Partie II - Lois des Premières nations promulguées

Informations sur la décision

Contenu de la décision

B * Indian and Northern Affaires indiennes Afîatrs Canada et du Nord Canada Indian and inuit Affairs Affaires indiennes et inuit BAND COUNCIL RESOLUTION RÉSOLUTION DE CONSEIL DE BANDE NOTE: Th BsndWFunds Fr°m °Uf BBnd FU"dS" " CaPital" ° "R even u e , whichever is th« case, must appear in all resolution, requeuing expenditure, from NOTA: L es mots des fonds de notre bande Capital ou re venu" selon le cas doivent paraître dans toutes les résolutions portant sur des dépens même les fonds des bandes t h e c o u n c i l o f t h e Mohawk Council of Akwesasne LE CONSEIL DE LA BANDE INDIENNE AGENCY d i s t r i c t Peterborough p r o v i n c e Ontario / Quebec PLACE NOM DE L ENDROIT C o m m u n i t y Bldq. d -a t e . 2 8 ... ... .. .................Sept,. .......... at> i o . . 85 .. .. . DAY - JOUR MONTH - MOIS 'YEAR - ANNEE DO HEREBY RESOLVE; Moved : DECIDE, PAR-LES PRESENTES: Seconded \ o A c c e p t - <5>à\(L -LôX OC<LMpL - \ d b ^ c c ^ o p r o c L u ^ k , o s iU C C i I - , Vf, / <£*£. .c^W -W eci . FOR D E P A R T M E N T A L USE O N L Y - R É S E R V É A U M I N I S T E R E 1. Band Fund Code 2. COMPUTER BALANCES - SOLDES D ORDINATEUR Code du compte de bande A . Capital B. Revenue Revenu $ % 6. Recommended Recommandable Date Recommending Officer Recommandé parChronological No. Numéro consécutif File Reference N ° de réf. du dossier .500 1985/86 Current Capital Balance Solde de capital ^ Committed Engagé $ Current Revenue balance Ç a f/frï f4ex e<t v/a ntf J Committed Rnpraùé $ ^ c$0<& o V ^ sl̂ V À ^V ^o ^ lC V C b e eAQjày 3. Expenditure 4* Authority Autorité 5* Source of Funds Source des fonds D épenses v Indian Act Sec Art. de la Loi sur les I i l \ Capital . i i Revenue $ Indiens 11 11 R B evenu Approved Approuvable Date Approving Officer Approuve par
BY-LAW RESPECTING THE SALE OF TAX EXEMPT CIGARETTES AND OTHER TOBACCO PRODUCTS WITHIN THE MOHAWK TERRITORY OF AKWESASNE WHEREAS the Mohawk Council of Akwesasne is the duly elected government representing and empowered by the Mohawk people of Akwesasne; WHEREAS the Mohawk people of Akwesasne wish to perpetuate and promote the Mohawk culture, way of life and values inherent to their peole; WHEREAS the Mohawk Council wish to control the sale of tax exempt cigarettes and other tobacoo products; NOW, THEREFORE the Mohawk Council of Akwesasne adopts the following By-Law at a meeting duly convened and held at the offices of the Mohawk Council of Akwesasne on September 28, 1985. In virtue of its authority as the elected representative of the Mohawk people of Akwesasne and in virtue of its powers under section 81 of the Indian Act, R.S. cli9 as amended to date, the Mohawk Council of Akwesasne hereby enacts the following: a) Mohawks who have businesses accepted y serving their immediate community of Akwesasne, maÿ apply for a cigarette tax exemption permit issued by the M<bhawk Council of Akwesasne, b) The cigarette tax exemption permit will identify the following: (i) name of business; (ii) type of business; (iii) names and band numbers of owneif/s; (iv) name authority issuing permit; (v) size of cigarette allocation. ) The Mohawk Council of Akwesasne will only accept applications accompanied by a sworn declaration the applicant iden tifying the following: (i) name of business; (ii) type of business; (iii) rightfull owner/s of business (iv) location of business; (v) business hours; (vi) days of week open. . . . / 2
2 signed by applicant and witnessed by a Justice of The Peace appointed to serve Akwesasne under section 107 of the Indian Act. d) A Peace Officer or person both appointed by the Mohawk Council of Akwesasne will within no later than 60 days after sub­ mission and prior to approval of application, enter and investigate the applicant's place of business verifying that such a business acceptedly serving the immediate surrounding community of Akwesasne does exist. e) Applicant must have a sign noticeably erected in front of business identifying the following: (i) name of business; (ii) type of goods sold; (iii) business hours; (iv) days of week open. f) The Mohawk Council of Akwesasne upon approval of application may issue a cigarette tax exemption permit with a cigarette allocation determined at the discretion of the Mohawk Council but not to exceed five (5) cases (10,000 cigarettes) of cigarettes for each calendar month. g) Nevertheless, Mohawks in possession of a cigarette tax exemption permit for at least 90 days may apply for an increase of cigarette allocation determined at the discretion of the Mohawk Council, but not to exceed ten (10) cases (20,000 cigarettes) of cigarettes for each calendar month. h) Mohawks in possession of a cigarette tax exemption permit will pay an administrative cost to the Mohawk Council of Akwesasne. Five cents for each and every carton (200 cigarettes) of cigarettes acquired by virtue of this permit or the present equivalent percentage of the total permit allocation based on the current wholesale price of cigarettes. i ) The Mohawk Council of Akwesasne will adjust the administrative cost monthly or as the wholesale price of cigarettes increase. . . . / 3
3 j) The administrative cost will be paid by the permit holder within the first week of every calendar month based on permit allocation. k) The F.ohawk Council of Akwesasne may appoint a person or persons to administer this By-Law. Anyone who violates this By-Law or any section therein is subject to immediate cancellation of the cigarette tax exemption permit and is liable upon summary conviction to a fine not to exceed One Thousand Dollars ($1,000.00) or imprisonment for a term not to exceed thirty days or both fine and imprisonment. Chief Councillor Councillor Councillor Councillor Councillor Councillor Councillor Councillor Councillor Councillor Councillor
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