Partie II - Lois des Premières nations promulguées

Informations sur la décision

Contenu de la décision

CkraatbfUst Kt« / A ' 32 a^O COUNCIL RCSOLimOM M k lUtoMSM A88/3-10-4 NOTE: Th« #*Fr®« o«r Btatf Poatf**9 MWt ippiir I» all n m M m i rtfMatiai iptndktiar«i (ro« Band Funds* FOR HEADQUARTERS USE ONLY council of tmi SHESHBGSfANXNG BAND i AGENCY MANITODLIN ISLAND j i f PROVINCE ONTARIO PLACE SHESHEGWANING * DATE Zt ' " SEPTEMBER EX? Boif-ni ... ?1 YEAR DO HEREBY RESOLVE: THAT the Council of the Sheshegwaning Band of Indians makes the following by-law pursuant to paragraphs'(O) and (P) of Section SO of the Indian Act and that this be known as By-Law No. 1. A by-law for the protection, preservation and management of fur bearing animals and game on the Sheshegwaning Indian Reserve in the Province of Ontario. 1. No.person, other than a member of the Sheshegwaning Band of Indians shall trap or , hunt within the boundaries of the above mentioned Indian reserve without a special j permit from the Council of the Band or other person named by the Council to issue j . such permit. \ 2. No member of the Sheshegwaning Band shall invite or accompany any person who is not a member of the above mentioned Band onto the Sheshegwaning Reserve for the purpose of trapping or hunting unless that person has first obtained a written permit to do so from the person authorized b^the^Council to grant such permission. 3. Permits to hunt may be obtained only on production of a valid Ontario Deer Hunting Licence or a valid Canada Migratory Game Bird banting permit in addition to a valid General Hunting licence. k. Holders of permits to hunt migratory birds or big game must be accompanied by a member of the Sheshegwaning Band duly licensed to act as a guide. 5. Open seasons, bag limits, possession limits arid all other matters with respect to hunting not provided for in this by-law shall be, with respect to ducks as set out in the regulations for the Province of Ontario made under authority of the Migratory Birds Convention Act, and, with respect to other game, as provided in the regulations made under the Ontario Game Act for the contiguous provincial lands.
L , D COUNCIL RESOLUTIOM NOTE: Th# words •‘Fro» our Bead Fund*** mut «^H tr to «ft! too* halloas nqiuttoi oxpondituros from Bond F undo. COUNCIL OF THE AGENCY PROVINCE PLACE DATE in 19 BŸ MONTH DO HEREBY RESOLVE: 6. Except for Sheshegwaning Band members, no hunter will use dogs to hunt deer or any ether g'me on this reserve# GUIDES 7# All band members before being permitted to act council of the band, who Yd.ll issue free of charge to each member who registers a licence to guide on the reserve. B. Eve~y .guid^ licensed under the preceding section is ^e;uired to abide by any rules and regulations set down by the Council ?o~ the tncd: motion of guides end failure to do so vdll result in the revoking of the liren BirOBCBïTOT 9. The Chief and Councillors of the Band, Indi in cor-+-Mes and '•«v other oerson or persons named by the Council sh°"n be eyofficio office"f or the enforcement this hylavr. 10. Any officer for the enforcement of this by-1 *>w ^Vi-17 fo-"th' seise ell game protected by this by-law, which (s) is found by him in possession of any penser*-, othe- t h m a member of the Band, who is not in possession of a pemit unde1" Section ? of this by-1 aw; (b) appears to have been taken by some unl^f'vP and shall bring such game before a police magir+r*'1+°, s+dperdiary magistrate or person appointed by the Governor inCouncil to offences under the Indian Act. FOR HEADQUARTERS USB ONLY BAND YEAR ! : guides vr.iẑ register v.nth the rrvP^°. i j , of ; ! ! , j ; ̂ justice of the peace for ( i
11« Where a person is convicted of an offence under this by-law, the convicting court or judge may order that the game, in addition to any penalty imposed, are forfeited to Her Majesty for the benefit of the band provided, however, that the meat so forfeited shall be delivered to a charitable institution designated by the council. PENALITIES 12.. Any person who violates any of the provisions of this by~l3W shall on summary conviction be liable to a fine not exceeding one hundred dollars er imprisonment for a term not exceeding thirty days or both fine and imprisonment. FEES 13. The fee for a Deer Hunting permit shall be $10.00 and for Migratory Game Birds Hunting Permit shall be $3.00. (C m m UIm ) (Councillor) (Councillor) (Councillor) (Councillor) t* » » ( ! - * ) T t t tO -t fW IM U l> .j ..i V. -■. 4 i * (Councillor)
h 7 - " * * ' * ' / 9/ '9 77 BY-LAW NO.l The Council of the Sheshegwaning Band of Indians at a meeting held this 21st day of September A.D. 1977, made the following by-law pursuant to Section 6 of the Regulations Governing the Oper­ ation of Vehicles Within Reserves. 1. That no vehicle be operated on the Reserve at a greater rate of speed than SO kilometres per hour ( 50 miles per hour ) unless otherwise posted. 2. No vehicle shall be operated on the Reserve at a greater rate of speed than 50 kilometres per hour ( 30 miles per hour ) in a built-up area. 3. That the schedules of fines and penalties be the same as set out in the Provincial Statute Highway Traffic Act of Ontario, R.S.O. 1970, Chapter 202. 4. That the definition sections of the Highway Traffic Act apply with the exception of those definitions already set out in the Regulations Governing the Operation of Vehicles within Indian Reserves. Chief Lloyd Sampson Councillors Albert Cada Donald.Cada
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