Partie II - Lois des Premières nations promulguées

Informations sur la décision

Contenu de la décision

fh# k mtitiMfna of She Or*Ut Council «% neotlac M U title 20th «̂jr of November 1991 mifco tiM (Hllo»lA| by-X«* parottimt to paragraph (0) sad pet** graph (p) o f Section 90 o f th# indie» let* By*l»w Se*- j* A by-law gowerntfiS til* nre?err*tien o f Sea* and fllflU fe , 1* Bo per#* aboil tab»» bmp, nboet or obherniae de*” trey any 4«er m Kbit Sotert» ftt «ay ttm «m m t da ring tbo ©pan s e e »» ifeieh ohail b» «et «Mb |t«r by tbo Biaaieseuga* af f t Credit eeurciU f« So person aha 11 «boot or otitoralee ieetiroy pfeeneaate m till# 8«s©rvt « t «ay tl»o eseept floria§ tbo ©pan »o»eon which A * 1.1 bo eot each fm r bf tiM tteoioraugea o f th® Credit coanetl* s* So pereon «belt bant with or shoot on the Swerve at «ay tin » with « r tflo larger the» « ?*: eaUhr»» r tf»r îl«o * o f «feather »®S* person •«gr b* lionised to us® % high paewnM r lflo o ff th* Ro*orw« ©r wot, hot « p«r®en «ay boat with or *hoot a shotgun ••» the Roeorwe, 4* So jwiroen é »U arrsng» or «ay -JrtooR or baiting vmrtlm at any t lw , gwrtg doer er 5«»«e»»at* «dît. bo driron by «•- group of beatare out o f shelter d»strey»d* 6. B» pwemm shall trop» -m.m or «shoot SftaJrret at any tin » «seeopt during til» M ain which shall be aat « f l « bmvbmmmS by tb» eeaw il ©«eh year or to dig late or destroy any fttaefcrat ho»#»» borrow or n»at at any tin » what®»*****. 9* that a bewaiy «a fora® «fl wire® my b« t and paid each ymr by th» eooaell •« «audition* m j ravoir», to koop then under eentfel. I 7» So perron eneept a mmh&r « 4 rm î!àmt o f the o f tii» ftrei i Sewerw» «ay beat en tiM Steel •*«:• wig».■* o f the Srartt hoaerr»# ft* Any parson found guilty o f » breach o f any o f the shew» fegulatlsne Audi agon eenwietion before » ia § t»tr»ie or Jfeatle»» be sabjeet to » fine o f not lots t in C# IQ.) te» d e ll»*» « f l not mm than (tth%hh) one hendrefl dollar® plor eo-^t or to « t o » is prlm m m t aat onooedag th irty flay®, or both* Ovèmll ! ̂ M/TLArrtJteL jg r i .fom olltoqE . - .m * .■ . * ,* opte -■*- -.* a fteuajillor ftounelller
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