Partie II - Lois des Premières nations promulguées

Informations sur la décision

Contenu de la décision

ifei» . I L . D E P A R T M E N T O F I N D I A N A F F A I R S A N D N O R T H E R N D E V E L O P M E N T ' INDIAN AFFAIRS BRANCH BAND COUNCIL RESOLUTION NOTE: The word» From our Band Fond**’ muai appear in all resolution* requesting expenditures from Bend Funde. COUNCIL OF THE Chippewa of the Thames AGENCY Caradoc PROVINCE Ontario PLACE Chippewa Band Office, Muncey DATE 19 th August An 10 DAY MONTH * DO HEREBY RESOLVE:' Th at thm Drai * nage A ct , b , e i of tbs Thames Band Council may by by-law upon a majority vote, at any regular meeting, constitutionally expropiate such lands as required, for the use of the Chippewa Band Council, by way of right-of-way easement, or otherwise for the benefit of Band Members as Band Council may de­ cide, and with the passage of such by-law, such land may be used by duly authorized personal designated by the Band Council, :L<iL.. FOR HEADQUARTERS USE ONLY 1. TRUST 2, CURRENT B A L A N C E ACCT A . C&pUel B , Reweoae $ # ■«, Recommended Date Authorised O fficer ÎA -1 3 5Chronologic»l No. 4o&o8bëbdoëoc 'V ' & 12 H.Q. R eference <y File: 47l/3-10-2(S) FOR HEADQUARTERS USE ONLY BAND 69 YEAR . naet a ed and that % the Chi . ppewa (C ouncillor) (C ou ncillor) (C ou ncillor) (C ou ncillor) 3, EsjpirtMiitur» 4 , Authority 5* Source o f Funds Indian A ct S ee, f j Capital f~ “) Re ram»» % 7m A m o v e d Dale A ssistant Deputy M inister, Indian A ffa ir»
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