Partie II - Lois des Premières nations promulguées

Informations sur la décision

Contenu de la décision

Chronological No. D E P A R T M E N T O F I N D I A N A F F A I R S A N D N O R T H E R N D E V E L O P M E N T * INDIAN AFFAIRS BRANCH / ?tf/7o-/Z CANADA BAND COUNCIL RESOLUTION H.Q. Reference NOTF.: The words "From our Band Funda" muet appear in all resolutions requesting expenditures from Band Funds. Iroqu ois o f S t. Regis FOR HEADQUARTERS USE O BAivn AGENCY S t. Regis Indian Agency Quebec & Ontario p r o v in c e PLACE S t. Regis Akwesasne H all 25 August 59------DATE -- An to d a y m o n t h YEAR DO HEREBY RESOLVE: ' To enact: A By-Law f o r tlie p ro tection , preservation and management o f Migratory Game Birds on the S t. Regis Indian Reserve Ko. 15 in the Ih^ovince o f Quebec and Cornwall Island Indian Reserve No. 59» Province o f Ontario made under authority o f the Indian A ct, S ection 80 (o ) & ( r ) , 1 . (a ) Ho person other than a member o f the Iroq u ois o f S t. Regis Band o f Indians sh a ll hunt m igratory game b ird s within the boundaries o f the above mentioned Reserves w ithout a permit issued by authority o f the Council o f the Band. È8 The Council o f the Band sh a ll appoint permit is su e rs . Ho-member'of the S t. Regis Band sh a ll accompany any person, who i s not a member o f the Band, on to the above mentioned R eserves, f o r the purpose o f hunting m igratory game b ird s , unless that person has f i r s t obtained a permit to do so . (d ) A l l non-members o f the Band, to q u a lify f o r a permit to hunt on the above mentioned Reserves, must be in possession o f a v a lid and su bsistin g P rov in cia l hunting lic e n s e and a Federal M igratory Game Bird Hunting Permit and present these to the issu er when applying fo r a permit to hunt on the sa id Reserve su b ject to ( i ) when hunting on Cornwall Island Indian Reserve Ho. 59. the applicant must possess a Province o f Ontario hunting l ic e n s e . ( i i ) when hunting on S t. Regis Reserve Ho. 15» the applicant must possess a Province o f Quebec hunting l ic e n s e . continue.
& « Chronological No. D E P A R T M E N T O F I N D I A N A F F A I R S A N O N O R T H E R N D E V E L O P M E N T INDIAN AFFAIRS BRANCH H .Q . Reference BAND COUNCIL RESOLUTION C A N A D A 9 N O T F : The words "F rom our Band Funds** must appear in all resolutions requesting expenditures from Band Funds. FOR HEADQUARTERS USE ONLY COUNCIL OF THE Iroquois o f S t . Regis BAND AGENCY S t. Regis Indian Agency PROVINCE Quebec & Ontario P L A C E S t. Regis Akwesasne H all D ATE 25 A u g U S t _________ AD 19 FQ ..... . DAY MONTH YE/CR DO H EREB Y R E SO L V E : . _ 2. Open season, bag l im its , possession lim its and a l l other matters ra-th respect to hunting migratory game b ird s , not provided f o r in " i s by--law, sh a ll be as set out in the M igratory Birds Regulations xoj? t ne Province o£ Ontario and Quebec re s p e c t iv e ly under the authority o f the M igratory Bird Convention A ct. (ci) Members o f the S t. Regis Band, who wish to charge a £ee fo r guiding non-members o f the Band, on to the above mentioned Reserves f o r the purpose o f hunting m igratory game b ir d s , must apply to the Council o f the Band f o r a lice n se to do so ; (b ) The C ouncil o f the Band may issue a lic e n s e to guide to a Band member who, in th e ir opin ion , i s q u a lif ie d to provide th is s e rv ice and; ( c ) Every guide licen sed under sub-section (b ) i s required to abide by any ru les o f regu lations set down by the Council f o r the in stru ction to guides and fa ilu r e to do so may re su lt in the revoking o f the licen se to guide. (d ) A ll is la n d s , weedbeds and marshes attached to reserve islands " and mainland shewn on attached map as marked be considered Reserve property f o r the meaning o f th is by-law . 4 . (a ) Permit fe e s f o r non-members o f the Band sh a ll be: ( i ) $10.00 per day or \ i i ) $50*00 per season 5 . Any person who v io la te s any o f t e provisions o f th is by-law sh a ll on summary con v iction be ü&ble to a f in e not exceeding one hundred d o lla rs or imprisonment fo r a time not exceeding th ir ty days, o r both f in e and imprisonment. Carried (Chief) Angus Bonaparte (Councillor) (Councillor) (Councillor) ..,ell.. (Councillor) (Councillor) (Councillor) Elijah;...Bene^ct._. (Councillor) (Councillor) (Councillor) (Councillor) (Councillor) ( C oumc i l lor ' FOR HEADQUARTERS USE ONLY 1. TRUST 2 . CU RREN T B A L A N C E S 3. Expenditure 4 . Authority 5 . Source of Funds AC C T A . Capital B . Revenue Indian A ct S ec . f I Capital f 1 Revenu 3 $ S 6 . Recommended 7 . Approved Date A ssistan t Deputy Minister, Date Authorized Officer Indian Affaira IA 1 3 3 (3 - 6 0 ) 7 330-21 -023 -4662
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