maintain order* (B) Ha shall order away or eject anyone other than a Councillor from the Council Chamber who interferes with the diseussion of questions fey the Councillors, or who goes into the Councillors enclosure and occupies a chair amongst the Councillors without permission» CO) The caretaker shall light the fires of the Council House when required in sufficient timer-before the meeting to have the Qouneil Chamber warm and comfortable. (D) He shall be required to keep the Oounoll House and out­ buildings clean and tidy at all times* (S) Ha shall keep the grass In the Council House grounds cut close'and clean, and keep all horses, cattle and other animals, as «É1 as ohickiens, from running at large thereon. (Fj He stibf'l- assist in every possible manner the park commissioner in preventing any person or persons from̂ injifeiag any plains, shrubs, or flower a thta the grounds. (G) H#-: sjamll prevent every one from using the grounds fpr playiag baseball,, football, lacrosse or any other game whereby the plants and grounds may become injured. Passed in General Council at Ohswekeh on the First
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