Partie II - Lois des Premières nations promulguées

Informations sur la décision

Contenu de la décision

^ r \ 43/3 -40-2 d e p a r t m e n t o f c i t i z e n s h i p a n d i m m i g r a t i o n IN D IA N AFFA IR S B R A N C H B A N D C O U N C IL RESOLUTION CANADA N O TE: The words From our Band Funds’* must appear in all resolutions requesting expenditures from Band Funds. The Council of the.............................................................................................. ........... .................;........Band of Indians, (Name of Band) . ... N IFIS S IH O m tne..... ......................................................................................................................................................Indian Agency, (Name of Agency) in the Pro-wince of................................................................... at a meeting, held at............................................................ (Name of Province in full) (Name of Place) . , . N in e teen th . august 56 thi3.................. ...... ( . I . n .. . F .. u .. l . l) .. of......3 ... ( . M ... o .. n . t .. h . ) ............A.D. 19........... Do H e r e b y R e s o l v e : TO PASS THE FOLLOWING BY-LAM PURSUANT TO SECTION SO 0? THS INDIAN ACT* BY-LAW NO* 1 . m Tim THAT THE ÏEKSPÔ3SING BY ANY NOM/IIiDIAN 0E KON/aSHBS OP THE DQKX3 BAT© D02I 3 EESiSRSffi, POE THE PURPOSE OP FISHING OE HUNTING SHALL B3 CONSIDERED AH OFFENCE, AND SUCH PERSONS SHALL BE LIAB LE ON SUMMARY OOOTICIICB TO A FIN E OE E M 53« f if i3iT 0a BOTH, FOE VIOLATION 0? A !BY-UM MADE UND2S THIS SECTION* ■(Chief) (Councillor) (Councillor) (Councillor) (Councillor) (Councillor) (Councillor) (Councillor) (Councillor) (Councillor) (Councillor) (Councillor) (Councillor) FOR HEADQUARTERS USE O N LY 1. TRUST 2. C U R R E N T BALANCES 3. Expenditure 4. Authority 5. Source of Funds ACCT A. Capital B. Revenue Indian Act Sec. [ | Capital Q Revenue $ $ $ 6. Recommended 7. Approved Date Superintendent, Reserves and Trusts Date Director, Indian Affairs Form IA5-7 (R-5-54)
4 V 1 { 1) n l7 i * * The Counci l of the . r, . / . Band of Indians at a meet ing hel<* ..................................................makes the f o l l ow ing by- l aw pursuant to paragraphs (0) and (r) of Sect ion 80 of the Indian Ac t , By -law Ne . I-A by- law for the p ro t ec t i on , preservat ion and management of «V fur bear ing animals , fish and game on the . . , ........... ............................... .. Indian Reserve in the Province of . . . S?* C^TC No person, other than a member of the . , D o K i S Band of Indians shal l trap, fish or hunt wi thin the boundaries of the above ment ioned Indian reserve without a special permi t from the Counci l of the Band or other person named by the Counci l to issue such perm i t . No member of the . . . . . . { ? , ................ .. Band shal l i nv i t e or accompany any person who is not a member of the above ment ioned band* onto the . . ................ .. .4^ ! £ . . ................ .. Reserve for the purpose of t rapping, f ishing or hunting unless that person has f irst obtained a wri t ten permi t to so do from the person author i zed by the Counjei 1 to grant such permiss ion. FISHING 3. Permits may be obtained only on product ion of a val id and subsisting Prov inc ia l License to fish in prov inc i a l waters cont iguous to the reserve . 4 . Such permi t shal l author i ze the permi t t ee to fish by ang l ing only and may be sub j ect to a fee establ ished from t ime to t ime by resolut ion of the Counci l of the Band. 5. No person under authori ty of such p e r m i t , shal l fish f or , take or at tempt to take in one day, ( a ) more than ten large or ten smal l mouth bass or any combinat ion of ten the reo f , wi thout respect to s i ze ; (b) more than three maskinonge or thirty lbs. plus one f ish; ( c ) more than ten p i ckere l ( dore ) or twenty lbs. plus one f ish* (d) more than six pike or thirty pounds plus one f ish; ( e ) more than f i ve lake trout or thirty pounds plus one f ish; ( f ) more than twenty speckled trout or ten pounds which ever is the lesser; ( g ) more than one sturgeon; (h ) more than twenty crappies , bul l heads, suckers; ( i ) more than twenty fish in the aggregate cf ai l species
