Partie II - Lois des Premières nations promulguées

Informations sur la décision

Contenu de la décision

ml Eu;- G.:1a Gay Indian Ha serve assembled ec.-uts the •? G ; 11 respons ib le f o r the fo ] lovdLng function; 1. Enforcement of Band By-Lav/s . 2 . En f 0 rc emen t of truancy regulations and curfews, f 0 * Enforcement of all provincial and federal statutes on reserve.. 1 Liaison O.P.p/and R.C.M.Poli ce. c Fire Prevention and co-ordination of volunteer f i r ect=pa riment. Emergency co-ordination and planning. The Gull Bay Police shall be responsible to a Police Committee created by the Gull Bay Indian Reserve Council. The Police Committee Chairman shall be a member of the Council and shall be appointed: by C.ouncil. The Police Committee shall comprise of six other local residents of the reserve and any other consultants that the Gull Bay Indian Reserve Council deems advisable for the good operation of the Committee. . The Police Committee Chairman and the Chief Constable shall be responsi ble for the administration, training and supervision of the Band Constables. The Gull Bay Police shall be a separate Indian Municipal Police Force and shall be considered a Municipal Police Force for the purposes of policing. This By-La'■/ shall come into foree and effect on the date of final passing by Council. READ and PASSED for First Reading this 15th day of October, 1973 A.D. PE AD and PASSED for Second Reading this 15th day of October, 1973 A.D READ and PASSED for Third Reading this I5th day of October, 1973 A.D. : GULL BAY BAND COUNCIL Chief T. Escue.ua_____________ Councillor S. Kina_______________ S. Kins P. Bouchard
ol o. e control is-. \ ctm or of th Pol:, ce Co;.-:.: cl ce of Connell. rAv:I 2. CCIIDITIONS OF V/ORK of six. months after which time work pertormnoe nay be reviewed and the employee re-classified and his wage schedule adjusted before being put on permanent staff. 3. Hours of work shall be from 8:0Q a.m. to. 12:00 noon and 1:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. Mondays through. Fridays and 8:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon on Saturday and in any case not more nor less than kk hours in a week. Police hours of workshall be as arranged by the chiefconstable but shall provide a minimum of one full day off in each seven days. All employees other than casual shall be subject to call in case-of emergency. L. Salaried employees shall be expected to take time off in lieu of payment for extra time worked over.and above regular hours. Any time off taken in lieu of extra time worked must be taken with due regards for the' v/ork at hand and by agreement with the employees Chief constable. 5. V/ages and salaries shall be paid semi.-monthly on the 5th and 20th of each month calculated freerthe first to the fifteenth and from the 16th to the last cay of each month. Advances on salary are to be discouraged. 6. Any loss of time without the permission of the Chief Constable or a doctorTs certificate shall be docked. Permanent employees shall be entitled to sick leave with* pay at the rate of one and one half working days per calendar month "worked 3 cumulative to a maxi mum not ex­ ceeding ninety days. Sick Leave shall not be granted for illness or in­ jury covered by "workmen* s Compensâtion. Employees shall report to the Chief Constable before laying off for sickness in time so chat a re­ placement can be found if necessary. 7. Vacation with pay shall be allovred in compliance with Ontario Labour Taws. Employees shall be entitled to three "weeks annual vacation with pay on the completion of one year of service and four weeks annual vacation with pay after completion of the fifth year of service. Vacations to be taken at a time agreed' on with the Chief Constable at least one month in advance of starting cate. 2
O 9. ilnployaes shall ne alloues pu la h.:Heaps jor any cap by Federal or Provincial Govern,.:eri r a holiday inc lue i n g ; ev; Tear, Good Fridav, Victoria Dav, Domnion Day, Labour Dm/. ST.nnkssbv^nw, Remembrance Day, Christmas, Boxing Dav and Civic Holidays. No eviplov7 00 shall be a H o ­■rec to use Gull Bay Indian ' r~j for" his priva be use . Vihere; applicable dai iy b:'.me ea:■ m s °hall be :ad e out spent- on va rj- o a s v vork and shall be signed by the emp Constable. 12 All employees shall be charged- for Unemployment Insurance, Canada - Pension Plan, and Income Tax according to lav/, It vri.ll be the res- pônsibility of the employee to provide the Band Administration Office with such information as is required as a basis of these charges, otherwise maximum charges may be levied. 13 (a )Any permanent employee in the classification of Chief Constable may resign or be dismissed for just cause by giving or being sixty days notice or being paid in lieu thereof. (b)ln the case of classifications below those mentioned in (a) thirty days notice shall be reauired. 14 Notwl t h s t a n d i n g ana with out restricti th generality of the provisions of this by-law the Gull Bay Ind ian Reserve reserves the right and discretion to: 1 . Hire, re-__r» ~| p 5 31 1 y,r , Promote, demot ̂y transfer or for cause, discipline, dischar'ge or lay-of f an; employee: subject to the orovisions of the Ontario labour Laws in the case of dismissals. 2 Establish, amend or cancel by resolution at any time rules governing conditions of work providing such rules, amendments or cancellations do not conflict with or abrogate the provisions of this by-lav/. 3 Amend or repeal by by-la1v In whole or In part the provisions of this by-lav/. Direct the working force : to create new classifications and to decide from time to time the numbe r of employees needed on any work or in any classification. 5. Exceed the provisions of this by-law by resolution of the Band Council in respect to remuneration, re-classification or promo­ tion of any employee because of meritorious service or extra­ ordinary condition on recommendation of the Police Committee or the Chief Constable. 3
V-Yy / o uho ear m eurs runnel f a -.*■{ reared by any ; -v-ovus:urn ion or action of the Chief Conlie ole or the Police Comm! ttee shall have the right to appeal the rentier to she Gull Day Band Council ,at a regular council meeting in person or by solicitor. The decision of the Gull bey Band Council shall be final, but nothing in this by-law is intended to deprive any person or his or her legal rights. PAPT 11 GAGES AND SALARIES 1. Ai 1 Employees shall be classified on completion of the probation period in to the classes listed below for salary or wages purposes, promotions or reclassification to be on recommendation of the Chief Constable and the Police Committee Chairman. 2 . Via ye S c He dul e s Chief-Constable: $12,000.00 Constable: $10, * 200.00 . - * Special Constable: $2.25 per hour. Time and one half after 8 hours. Security Guard: $2.00 per hour. All police will be supplied with uniforms. An allowance of $1$.00 per month per man for ore cleaning will be made. 3* -AH Increases In salary shall be based upon the recommendation of the Police Committee Chairman subject to the approval of Council. Any other increases in salary than in the above to be negotiated by the Chief Constable and Committee Chairman and are subject to the approval of Council. ' 4. This by-law shall come into force and effect on the date of final passing by Council. * _ READ and PASSED for First Reading this 15th day of October, 1973-READ arc PASSED for Second Reading this 15th day of October, 1973* READ end PASSED for Third Reading this 15th day of October, 1973* GULL BAY BAND COUNCIL Chief ,. 7 . Esauera Councillor S. Kina s . Kina p. Bouchard
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