Partie II - Lois des Premières nations promulguées

Informations sur la décision

Contenu de la décision

Indian and Northern Affairs Canada Chronological no. B a n d C o u n c i l R e s o l u t i o n 476-2011-2012-021L File reference no. 476/1977-78-373 ! NOTE: The w ords from our Band Funds capital or revenue”, w hichever is the case, m ust appear in all resolutions requesting expenditures from Bain 1 Funds. Cash free balance T he C ouncil o f Chippewas o f Rama First Nation C apital A ccou n t $ D co a n t v e e o n f e d d u m ly eeting O ctober 3, 2011 Province R even u e A ccou n t ONTARIO DO HEREBY RESOLVE: Rescinding Rama Bylaw No. 77-8: Public Entertainment, Parades and Festivals Licensing Bylaw W H E R E A S on M a y 16, 1977, the then C h ie f and C ou n cil o f the C hippew as o f Rama First N ation passed a Band C ou n cil Resolution N o. 476/1977-78-373 enacting Rama B ylaw N o. 77-$ to regulate and require licenses for the holding o f Public Entertainm ent, Parade and F estivals’* on the Rama Indian Reserve N o. 32; A N D W H E R E A S there is no current or anticipated need for such a licensing bylaw to regulate public entertainm ent, parades or festivals w ith in Rama First N ation; A N D W H E R E A S C h ie f and C ou n cil o f Rama First N ation have directed that they w ish to rescind Rama B ylaw N o. 77-8 as being redundant; A N D W H E R E A S on July 25, 2011 a quorum o f C h ie f and C o u n cil adopted Band Cokincil Resolution N o. 476-2011-2012-013 rescinding B ylaw N o. 77-8, how ever, such Band Cojupcil Resolution was not received by the M in isters office in tim e to satisfy the statutory requirem ents set out in the Indian Act and w as deemed by the M inister to have not been properly enacted, and therefore a new Band C ou n cil Resolution is required to rescind Bjylaw N o. 77-8; T H E R E F O R E BE I T R E S O L V E D by a quorum o f C h ie f and C ou n cil at a duly convlehed m eeting to rescind and replace Band C ou n cil Resolution N o. 476-2011-2012-013 w ith this Band C ou n cil Resolution w h ich hereby rescinds Rama B ylaw N o. 77-8 Public Entertainm ent, Parades and Festivals Licensing B y la w originally enacted on M ay 16, 1977. Carried Quorum: Four Chief Sharon Stinson Henry FOR DEPARTMENTAL USE ONLY Expenditure Authority (Indian Act Source o f funds Expenditure Authority (Indian Act Source o f funds Section Section EU Capital EURevenue EU Capital EU Revenue Recommending Officer Recommending Officer Signature Date Signature Date Approving Officer Approving Officer , Signature Date Signature Date i
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