Partie II - Lois des Premières nations promulguées

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Contenu de la décision

1+ Ipütan and Northern Affaires indiennes 'A ffa irs C anada et du Nord C anada lr ^ and Inuit Affairs Affaires indiennes et inuit BAND COUNCIL RESOLUTION # 1 3 RÉSOLUTION DE CONSEIL DE BANDE NOTE The word* "From our Band Fund*" "C ap ita l" or "Revenue", whichever ih the v.ise, must appear in all resolution* Band Funds N O TA : Les mots " des fonds de notre bande ,,Capttal,> ou revenu" selon le cas doivent paraître dans toutes les résolutions même les fonds des bandes t h e c o u n c i l o f t h e SIX NATIONS COUNCIL LE CONSEIL DE LA BANDE INDIENNE A G E N C Y D IS T R IC T SOUTHERN DISTRICT P R O V IN C E ONTARIO P L A C E NOM DE L'EN DRO IT OHSWEKEN D A T E _ 2 t h ______ . A p r i l - ----------- AD 19 9 2 ------------ DAY - JOUR MONT H MOIS DO HEREBY RESOLVE: DECIDE, PAR LES PRESENTES: that Council approve the recommendation from the Recreation and Copimunity Centres Board: that due to the change in the number of Councillors appointed to the Six Nations Recreation and Community Centres Board for the 1992-93 term of office, this Board recommends to the Six Nations Council to amend Section 2(a) of the Recreation and Community Centres By-Law. 1980-81-1 Amended as follows (see attachment). and that the By-law also reflect that there is no Six Nations Tennis Court but there is an Emily C. General School Gymnasium. A quorum for this Bande Pour cetfe bande le quorum eat consists of tixé à 5 Council Members Membres du Conseil ------ 7 ^ 7 ------------- FOR DEPARTMENTAL USE ONLY - R É S E R V É A U M IN IST E R E 1. Band Fund Code 2. COMPUTER BALANCES - SOLDES D 'ORDINATEUR Code du compte A. B, Revenue - Revenu de bande Capital $ $ 6. R e c o m m e n d e d iRecommend* 61 e bat e Recommending Officer - Reconsnandé par 1 A U S ( 5^79) 7830-ll-0*S*a6«2Chronological No. - Numéro consécutif 0 1 6 - 1 9 9 2 / 9 3 File Reference - /V° de rét du dossier requesting expenditures from portant sur des dépenses à Current Capita l Balance Solde de capital $ Committed ~ Enûaûé % 42 0 5 0 £ «$ e n if t$ *4 r ? :e Ç/iM d fiée MOnnii X Committed Enftaôé $ ----YEAR - A/VÂfÏE ium c ivior* r.tin s (Councillor - conseiller) (Councillor conseiller) 3. Expenditure 4. Authority - Autorité 5. Source of Funds Dépenses Indian Act Sec Source des t onda Art, de la Lo i sur les r~T . i—« Revenue i Indiens J J Cap ' ital r L~ j J Revenu Approved - Approuvable Date Approving Officer Approuva par
DUPLICATE COPY RECREATION and community centres BY-LAN SIX NATIONS BAND COUNCIL BY-LAN NO. 1980-81-1 AMENDED WHEREAS IT HAS BEEN DEEMED ADVISABLE TO PROVIDE FOR THE FORMATION OF A COMMUNITY PROGRAM OF RECREATION AND TO PROVIDE FOR THE ESTABLISHMENT, OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE OF COMMUNITY CENTRES, NOW, THEREFORE, IN PURSUANCE TO PARAGRAPH M AND Q OF SECTION 81 OF THE INDIAN ACT. 1. The Council of the Six Nations Reserve enacts as follows: (a) Pursuant to the Regulations made under the Ministry of Tourism and Recreation Act, a Community Programme of Recreation is hereby established for the residents of the Six Nations Indian Reserve. (b) Pursuant to the Community Recreation Centres Act and the regulations made thereunder a Community Centre (or Centres) is hereby established for the residents of the Six Nations Indian Reserve. (c) The said Community Programme of Recreation and the said Community Centre (or Centres) shall be directed, managed and controlled on behalf of the Band Council of the Six Nations by a committee of management known as the Six Nations Recreation and Community Centres Committee. 2. (a) The Committee will be composed of three Councillors appointed by the Six Nations Council for a two year term commencing in January, 1992, and the community at large shall elect or appoint one community member, one youth between the ages of 15 to 24 years and three community members from each of the following committees: (1) Six Nations Agricultural Society (2) Six Nations New Credit School Committee (3) Six Nations Sports and Cultural Memorial Centre for a two year term inclusive commencing in January, 1993. (b) Chairman of the Committee may either be a member of Band Council or a community member who qualifies to be elected as a member for Band Council. 3. The Committee is responsible for the following facilities: The said Committee shall operate, maintain and manage on behalf of the said Reserve all properties which are now or which may hereafter be established as community centres pursuant to the Community Recreation Centres Act, or the regulations made thereunder. ***See Schedule 'A' attached. 4. The duties of the Recreation and Community Centres Committee shall be as follows: (1) The Committee shall conduct or encourage and assist the programme of recreation which will meet the needs and interests of the members of the Band of the Six Nations. Such programs shall include the social, cultural and physical aspects of recreation as applies to each age group, both male and female. (2) When advisable the Committee may appoint area Recreation Committees and authorize such area Committees to establish and operate area community programs of recreation and the Committee shall provide such services as it deems necessary to assist these area Committees in carrying on their activities. .. ./2
