Partie II - Lois des Premières nations promulguées

Informations sur la décision

Contenu de la décision

rvrmwtxt te wSSmrrt--- A V?~ .■«*» V >, r̂ La~Jfc3d La£'.„a :; Aw#».: » - .Is t£L* ;* * m - ^ laiasd S» err** « e « smub» U aster*:' a.t ta* general l i s t pvrm-aeat t* Sw clir r- of th» India; ic i pd ie * eeana any wwefcer af un Band I l sensed te sot a* * guide p3T»URJ3t tbi* by- U«i ; *p#rsti-i* nea^s a parmi*. lean*,: far the purpose» ef tfci* cy~la* by the Cops, oil or s perses'a pneixted is eritlng 57 the Cotise 11 for te* iaaibu*: of su ri permit* ; if ; *hagi£trs.r*f » h:j « pereor appelâtes le vriting ry ta* Cornell for th* >if: seer r»*’ œea.tiS the Christian Island Jadis.r, hmn>rv. 2 , Se peraoc ether toat a aeeber of to# Band :r s Ceaers.1 List ae&Per ahtU cuct pheasant oc th» Baser** without a permit. 3. *c a*aDe? af thm .Band or Ceneral H at neeber «ba il in r i te or accompany aay paraoc who 1* not a aaeber of the Band or a Seeeral List æabar to ttaat pheasant on the Be*err* unless such perso; is tbs holder of a parait. 4, Psrsdts may be obtained only on production of m ild and aubsfcrtiaç Ontario proTtadel banting license and nay b» subject to « fee «at* t i l shed fro* time to tine by resolution of the Course U , 5. Bag U s d U , pesetas l i a i t » , hunting hours, and regulations for th* use of dogs «ay b« established fro * tio » tc tine by resolution of the Council, {1; Holders of permits «ay boat pheasants only when accompanied by a guide. (2) lies and any other aatter* respecting guide serrloes and the «oçloyment . of guides aay £e determined and regulated from tiae tc tine by resolution of th* Council. -3 f/iïtivv%,ri |f*7 fM-" ,;&r^ V ;; s ' s %sm r*çt~ *,ZAzz. > is ta» Prrvzœm i f -Imtari» -JtK ■:><* *,.?x#NSfc# af awe.-, j s*t»î «#*.5# lB# SHB-îTii cf tt# »*-.'»£ » «wener* neaae aay peraasi resident a*s xm itrtrt ia * of zhi* b j«l*v ; ani -S'TW ^
X rS L i\ :\ ù /.l ̂ x p'VL. ^ o f ( â } r r*--*- { f - . f r ixyx f r-- ’! : f :>-v pulls pursue,ut to -visu up-yean ypu) ‘•v-f.-it* sruns a poroi iuepatJ too- the purposes of this by-law bp the Council or a peruer appojrted is for tha iseulii.y of such reritts* ( f ) E Rag is tray*1 iràans a paraon sppoir;t-*<! in writing by the Council for th$ p-srpoeoa ef tkio by«.Xuvj and (g) ^Rererv-a51 œosns ih-s Shri i-.vinn Island Ionian Jisanrrs, 2» 00 part-on othsr than u ssorber o.f thf? Bur;'! or a fenerel 14.81 ss0uh»r shall htaab pbaaaaat on th* F.saervo without a psr.-itt. 3» Ko ScCinber of the Band or Central Liai yaiaur ehall invita or aceo.ipa.ny any parson who Is not a Kabsr of thus Sard or* a General. List*b©r to .u-.-r.t pheasant or; tn» itsswT© unlgps such person is tbs holder of & partit* e, F end. ta ray b-3 obteiuod roly en prof ace i.oa of vs lie! and subsisting- ; Datsrir u 'o f hunting IJ.canoa aud a^y ba subject to a fee ssl&blished f> , : ■: , - of b* 5* . ; .... ■■■'■■" -' ........ ' «. b - b C iU . m U p e O t .;.P 'ï b * ' r e a p o u a r a i e v v e r e l 1 J - f o i lie irm-jè to a et au by trie Co'unoiT '■■;■ 1 - t.ions for ths « 3 0 / 1 of iho Council. n■*ah by a guida. .. . : eho evaXo;r’,ur;.fc e X o i f .
7. ( l ) Any .aomber of* the bom? wishing to act as a guide -for th© purposes of this b;/Wlav s ta ll register with tbs Registrar (2) The leglatrar ay i t ills discretion issu© or on payment of s ch fee 93 the Council ray < etarmins by resolution, to my Bind 9 abor registered pursuant to subsection (1 ), 1 licence to guida. 8» '.,0 Band member shall act as guide for ho purposes of this by-Law unless licensed pursuant to subsection (2) of Section 7. n. (1) "'very g jibo shall alios by any rules and regulations established free tins to tins by resolutions of the Council for the instructions of prices (?) Where any guida f i l l s to abide by any rules and regulations established pursuant to subsection ( l ) , th© Registrar uay revoke the .License of such guides. 13. Open seasons and any other matters not provided for in or pursuant io this by-law with respect to the hunting of pheasants on the Reserve shall be as provided for in the regulations aside under the Ontario Gome ict for provincial lands contiguous to the Reserve. 11. Any parson vho violates any of the provisions of this by-law shall on ** eviction be liable to a fins not exceeding flOO or imprisonment for a term not exceeding thirty days or both fine and imprisonment. 12. With the coring into force of this by-law A by-law ai ,3 by the Council on November 1, 1961 to provide for th© regal xtio.n of pheasant shooting on Christian Island Reserve shall cease to bo in feres. Dated èt Christian Island, this 29th, day of October, 1962, « 4 e f * * ®/* s * e v * t « «re « '7B. /Am > - f ; ,<Vy*—y / v I * « » « * * r ' o à~4 ft Councillor U - M t * ï * « * * o..g * v **•. -i. 0 * « * v ■&•
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