Partie II - Lois des Premières nations promulguées

Informations sur la décision

Contenu de la décision

I * Indian and Northern Affairs Affaires indiennes et du Nord BAND COUNCIL RESOLUTION RESOLUTION DE CONSEIL DE BANDE NOTE. The words From our Band Funds Capital or Revenue , whichever is the case, must appear in all resolutions requesting expenditures from Band Funds NOTA: L es mots des fonds de notre bande ••Capital** ou revenu** selon le cas doivent paraître dans toutes tes résolutions portant sur des dépen ses h même les fonds des bandes THE COUNCIL OF THE l e c o n s e il d e l a b a n d e in d ie n n e Shawanaga Band AGENCY d i s t r i c t Sudbury D is tr ic t p r o v î n c e Ontario PLACE n o m d e L e n d r o i t Shciw3.nâc[3. Council Ch3.roh)ôirs DATE ------------------------------5-til.___ _ Dac._____ . AD 19 79____ DAY - JOUR MONTH - MOIS DO HEREBY RESOLVE; d e c i d e , p a r l e s p r é s e n t e s : A Special Council Meeting by the Shawanaga Indian Band was held a t 27 Queen S tr e e t, E ast, Toronto, Ontario on December 5 , 1979 fo r the purpose o f amending By-law 1 7 :1 7 6 . Chief Wayne Pamajewon, C ouncillor Roger Jones, C ouncillor Mike Pawis. Motion #1 Moved by Councillor Mike Pawis second by C ouncillor Roger Jones that the Council approves o f the follow ing amendment; By-law 17:176 A BY-LAW TO AMEND BY-LAW 17:176 Section 10 o f By-law 17:176 i s hereby repealed and the fo llow in g su b stitu ted in i t s p la ce : 10: A person who v io la te s Section 3 , 4 , 5 , 6 , 7 or 9 of th is by-law is g u ilty o f an offence and is l ia b le on summary conviction to a fin e o f not more than one hundred d o lla r s , or to imprisonment fo r a term not exceeding th ir ty days, or to both fin e and imprisonment. Approved and passed at a duly convened meeting o f the Council o f the Ojibways o f Shawanaga at Toronto th is 5th day o f December, 1979. A quorum for this Bande Pour cette bande le quorum est consists of fix é à Council Members Membres du Conseil ....Way.n_e...P.amaj.ewon. J (Chief - Chef) (Counc iîior consei lier) (Councillor conseiller) (Councillor consei lier) (Councillor conseiller) (Counc illor conseiller) (Councillor conseiller) (Councillor conseiller) (Councillor conseiller) FOR DEPARTMENTAL USE ONLY - RÉSERVÉ AU MINISTERE I* Band Fund Code 2. COMPUTER BALANCES - SOLDES D ORDINATEUR Code du compte de bande A. Capital B. Revenue Revenu $ $ 6. Recommended 1Re commendable Date Recommending Officer Recommande par IA 135 ( 7 - 7 3 ) 7530-2 1 -023-4652C h r o n o l o g i c a l N o . N um é ro c o n c u t if File Reference N ° de rél, du dossier Current Capital Balance Solde de capital $ Committed Engagé S Current Revenue balance üUf UC r U / C û i f p C t r / C pr l i i f u f A IM.... —. . ---- , Committed Engagé $ _ YEAR - ANNEE Members p resen t: Mike Paul (Councillor conseiller) (Councillor Conseiller) (Councillor conseiller) (Councillor conseiller) 3. Expenditure 4» Authority Autorité 5. Source of Funds D épenses Indian Act Sec Source des f onds Art. de la Loi sur les i i 11 C a- apital . i i R '— 1 _ evenue $ Indiens Revenu Approved Approuvable Date Approving Officer Approuvé par
1 ^ Indian and Northern Affairs Affaires indiennes et du Nord B A N D C O U N C I L R E S O L U T I O N R É S O L U T I O N D E C O N S E I L D E B A N D E IN L,!