Partie II - Lois des Premières nations promulguées

Informations sur la décision

Contenu de la décision

Th» U>1 ©f tfc» Band of Isdtea» «t & malidg held U» day of. (o) _ Md»* the following by-1®» puimast I» y f -itïôiio» dg cf th* I&difoa Act* y-iaw Ko» IA A hy-laa^t© provide for the pm m rvsàlosi, protedtioa and a&oageseftl Oi fur-osaring artessls#- llsh «*wl goa® An the froide# IcdlBii te se r i s tfe» Frovteoe of r * riæiso 1» Ko person# ®Um? % tea « .açrl**r of tie barri, sfc«3JL be peradtfewî to fiai is th» reserve without first obtaining a written permit to so do frost tbs psreoa m th& rim é, by tb s Council to rraisl sued fæsrajgaloa» 2* termite ray be obtained ©sly ce jtrofluciioo ©f a valid sad te&elatteg cntayl© Provincial Üoenee» Si' such la required »y the pars©*» p̂ytylfigr# te rite ta provincial waters teatlpsea# te the « m a . J* £stïeh fecrsalî. shall ftotfcerise tte pextslliee te fieh by angling ©nïgr and j r h* «ubjâofc %o «t fee established i>em tte» to tin» by y ŝete tien of the Council of ite'R&M* II* Ko jperooR# taaôer tutterity mc& ps»dfe# ete il flah for# i&te or aitaspi to take iti om day, (a) fâoras than s ix large awj&h or «te sll a»aife bleak bsa» ©r ar$f tesMnaiion of ate thereof (b ) m m %ïnm tm neaklronge («) fr* tfcan ate yellow j&ckerel (4) m t * t ten six pika t«) wrs tf-fc'; five lake trout { f ) suapst ti-ar» nr-.î sturgeon T' - -(g) ,:iîô:ro itea tea perch > (h) fiicra than twsnty er*ppi«3 (i) îsor® ih&n twenty iish ia the &.:■■■ myAtm te a l i ap ««i aârâb»ieé «.iov-à* b* te jf»<>ïî ©ball retain » keep out of water or have i» id» pose*»»!©**#, (a) my bl»€& bkm o f a total teagih Isa» tteü teal:»» (b) ary i^aakliwago of a total ler^th ls»a tfeaa thirty (c) m y yollor pickor-ai of a total lon^tfc les» l ift»# » lacbea (d; i*iy £d*i» of a total loï^-ta teas ttea ©tebUaa 1e«î» « (n i s&y l&i-Jè trout o f a tote! .ter^th teas tirnn flftoea ijaehe# (f) sturs&on oti-er tlui» tto fireb attuo-xrgti teten or oa%ibt re^ardlsas of sise* é* to parson shall retain# sp out o f water or hsvs is bis poaseaalo» trru ows day liedt as e«t <mt in feette** If «ai 5 of thla b y -l» * 7 . Ii;s dofinitiii» of e^ liï^ # open aed doeed ®«aao»# tear»» .flab* j;a«» tite , rehid«{d, tytftl ' /s l im picfeer*! ate a ll otb^r fitters not Specif ically fe^ntiomù ia teio by-law afcai! b» «a préelàid te t,;'-.r. y-isc,ial * iabory :•« -;ulattet-a ter -te Froyisc* o? t»rib#
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2 KDKTINB 8» Ko person, other than a is&aber of the band or the holder under lease of shooting rights in any part of the reserve, shall be permitted to trap or hunt in the reserve without first obtaining a bitten permit so to dc fror- the person authorised by the Council to grant such permission. 9* Holders of permits to hunt or trap as outlined in Section 8. mast be accompanied by a member of the-hofeàe- Sami duly licensed to act as a guide» 10* Permits may bo obtained only on production of a valid and subsisting Ontario Provincial Licence, i f such is required by the person applying, and may be subject to a fee established froa time to time by the Council of the Band, 11, Open season, bag limits, possession limits and a ll other matters not provided for in this by-law shall be, with respect to ducks, as set out in regulations for the Province of Ontario made under authority of the migratory Bird» Convention Act and, with respect to other gam, as provided in the regulations mad® under the Ontario Gam Act for the contiguous provincial lands, 12, All Band mesh era before being permitted to set as guides mat register with the person authorised by the Council to receive such registration who will issue free of eh' ge to each Band member-who registers a licence to guide on the_ ̂ oki» Indian Bsserva t Any person who engages in eating as a guida 'without being in'possession of a liceaca shall be guilty of aa offence, 13, -very guide licensed under Section 12 of the by-law is required to abide by the rales and regulations set down by the Council for the instruction of guides and failure to do so will result is the revoking of the licence to guide* lit. Any person who violates the provisions of this by-law shall be guilty of an offence and shall be liable on̂ -sabsskry conviction to a fine cot Icao tlmn $5o.vG nor more than 5ICG G or i3$>risonaaat for a tom not exceeding 30 days or both fine and imprisonment*. ! ? ; . - -15* b ith the; cojaiug in to force o f th is by-law , By-law Ko» 1 cad* by tbs Council o f the pokia Band at a meeting held on January 9 , ly'5?> shall cease to be in fo rce ..
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