Partie II - Lois des Premières nations promulguées

Informations sur la décision

Contenu de la décision

CHIPPEWA OF THE HiAI^FS RAND BYLAW #001 Re: Gas and Solvent Sniffing Due to the increasing threat to the health and welfare of certain individuals who are sniffing toxic solvents and the consequences these actions are having on the families of these individuals as well as the general welfare of the Chippewa of the Thames Corrmunity. Chippewa Indian Reserve #42 the following by-law #001 legislated by this Bard Council pursuant to the authority given under Section 81 subsection a, c, d, and g of the Indian Act is hereby enacted this IIth day of May 1982. 1. In this by-law (a) Noxious substance means any harmful or injurious sub­ stance, whether liquid, solid or gaseous. (b) Sniffing means to take into one's system through the action of inhaling. 2. No Person Shall (a) Ingest or sniff any solvent, gasoline, magic marker, hair spray or other noxious or volatile substance or; (b) Supply administer or cause to be administered to any person for the purpose of sniffing or ingestion a solvent, gasoline, magic marker, hair spray or other noxious or volatile substance; Is guilty of an offence under this by-law and upon summary conviction subject to a fine not exceeding one hundred dollars ($100.00) or imprisonment for a term not exceeding thirty days or both fine and imprison­ ment. Ether DeLeary_____________ Chief Mark French________________ Councillor Eldon French______ . Councillor John C. Riley_____________ Councillor Kenneth Albert Sr.________ Councillor Martha Albert_____________ Councillor L. Hendrick_________ George D. Albert__________ Witness Councillor May 11, 1 9 8 2 ________
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