1 *'■ i * 6. No person shall r e ta in , keep out of water or have in his possession: ( a ) any maskinonge of a total l ength less than 28 inches (b) any p i ckere l (dore ) of a total l ength less than 15 inches ( c ) any pike of a total l ength less than 18 inches (d) any lake trout of a total length less than 15 inches ( e ) any speckled trout of a total l ength less than 7 inches ( f ) any sturgeon other than the f irst sturgeon taken or caught regardless of s i z e . t 7 . No person shal l r e ta in , keep out of water or have in his possession more than one d a y s l im i t as set out in Sec . 5 and 6 of this b y - l a w . 8 . The de f in i t i on of ang l i ng , open and close season, coarse f i sh, game f i sh, resident and al l other matters not s pe c i f i c a l l y ment ioned in this by- l aw shal l be as prov ided in the Special Fishery Regulat ions for the Province of . . o m M ip . ............ HUNTING 9 . Permits to hunt may be obtained only on production of a val id and subsisting .... C ... ) . N ... .. ~ . T . . f . a .. ...... i . . C .. ) .P rov inc ia l L i cense . iO . Holders of permits to hunt migratory birds or big game must be accompani ed by a member of the . . 7 7 . . . .................................. Band duly l i censed to act as a gu ide . 11. Open seasons, bag l im i t s , possession l imi t s and a l l other matters with respect to hunting not provided for in this by law shall be , with respect to ducks as set out in the regulat ions for the Province o f o . V . .................. made under authori ty of the Migratory Birds Convent ion Act and, with respect to other game , as provided in the regulat ions made under the [ ?. Game Act for the cont iguous p rov inc i a l l ands . GUIDES A l l band members before being permi t ted to act as guides must regi s ter with the counci l of the band, who wi l l issue f ree of charge to each member who registers a l i c ence to guide on the r eserve . 13 . Every guide l i censed under the preceding sect ion is requi red to abide by any rules and regulat ions set down by th eCo un c i l for the instruct ion of guides and fai lure to do so wi l l result in the revoking of the l i cense to g u i d e . ENFORCEMENT 14 . The Chie f and Counci l lors of the Band, Indian constables and any o th e r ^ person or persons named b y - the Counci l shal l be ex- -Mf i c i o of i i ce. rS the enf orce m ent of this b y - 1 a w
( 15 Amy o f f i c e r for the enforcement of this by - l aw shall f or thwi th se i ze al l game or f ish\protected by this b y - l aw , which \ . . \ \ ( a ) i j ^ôund by fi im in possession of any person, other than a me'mber of the Band, who is not in possession of a \ permi t under Sec . 3 or 9 o f this by- l aw; (b ) appears to have been taken by some unlawful means; and shal l ,br ing such game or fish before a po l i c e mag i s t rat e , \ st ipendiary magist rate or person appointed by the Governor in Counci l to be a just ice o f the peace for o f f ences under the Indian Ac t * 16. Where a persdn is conv i c t ed of an o f f ence under this b y - l a w , the / ' - \ conv i c t ing coufc \ t or judge may order that the game, f i sh, in addi t ion to any penal ty imposed, are f or f e i t ed to Her Majesty for the benef i t \ of the band prov ided , howeve r , that the meat or fish so f or f e i t ed \ shall be de l i v e r ed tc as char i tabl e inst i tut ion designated by the Counci l PENALTIES 17. Any person who v i o l a t es any of the provisions of this by- l aw shall on summary conv i c t i on be l i ab l e to a f ine not exceed ing one hundred dol lars or imprisonment for a term not exceed ing thirty days or both f ine and impr isonment . St . 667
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