Partie II - Lois des Premières nations promulguées

Informations sur la décision

Contenu de la décision

JO, * f June 26, l?o7. The Council of the Cape Croker Band of Indians at a neeting held on June 26} 1967, makes the following By-law pursuant to paragraph (3) and (R.) of section 80 of the Indian Act. Ey-Iaw Ho. J % A By-law to provide for the regulation of traffic -in the Cape Croker Park, Cape Croker Indian Reserve, in the Province of Ontario. (a) That no car (vehicle) ‘.■111 be allowed in the Cape Croker Park unless said car is covered by pemit purchased from Park Authority, Any person who violates .this By-law shall he guilty of an offence and shall be liable on summary convict?on to a fine not exceeding one hundred dollar''s or lvtprisonnent for a. tern not exceeding thirty days or to both fine and irrorisomuent. \ A.r
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