Partie II - Lois des Premières nations promulguées

Informations sur la décision

Contenu de la décision

C hronological No* D E P A R T M E N T O F I N D I A N A F F A I R S A N D N O R T H E R N D E V E L O P M E N T INDIAN AFFAIRS BRANCH 36A968-69 H.Q. R eference CANADA BAND COUNCIL RESOLUTION 473/3-10________ NOTE: The words From our Band F u n d s" must appear in all reaolutions requesting expenditures from Band Funds# F O R H E A D Q U A R T E R S U S E O N L Y COUNCIL OF THE Beausoleil BAND AGENCY Christian Island PROVINCE Ontario PLACE Coiaaajnity Hall DATE L + U - AD 19 / a w Ht e a r DO HEREBY RESOLVE: That the Beausoleil Band Council and enact Bylaw No. 3 which reads as follows; "The Council of the Beausoleil Band of Indians at a Meeting held in the Conmunity p B a a r l a l g a r t a p C h h ( r b i ) s t a i n a d n I (r s ) l a o n f d s o e n c J t u io l n y 8 4 0 t , h * o 1 f 9 t 6 h 3 e a u In k d c i s a t n h A e c t f * ollowing bylaw pursuant to Bylaw No# $ A bylaw to provide for the regulation of traffic on Christian Island Indian Reserve in the Province of Ontario 0 (a) No vehicle shall be operated at a rate of speed in excess of 25 Hiles an hour w ba i n t d h # in any residential area designated and narked as such by the council of the (b)No vehicle shall be operated on any beach area within the Christian Island nn 4 ^ R t e h s e e b r a v n e d # where subdivided lands are designated and narked thereon by the council of (e)Mo vehicle shall be perked overnight on road allowances# This shall be to «osBwnly used roads within the Christian Island Indian Reserve# (d)Any person who violates any of the provisions of tbs bylaw shall be liable on suMmary conviction to a fine not exceeding ten dollars or iaprisonasnt for a tern not exceeding seven days, or both fine end inprlsoiBasnt# céééiéd n (C ouncillor) (C ouncillor) (C ouncillor) (C ouncillor) FOR HEADQUARTERS USE ONLY 1. TRUST 2. CURRENT BALANCES 3. Expenditure 4# Authority 5# Source o f Funds ACCT A . Capital B# Revenue Indian A ct Sec# j 1 Capitsl ( | Revenue $ $ $ 6# Recommended 7# Approved Date A ssistant Deputy Minister» Date Authorised O fficer Indian Affairs IA 135(3*68) 7530*21'023*4662
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