Partie II - Lois des Premières nations promulguées

Informations sur la décision

Contenu de la décision

Chronological No. D E P A R T M E N T OF I N D I A N A F F A I R S A N D N O R T H E R N D E V E L O P M E N T INDIAN AFFAIRS BRANCH 4 7 5 /19 6 9 -7 0 -19 BAND COUNCIL RESOLUTION H.Q. Reference N O TE : The words From our Band Funds must appear in a l l resolutions request ing expenditures from Band Funds. F O R H E A D Q U A R T E R S U S E O N L Y C O U N C IL OF T H E Chippewas o f Rama b a n d A G EN C Y Ceorqian Bay D i s t r i c t PR O V IN C E Ontario P L A C E Rama Reserve D A T E _11_________ _March____ a d 10 70 T5AY MONTH ' Y E A R d o h e r e b y r e s o l v e : Tnat the said Counci 1 o f the Chippewas o f Rama pass a Bylaw/?'/A c rea t ing a loca l development commission to be known as the Chippewas o f n Rama Development Commission o f Rama Reserve # 32. Be i t ordained by the Council o f the Chippewas o f Rama Band. (1 ) That the Local Development Commission be known as the Chippewas o f Rama Development Commission be and the same is hereby created and shall h erea fte r be re ferred to as the Commission. (2 ) The Chippewas o f Rama Development Commission shall consis t o f seven (7 ) members, each o f whom must be resident and reg is tered members o f the Chippewas o f Rama and shall be appointed by the Council o f the Chippewas o f Rama, as fo l low s : Not less than two (2 ) members o f the Commission shall be members o f the Council, two (2 ) o f whom shall be appointed every two (2 ) years, and the remaining f i v e (5 ) members shall be appointed f o r the fo l low in g terms; One member f o r a per iod o f 5 years, One member f o r a per iod o f 4 years, One member f o r a per iod o f 3 years, One member f o r a per iod o f 2 years, One member f o r a per iod o f 1 year. Thereafter, a l l appointments, except the members o f the Council appointed f o r a two (2 ) year term shall .bs eI jf ov r/ ua te ̂* r1 m1 1» o f f ̂i v1/ ew 1 (5 ) y ̂vueia 1 rvs aanndd ihth ee members shall serve u n t i l th e i r successors are appointed and qua l i f ied , (3 ) ( cl) Trie Commission shall organize immediately upon i t ' s appointment and shall designate a time f o r an annual organization meeting. The Commission shall have monthly meetings and such other meetings as may be determined by The Commission. (Ch ie f ) (Council lor ) (Council lor ) (Council lor ) (Council lor) (Council lor ) (Councillor) (Council lor) (Council lor ) (Council lor ) (Council lor ) (Council lor ) (Council lor ) FOR H EA D Q U AR TE R S USE O N L Y 1. T R U S T 2. C U R R E N T B A L A N C E S 3. Expenditure 4. Authority 5. Source o f Funds A C C T A . Capital B. Revenue Indian Act Sec. ( | Capita l ( | Revenue $ $ $ 6. Recommended 7. Approved Date Assis tant Deputy Minister. Date Authorized O ff icer Indian Affa irs ___ A 133(3 68 ) 7530-21-023-4662
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Chronological No. D E P A R T M E N T OF I NDI AN A F F A I R S A N D N O R T H E R N D E V E L O P M E N T INDIAN AFFAIRS BRANCH 475/ 1969- 70-19 CANADA BAND COUNCIL RESOLUTION H.Q. Reference NO TE : Th e word» From our Band Funds** must appear in a ll resolution» requesting expenditures from Band Funds. F O R H E A D Q U A R T E R S U S E O N L Y ^ u u i m . i l u r 7 m i =___ ujnj2£L£was o f Hama____________ BAND AGENCY ____Georgian Bay D i s t r i c t_______ PROVINCE Ontario PLACE __Rama Reserve__________________ D A TE 4 2 - __March a d 19 90 D A Y MONTH Y E A R DO H E R E B Y R E S O LV E : (3 ) (b ) The Commission at the annual organization meeting shall e le c t a Chairman and a treasurer, each o f whom shall act f o r one year. ( c ) The Band Administrator shall serve as Secretary to the Commission. (d ) The Commission shall appoint such other o f f i c e r s as The Commission, from time to time, shall deem