*: ine woras rrom our uana fu n d s " ’/C a p ita l or ■•Revenue , whichever is the case, must appear in all resolutions requestin g expenditures from Bâiia Funds N O T A : L es mois "d e s fonds de noire bande -C a p ita l ou reven u" selon le c a s doivent paraître dans toutes tes résolutions portant sur des dépenses à m em e les fonds des bandes THE COUNCIL OF THE LE CONSEIL DE LA BANDE INDIENNE SHAWANAGA AGENCY DISTRICT SUDBURY p r o v i n c e ONTARIO PLACE NOM DE L 'e n d r o i t SHAWANAGA RESERVE n A T R 5 DECEMBER A n 1Q79 DAY - JOUR MONTH - MOIS DO HEREBY RESOLVE: DECIDE, PAR LES PRESENTES: 2 -By-law 17:179 AMENDMENT TO BY-LAW 17:176 I , Wayne Pamajewon, Chief o f the Shawanaga Band of Indians, do hereby c e r t ify that a true copy o f the foregoing by-law was forwarded to the M in ister o f Indian A ffa irs and Northern Development pursuant to Section 82 Subsection (.1) o f the Indian Act th is 5th day o f Deceniber, 1979. Be i t further resolved that the M inister o f Indian A ffa ir s approve o f the By-law 17:179 immediately, before the 40 day w aiting period is up. very important to the Shawanaga Band. _____Wayne Pamajewon Wayne Pamajewon _______ Margaret Jones Witness A quorum for this Bande P out cette bande le quorum est consists o f 9 fixé à Council Members Membres du Conseil ...Wayne... Pamaj.e.W.O.n. (Chief - Chef) Roger Jones ........*(Coun'cïiïor* " consë*//ïër)................... .......... (Councillor - conseiller) (Councillor consei lier) (Councillor conseiller) (Councillor cons eiller) (Councillor conseiller) '(Counciïior —*Ionsei'//er).................. ..................(C oin ciTlor"- c m iïleO ........................ FOR D EPARTM EN TAL USE ONLY - RÉSERVÉ AU MINISTERE I* Band Fund Code 2e COMPUTER BALANCES - SOLDES D ORDINA TEUR Code du compte de bande A. Capital B. Revenue Revenu $ $ 6. Recommended - Recommendable Date Recommending Officer Recommande par IA 135 ( 7 - 7 3 ) 7530-2 1 -023-4662Chronological No. Numéro consécutif File Reference N ° de réfe du dossier ^ Current Capital Balance Solde de capital J Committed E néaée S Current Revenue balance J > U A i // u 7 C Û / L 7 it û ? r f t û ^ V 1 / G O T M i I l I i ^ ___________ - . Committed Enûaéé $ Y E A R - ANNÉE As th is is Mike Paul (Councillor conseiller) (Councillor tonseiller) (Councillor conseiller) (Councillor - consei Her) 3. Expenditure 4# Authority Autorité 5# Source of Funds D épenses Indian Act Sec Source des I onds Art. de la Loi sur les ii C apital . Q ii Revenue $ Indiens 11 Revenu Approved - A p p rou va is Date Approving Officer Approuvé par
By-law 17:179 AMENDMENT TO BY-LAW 17:176 Approved and passed at a duly convened meeting of the Council of the Ojibways of Shawanaga at Toronto th is 5th day of December, 1979. Roger 'Jones, Councillor I , Wayne Pamajewon, Chief of the Shawanaga Band of Indians, do hereby c e r t i fy that a true copy of the foregoing by-law was forwarded to the M inister o f Indian A f fa i r s and Northern Development pursuant to Section 82 Subsection (1) of the Indian Act th is 5th day o f December, 197Q.
I * Indian and Northern Affairs Affaires indiennes et du Nord BAND COUNCIL RESOLUTION RESOLUTION DE CONSEIL DE BANDE NOTE: The words From our Band Funds Capital or Revenue , whichever Band Funds N O TA: L es mots "d a s lands de notre bande ••Capital" ou revenu selon le cas e >.ven< paraître dans toutes les re'so/jfions portant sur des dépenses à ________ meme les fonds des bandes THE COUNCIL OF THE LE CONSEIL DE LA BANDE INDIENNE Shawanaga Harm AGENCY DISTRICT Sudbury District PROVINCE Ontario PLACE NOM DE L ENDROIT Shawanaga Council Chambers DATE _5Üh_____ Dec. AD 19 DAY - JOUR _JZ9_____ MONTH - MOIS YE AR - ANNEE DO HEREBY RESOLVE: d e c i d e , p a r l e s p r é s e n t e s : A Special Council Meeting by the Shawanaga Indian Band was held at 27 Queen Street, East, Toronto, Ontario on December 5, 1979 fo r the purpose of amending By-law 17:176. Chief Wayne Pamajewon, Councillor Roger Jones, Councillor Mike Pawis. Motion #1 Moved by Councillor Mike Pawis second by Councillor Roger Jones that the Council approves of the fo llow ing amendment: Bv-law 17:176 A BY-LAW TO AMEND BY-LAW 17:176 Section 10 of By-law 