Partie II - Lois des Premières nations promulguées

Informations sur la décision

Contenu de la décision

<-6 - , » CANAOA NOTE: The word» "From our Band Fund»** moit appear in alt reaolutlon» requesting expenditure» I rom Band Fund*. FOR HEADQUARTERS USE ONE c o u n c i l o r THE T r o q U O U of St. Re?is .... b a n d A c rv c v St. Regis Indian Agency p r o v in c e Quebec £- Ontario p l a c e St. Regis Æfcwesasne Hall n .™ ' ) ^ . S#pt - -------------ad t 9 f | _ --------------PATfc --------------------DŸ---------------- MONTH VEAS DO HEREBY RESOLVE: To enact: A By-Jbaw for the protection, prenervation arid management- of Migratory ^ame Birds on the St. Regis Indian Reserve No. 15 in the Province of Quebec ^.Ontario made cinder authority of the Indian Act, Section 80 \o) & (**)• 1. (a) No person other than a member of the Ircnrcwr? of St. Begin Band of Indians shall hunt migratory game birds within the boundaries of the ab-nve mentioned Reserves without a permit issued b ^ authority of the Council of the Bar.d. (b) The Council of the Band shall appoint permit issuers. (c) No member o'f the St. Regis Band shall accompany any-person, v/ho is not a member of the Band, onto the above mentioned Reserves, for the purpose of hunting migrator;/ game birds, unless that person has first obtained a permit to (d) -All non-members of the Band, to qualify for a permit to hunt on the above mentioned Reserves, must be in possession of a valid and subsisting Provincial hunting license and a Feder< Migratory Game Bird Hunting Perniit and present these to the issuer when applying for a permit to hunt on the said Reser\ s ( u i) b j w e h ct e n to hunting on Cornwa.ll Island Indian Reserve No. 59* the applicant must possess a Province of Ontarid hunting (ii) li w c h e e n n s e h . unting on St. Regis Reserve No.15» the applicant must possess a Province of Cuebec hunti c n o g n t l i i n c u e e n . s . e . . ......
Chronological No. » D E P A R T M E N T o f I N D I A N A F F A I R S AMD N O R T H E R N D E V E L O P M E N T INDIAN AFFAIRS BRANCH H.Q. R«f«r«nc« C A N A D A BAND COUNCIL RESOLUTION * NOTF.: The words •'From our Band Fund»** must m p p ra r In all resolutions requesting expenditures from Band Funds. ---- r FOR HEADQUARTERS USE O aN L Y COUNCIL OF THE BANO AGENCY PROVINCE PLACE PATE ___________________ ________ AD 19 DAY MONTH YEAS DO HEREBY RESOLVE: (?) 2. Open seasons, bag limits, possession limits and all other matters with respect to hunting migrator/ game birds, not provided for in this by-law, shall be as set out in the Migratory Birds. Reculatio: for the Province of Ontario and Quebec respectively under the aut crity of the Migratory Birds Convention Act. 3. (a) Members of the St. Aegis Band, who wish to change a fee for guiding non-members the Bard, onto the above mentioned Re­ serves for the purpose of hunting migratory game birds, must apply to the Council of the B^nd for a license to do so; (b) The Council of the Band may issue a license to guide to a Band member who, in their opinion, is qualified to provide this service; and (c) -^Very guide licensed under sub-section (b) is required to abid by' any Pules or regulations set dorr, by the Council for the instruction to guides and failure to do so may result in the revoking of the license to guide. 4-, (a) Permit fees for non-member of the Band shall be: (i) £10.00 per day; or .. (ii) £100.00 per season. (b) Guide fees shall be a minimum of fifteen dollars (£.15*00 per d 5 . Any person who violates any of the provisions of this by-law shal on summary conviction be liable to a fine not exceeding one-hundr dollars or imprisonment for a time not exceeding thirty days, or both fine and imprisonment. Carried ...«o
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