necessary. ( e) The Treasurer shall rece ive a l l monies payable to The Commission and deposit same in an account in the name o f The Commission, and sha ll only make disbursements therefrom by means o f cheques authorized by The Commission signed by the Co-signor and the Treasurer upon presentat ion o f proper vouchers and invoices th e re fo r . ( f ) The Treasurer shall submit a f in a n c ia l statement to the Commission each and every month, showing a l l rece ip ts and disbursements and the balance on hand. (g ) The Com .ission must have the approval o f the Council f o r any 07 a l l expenditures exceeding the sum o f TVO THOUSAND ($2,000.00) DOLL. S. (4 ) The Commission shall be responsible f o r the planning and development o f cer ta in Band Lands, upon approval o f the Council, to do a l l things necessary f o r th e i r proper development, and without l im i t in g the genera l i ty o f the fo rego ing .* (a ) Provide f o r the planning, development, construct ion , e rect ion , improvement, a l te ra t ion , extension, maintenance, operation, use, management regulation, contro l and supervision o f Marina Development, Black B iver Bark Development and any other development on p ro p e r t i es ovmed by the Council a f t e r having been duly authroized by the Council to commence such work; (Ch ie f ) (Council lor ) (Council lor ) (Council lor ) (Council lor ) (Council lor ) (Council lor ) (Council lor ) (Council lor ) (Council lor ) (Council lor ) (Council lor ) (Council lor ) FOR H E A D Q U AR TE R S USE O N L Y 1. T R U S T 2. C U R R E N T B A L A N C E S 3. Expenditure 4. Authority 5. Source o f Funds A C C T A. Capital B. Revenue Indian Act Sec. f ] Capita l | ] Revenue $ % $ 6. Recommended 7. Approved Date Assis tant Deputy Minister, Date Authorized O ff icer Indian Affa irs IA I 3 3 ( 3 68) 7530-21-023-4662
Chronological No. D E P A R T M E N T O F I ND I AN A F F A I R S A N D N O R T H E R N D E V E L O P M E N T 475/ 19 6 9 - 70 -19 INDIAN AFFAIRS BRANCH BAND COUNCIL RESOLUTION H.Q. Reference N O TE : The words From our Band Funds** must appear in a l l resolutions requesting expenditures from Band Funds. F O R H E A D Q U A R T E R S U S E O N L Y COUN C IL OF THE Chippewas o f Rama BAND AGENCY Georgian Bay D i s t r i c t PROVINCE Ontario p l a c e Rama Reserve ------------- " 3L -------------- Marcrhr -TO­ D A TE AD 19 D A Y MONTH Y E A R DO H ER EB Y R E S O LV E : (4 ) (b ) To adopt and promulgate any rules and regulations f o r the proper use and development o f Marina Development, Black R iver Park Development and any other development o f Band Lands authorized by the C Councilf ( c ) Regulate the serv ice and f i x rates f o r the proper and e f f i c i e n t use o f the Marina Development and Black R ive r Park Development f o r the proper and e f f i c i e n t use o f a l l f a c i l i t i e s upon said Band Lands. (d ) Fnter into lease or leases, only upon approval o f the Council, with indiv iduals , partnerships, or corporations f o r the operation o f concessions f o r the sale o f f u e l , o i l and furn ish ing o f water, or other u t i l i t i e s to boats using the said Marina, T ra i le rs and Campers using said Park . (5 ) This Bylaw shall take e f f e c t immediately upon approval o f the Counci l . Dated at Rama Reserve- - J l s t day o f March, 1970. (Council lor ) (Council lor ) (Council lor ) (Council lor ) (Council lor ) (Council lor ) (Council lor ) (Councillor) (Council lor ) FOR HEA D Q U AR TER S USE O N L Y 1. TR U S T 2. C U R R E N T B A L A N C E S 3. Expenditure 4. Authority 5. Source of Funds A C C T A . Capita l B. Revenue Indian Act Sec. { 1 Capita l j ] Revenue $ $ $ 6. Recommended 7. Approved Date Ass is tant Deputy Minister. Date Authorized O ff icer Indian Affa irs IA 135 ( 3 * 6 8 ) 7530-21-023-4662
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