-2-BY-LAW NO.1980-81-1 AMENDED (Continued) 4. (3) The Committee shall assist in the co-ordination of community recreation activities. (4) The Committee shall assist, encourage and provide advisory services on request to all groups, organizations or persons carrying on recreation activities on the Six Nations Reserve. (5) The Committee shall at all times keep the members of the Band of the Six Nations aware of the recreation opportunities which are available and will continually interpret to the public the total Community Programme of Recreation. (6) The Committee shall be responsible for all policies, rulings and regulations relating to the administration of the Community Programme of Recreation, Parks and facilities which are conducted directly by that Committee or its employees and rules and regulations pertaining to the proper conduct of such Community Programs of Recreation, Parks and facilities subject to the approval of the Band Council. (7) The Committee shall recommend to the Band Council the appointment of a properly trained and qualified Parks and Recreation Director according to Band Council hiring procedures. Such a Parks and Recreation Director shall be employed full time and shall be directly responsible to the Band Council through the Committee. (8) The Committee shall recommend to the Band Council the appointment of recreation workers, either part-time or full-time, and the Committee shall be responsible for assigning the duties and responsibilities of such employees. Where a Reserve Recreation Director is employed, such appointment should be subject to his recommendation. (9) The Committee shall provide supervision of organized public recreation activities and is authorized to work jointly with other Band Committees to provide, establish, operate, conduct and maintain a supervised recreation system and to operate, improve and maintain property, both real and personal for parks, playgrounds, recreation centres and other recreation facilities and activities. (10) The Committee may solicit or receive on behalf of the Band Council any gifts or bequest of money or services or any donations to be applied, principal of income, for either the temporary or permanent use for facilities, equipment, programme or other recreational purposes. (11) Annually, by March 1st, the Committee shall submit and interpret to the Band Council a budget for its approval and shall make available to the Band Council, full and complete annual and other reports as required. (12) The Committee shall meet monthly on a date to be set by the Members. (13) The Committee shall not have its own bank account. All deposits and payments will be made through the Band Accountant regulated by the Band Council. (14) The Committee shall provide such annual reports as is required to Band Council. (15) The Committee shall provide minutes of the monthly meetings to Band Council. . ../3
-3-BY-LAW WO.1980-81-1 AMENDED (Continued) 4. (16) In carrying out the provision o£ the By-law the Committee shall at all times, be the agent of the Six Nations Band Council and while acting bonafide within the limits of the authority of this By-law, neither the Committee nor any member thereof, shall incur any liability by reason of anything done or left undone by the Committee, provided however, that nothing in the paragraph contained shall authorize and empower the Committee to incur any debt, liability or obligation for which the Band Council of the Six Nations shall become liable, without having previously obtained the consent of the Band Council. 5. Members of the Committee shall be appointed annually, hence the term of office of the members shall be one year. The appointment of members on an annual basis, does not mean that new members must be appointed every year. 6. This By-law goes into effect forthwith on the passing hereof and other By-laws conflicting with this By-law are hereby repealed and rescinded. 7. The Committee shall be carried on without purpose of gain for its members and any profits or other accreditation to the organization shall be used in promoting its objects. passed this _____ 3rd DAY 0 F M ar c h 19 92 . ---- ----------Chief of the Six Nations Council ( f l _______________ Six Nations Councillor Six Nations Councillor Six Nations Councillor Six Nations Councillor Witness BY-LflU - February 6, 1992 , ,.ï\
BY-LAW NO.1980-81-1 AMENDED Schedule A (Attachment) 1. Ohsweken Community Hall 2. Six Nations Community Centre 3. Ohsweken Playing Field 4. J. C. Hill Elementary School Playing Field 5. Six Nations Tennis Court 6. Six Nations Sports and Cultural Memorial Centre 7. J* C. Hill Elementary School Gymnasium 8. Chiefswood Tent and Trailer Park
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