Partie II - Lois des Premières nations promulguées

Informations sur la décision

Contenu de la décision

THE MARTIN KM .1.5 HAND OF IN WAR BY-LAW ffh Be I ng a bylaw to regulate the disposal of garbage and trash on Martin Falls Indian Reserve #65* WHEREAS under Section 81(a) of the Indian Act R.S., c. 1R9, S.l the Council of the Band is empowered to make by-laws to provide for the health of residents on the reserve, and to prevent the spreading of contagious and infectious diseases, AND WHEREAS it is deemed to be appropriate to control the disposal of garbage to an approved disposal site to remove breeding- grounds for flies and other insects which are instrumental in spreading disease, NOW THEREFORE the Council of the Martin Falls Band of Indians enacts as a by-law thereof the following. (1) In this by-law: (a) "Council" means the Council of the Martin Falls Band of Indians as defined in the Indian Act. (b) "Inspector" means the person appointed from time to time by the Council, referred to in Section 2, as the Public Health Inspector. (c) "Reserve" means Martin Falls Indian Reserve #65 » set apart for the use of the Band. (2) The Council will' appoint a Public Health Inspector for the Reserve. (3) The occupant of any land within the boundaries of the reserve will refrain from the disposal of any garbage, refuse, junk or mused machinery in any location other than the specific site developed and maintained by the Council for such purpose, and commonly known as the garbage dump. (4) The Public Health Inspector will from time to time make periodic inspections of all property on the reserve, and may issue written orders to occupants of any property requiring him to dispose of refuse in the authorized garbage dump. (5) Any occupant of the reserve who refuses or fails to dispose of garbage or refuse situated on the property normally occupied by him within the period of three days from the issuance of an order by the Public Health Inspector shall be guilty of a breach of this by-law. (6) Any person who violates any of the provisions of this by-law shall be guilty of an offence, and shall be liable on summary conviction to a fine not exceeding twenty-five dollars. 2/
/' r > '»•<)■; •’ >Tici: passed, at a Only convojied meet! ng of the Council thin /.Ÿ day of I, Eli Moonias, Chief of the Martin Falls Band of Indians do hereby certify that a true and exact copy of the foregoing by-law #4 was forwarded to the Minister pursuant^to section 82 s.s.(l) of the Indian Act this / y ' r t day of / / a Y ^ ix1977. "1 h y, : » (Administrator) (Councillor) 1977.
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