17:176 is hereby repealed and the fo llow ing substituted in its place : 10: A person who v io la te s Section 3 ,4 ,5 ,6 ,7 or 9 of th is by-law is gu ilty of an offence and is l ia b le on summary conviction to a fine of not more than one hundred d o l la r s , or to imprisonment fo r a term not exceeding th ir ty days, ot? to both fine and imprisonment. Approved and passed at a duly convened meeting of the Council of the Ojibways of Shawanaga at Toronto th is 5th day of December, 1979. (Councillor consei Her) (Councillor conseiller) (Councillor conseiller) (Councillor conseiller) ^Coünciïior'— *COTsêV/ïër).................. (Councillor conseiller) FOR D EPARTM EN TAL USE ONLY - RÉSERVÉ AU MINISTERE Band Fund Code 2. COMPUTER BALANCES - SOLDES D'ORDINATEUR 3. Expenditure Code du compte B. Revenue de bande A. Capital Revenu $ $ $ i. Recommended J R e commendable D a t e Recommending Officer Recommandé par < 13b 13-74J / S 3 U - 4 I - U 4 3 - 4 6 6 2R 5 C £ ' is the ca|jj;tpu9^ aI1 res°lptions requesting expenditures from 1 ^ Balance Solde de capital Committed Engagé Current Revenue balance Solde de revenu Committed Engagé Members present: (Councillor conseiller) (Councillor conseiller) (Councillor conseiller) 4. Authority Autorité S» Source of Funds D épenses Indian Act Sec Source des fonds Arf. de la Loi sur les i i C ^ api . t . a . l i R Re e v v e e n n u u e Indiens Approved Approuva ble Date Approving Officer Approuvé par
I f Indian and Northern Affairs Affaires indiennes et du Nord BAND COUNCIL RESOLUTION RÉSOLUTION DE CONSEIL DE BANDE NOTE. The words "From our Band Funds Capital or "R even u e , whichever is the case, must appear in all resolutions requesting expenditures from Band Funds N O T A : L es mots "d e s lands de notre bande " Capital ou revenu selon le cas doivent paraitre dans toutes les résolutions portant sur des dépenses à t h e c o u n c i l o f t h e LE CONSEIL DE LA BANDE INDIENNE SHAWANAGA AGENCY d i s t r i c t SUDBURY p r o v i n c e ONTARIO PLACE n o m d e L e n d r o i t SHAWANAGA RESERVE d a t e 5 . DECEMBER AP1Q 79 DAY - JOUR MONTH - MOIS YEAR - ANNEE DO HEREBY RESOLVE: DECIDE, PAR LES PRESENTES: - 2 -By-lavi 17:179 AMENDMENT TO BY-LAW 17: 176 I , Wayne Pamajewon, Chief of the Shawanaga Band o f Indians, do hereby c e rt i fy that a true copy o f the foregoing by-law was forwarded to the M inister of Indian A f fa i r s and Northern Development pursuant to Section S? Subsection (1 ) of the Indian Act th is 5th day of December, 1979. Be i t fu rther resolved that the M inister of Indian A f fa i r s approve of the By-law 17:179 immediately, before the 40 day waiting period is up. very important to the Shawanaga Band. (Councillor conseiller) (Councillor conseiller) (Councillor conseiller) (Councillor conseiller) (Councillor conseiller) (Councillor conseiller) FOR DEPARTM EN TAL USE ONLY - RÉSERVÉ AU MINISTERE 1. Band Fund Code 2. COMPUTER BALANCES - SOLDES D'ORDINATEUR 3. Expenditure Code du compte B. Revenue Revenu de bande A . Capital $ $ $ |6. Recommended J R e commendable ! i Date Recommending Officer Recommandé par I A 1 3 * (^> -74) 7 5 3 0 - 2 1 - 0 2 3 - 4 6 6 2C h r o n o l o g i c a l N o . N um é ro c o n c u tif File Reference N ° de (% du dossier Current Capital Balance Solde de capital ^ Committed Engagé $ Current Revenue balance v a /no f/û rfitfûnft 3 Committed Engagé $ As th is is ___ r(Councillor conseiller) (Councillor conseiller) (Councillor conseiller) (Councillor conseiller) 4* Authority Autorité 5» Source of Funds D épenses Indian Act Sec Source des f onds Art, de la Loi sur les i i Capi . t . a . l i M i R o evenue i ' 1 Revenu Indiens Approved Approuvable Date A p p r o v i n g Officer Approuvé par
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