Partie II - Lois des Premières nations promulguées

Informations sur la décision

Contenu de la décision

( J The Council o f the Dokis Band o f Indians at a meeting held on KURUS t 11 , - 1965, makes the follow ing by-law pursuant to paragraphs I c } / (d ) , (q > and ( r ) o f section 80 o f the Indian Act. By-law Mo. 2 A by-law to provide fo r the regulation o f the a c t iv it ie s o f boys and g ir l s on the Dokis Indian Reserve No. 9 actually or apparently under 16 years o f age. (a ) No boy or g i r l on the Dokis Indian Reserve No. 9 actually or apparently 16 years o f age sh a ll lo i t e r any place within the said Indian Reserve a fter ten o 'c lo ck in the afternoon during the months o f the year from July 1st to August 3 ls t in clu sive , or a fter the hour o f nine o 'c lo ck in the afternoon during the months o f September 1st to-June 30th in clusive . .(b) No boy or g i r l on the Dokis Indian Reserve No. 9 actually or apparently under 16 years o f age shall be in any place o f entertainment, s tree t, lane, by-way or common within the said Reserve or shall be in the course o f returning from any place o f amusement o f f the said Reserve a fter the hour o f ten o 'c lo c k in the afternoon-during the months o f the year from July 1st to August 31st in clu sive , or after the hour o f nine o 'c lo ck in the afternoon during the months o f September 1st to June 30th in clu sive , unless accompanied with h is or her parent or an adult appointed by a person to accompany such ch ild . ( c ) A boy or g i r l on the Dokis Indian Resery^. -No*. 9 found v io la tin g the provisions o f paragraphs (a ) and (b ) may be warned*and conducted home by a constable or peace o f f i c e r , * (d ) Notwithstanding paragraphs (a ) and (b ) no offence i s committed i f a boy or g i r l on the Dokis Indian Reserve No. 9, actually or apparently under 16 years o f age, i s proceeding unaccompanied d irectly to or returning unaccompanied d ire c t ly from a place where supervised a c t iv it ie s by an adult are being carried out on Friday or Saturday after the hour o f ten o 'c lo ck in the afternoon provided that the constable or.peace o f f ic e r has been n otified by the supervising adult o f the time and place o f such a c t iv ity . (a ) A parent who permits h is ch ild to v io la te paragraphs (a ) , (b ) and (d ) shall be gu ilty o f an offence and sha ll be lia b le on summary conviction to a fin e not. exceeding $5.00 or imprisonment not exceeding seven days, or to both fin e and imprisonment. . j / ,( , / . . ~“ ~7^ichiSfJ (C ouncillor ) ( Councillor')
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