Partie II - Lois des Premières nations promulguées

Informations sur la décision

Contenu de la décision

c 9 > / 7 £ grM.tmm a Wharaa» it hai W n dtw M advisable to set up m i odilB lfltv a Sanitation Incentive Program to develop a private water and/oar San-itatlon 8yat#a on the Six Rations Reserve, tinder foragraph (H) and Paragraph (L) of Section 60 of the Indian Act, now therefore the Council of the Six Rations of the Qrand River Band of Tr*Hnn# at a aeeting held thie third day of November, 1966, KHAOTS AS FOLLOWS l 1« The Welfare Committee of this Oouneil is hereby authorised to sot up end administer a Sanitation Incentive Pro grata for the development of private voter and/or Sanitation System on the Six Nations Reserve outside of the Village of Ohsveken on the following basist 1* Material and/or equipment only shall be considered under this programme and in accordance with the following priority basist (a) Material and/or equipment for water and/or sanitation systea not now available to the household. (b) Material and/or equlpaent for water and/or sanitation system to improve facilities now available to the household. 2. Any applicant desirous of taking advantage of this programme shall submit full particulars of the project on application ,, forms supplied by the Welfare Gommittee. 3. The Welfare Committee shall examine such application and,if the project meets the approved standards sot by the Publio Health Authorities and the Engineering Service of the Indian Affairs Branch,may recommend that not more than 50% of the coat of material and/or equipment shall be supplied to such applicant. If the project does not mast the approved stan­ dards, the Welfare Committee retains the right to discuss with and recommend to such applicant such changes to the project eo that it meets the proper standards. 4. It shall be the duty of the Welfare Committee to examine or have examined the progress of any approved project as it may doam necessary and shall stop construction or installation on any project which is not being done in the approved manner. Should the applicant not correct defect or ignore such stop order, all material and/or equipment provided under this programme shall be reclaimed and payment made forfeited up to the cost of material and/or equipment that cannot be re­ claimed. 5 All material and/or equipment shall be procured through the Six Nations Agency Office and in accordance with Government regulations. «•.cont'd.
(2) S 6* Paysemt for materials and/or ©quipspot supplied to approved projects shall fee on a cash teals, paid for prior to or on delivery of ouch material and/or equipment* 7* Application forma will be available at the Six Rations Gounoil House end must be completed in foil* Applications nay bo left at the Council House when completed* Applicant will be notl- fled in writing; of acceptance or rejection of application* 8* Any applicant who is a registered member of the Six Rations Band shall bo eligible for the benefit under this programme, provided the material and/or equipment is supplied far a project on the premises owned by the applicant and In which the applicant resides or intends to immediately reside*
- 3 « (1) The water c«nad»Bion«r may enter ths premises of any owner oonneoted to the waterworks system for ths purpose of inapeoting ; ths pipes, fittings, tsp* and plumbing fixtures* (2) If the water commiseionsr If of ths opinion that the pipes, fittings, tapa and plumbing fixtures in or about the premises of any owner are defectivs or are in need of repairj or that additional fitting» or plumbing fixtures are required to receive or control the water or prevent frost damage to the sarvloe connection he shall serve upon the owner a notice in writing to correct the condition* (3) The notice referred to in subsection (2) shall state a reasonable time within which the owner ie to correct the condition referred to in the notioe. (4) Where! (a) the notice referred to in subsection (2) has been served on the owner, and (b) In the opinion of the water ocvnalssioner the owner has not corrected the condition referred to in the notioe the water ecnmieeioner may turn off the supply of water to the premises of the owner until such time as the connection has been oorreoted* (1) In this section "year" means the period commencing the 15th day of Hay and ending the 14th of Hay immediately following* (2) Water rates shall be paid to the Council on or before the commencement of eaoh year* (3) Where a service connection le laid and constructed pursuant to an application made pursuant to seotlon 3 and 4 hereof and the premises of the owner is equipped to receive and control water from the water supply eystem the owner shall pay to the Couneil prior to the turning on of the water by the water commissioner a proportion of the water rate based on the number of days remaining to the 14th day of Kay immediately following* The'following water rates shall be paid to the Counoil each year! (a) by an owner, who is a member of the band, of lande used or occupied entirely for residential purposes.•••••*•••.$30*00 (b) by on owner of lands, other than band members, used or occupied for the purposes of, or in connection with a residence or cottage s i t e . .$40.00
4 15 . (o) by an owner of Undi used fop tho purpose of, or la connection with the operation of on offloo building, term, ............................................. .............. ............................ g 40.00 (d) by an owner of lands used for tho purpose of, or In connection with tho operation of o restaurant, oafo or snack bar ........................ 45*00 (0) by an owner of lands used or occupied for tho purpose of, or In connection with, any business or o orme ratal enter» prise not mentioned above, a rate to bo determined fren time to tine by o resolution of the Ceunoil (f) by an owner of lands used for or occupied for the purpose of or in connection with a school.,..,,.,,.,. $ 150.00 16. (1) If an owner neglects or refusas to pay water rates when due the water oonmisel oner may turn off the water to hie premises. $2) If the owner paye to the Council! (a) the wu er rates in arrears, and (b) a service charge of five dollars for the turning on of the voter the water eenraissioner shall turn on the water supply. 17. Every owner of lands used or occupied for the purpose of or in connection with a oottage site shell notify the water eosnlseloner the date upon which hie cottage shall be closed for the winter season and ut>on being so notified the water commissioner shall turn off the water. IS. No owner shall waste or permit water conveyed to hie premises from the waterworks eye tea to be wasted. 19. (1) No owner shall use or permit water conveyed to hie premises from the waterworks system to be used for purposes other than domestic purposes without the Qonsent In writing of the water cccsuleeianer. (2) In tills section the term "demsetio purposes" does not include irrigation purposes or lawn er garden watering. Zl» The Council or the water commissioner shall not be liable to any owner or any other peroon for any damage to the property, lands, or buildings of any such owner or person as the result of, or by reason of,.or occasioned or attributable to the turning off of the water t« the premise of the owner or the failure or breakdown of the watep works system.
5 2 1 » The water ooMnlealoner may, for the purjvoee of constructing , repairing,Maintaining or extending tho waterworks systsn or Making nr additions thereto, shut tho water supply to the preatlves of any owner for euah period of tl»e *• he oonsidere neoeasary to oottj&ate the work» 22. All service fees, chm-tfe# and rates oolleotad pursuant to thle by-law shall, when, required, b<* expended by the Council for the construction end maintenance of the waterworlc* system. COUNCILLOR COUNCILLOR 7 councillor COUNCILLOR
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