Partie II - Lois des Premières nations promulguées

Informations sur la décision

Contenu de la décision

C hronologica l No. . - . r yar H.Q. R e ference BAND COUNCIL RESOLUTION 475/28-12 NO TE : Th e words "F rom our Band Funds*' must appear In a ll resolutions requesting expenditures from Band Funds. COUNCIL OF TH E BEAUSOLEIL FOR HEADQUARTERS USE ONLY B AN D AGENCY GEORGIAN BAY DISTRICT PR O VINC E ONTARIO P L A C E CHRISTIAN ISLAND AGENCY OFFICE D ATE 1 5 t h ...... June 71 D A Y MONTH Y E A R d o h e r e b y r e s o l v e : That the Beausoleil Band Council pass a Bylaw creating a local Development Commission to be known as the Christian Island Develop-*’ ment Commission of Christian Island Reserve #30. Be it ordained by the Beausoleil Band Council. h (1) That the local Development Commission be known as Christian Island Development Commission be and the same is hereby created and shall hereafter be referred to as The Commission. (2) The Christian Island Development Commission shall consist of seven (?) members, each of whom must be resident and registered members of the Chippewas of Beausoleil and shall be appointed by the Beausoleil Band Council as Follows 1 ' Not less than two (2) members of The Commission shall be members of the Council, two (2) of whom shall be appointed every two (2) years and the remaining five (5) members shall be appointed for the following terms» One member for a period of 5 years, One member for a period of 4 years, One member for a period of 3 years, One member for a period of 2 years, One member for a period of 1 year. thereafter, all appointments, except the members of the Council appointed for a two (2) year term shall be for a term of five (5) years and the members shall serve until their successors are appointed and duly qualified. (3) (a) The Commission ^ill organize immediately upon it*s appointment and shall designate a time for an annual organization meeting. The Commission shall have monthly meetings and such other meetings as may be determined by The Commission. (b) The Commission at * the annual organization meeting shall elect a . (C h ie f) Page Two..,...*. (C ou ncillor) 7 (C ou ncillor) (C ou n cillo r ) (C ou ncillor) (C ou ncillor) (C ou n cillo r ) (C ou ncillor) (C ou ncillor) (C ou n c illo r ) (C ou ncillor) (C ou ncillor) (C ou n c illo r ) I* 139 0 - 6 8 ) 7930-21-023-4682
- Page Two * . R > I D E P A R T M E N T O F I NDI AN A F F A I R S A N D N O R T H E R N D E V E L O P M E N T INDIAN AFFA IRS BRANCH CANAD A BAND COUNCIL RESOLUTION N O TE : Th e words From our Band Funds** must appear In a ll resolutions requesting expenditures from Band Funds. C O U N C IL OF TH E AGENCY PROVINCE P L A C E D A TE _____________________ ----------------------------- AD 19 ______________ D A Y MONTH DO H E R E B Y R E S O LV E : Chairman and a Treasurer, each of whom shall act for one year. (c) The Band Administrator shall act as Secretary to The Commission. (d) The Commission shall appoint such other officers as The Commission, from time to time, shall deem necessary. (e) The Treasurer shall receive all monies payable to The Commission and deposit same in an account in the name of The Commission, and shall only make disbursements therefrom by means of cheques authorized by The Commission signed by the Co-Signor and the Treasurer upon presentation of proper vouchers and invoices therefor (f) The Treasurer shall submit a financial statement to The Commission each and every month, showing all receipts and disbursements and the balance on hand and shll be subject to an annual audit by a firm of accountants hired by The Band. (g) The Commission must have the approval of the Council for any or all expenditures exceeding the sum of TWO THOUSAND ($2,000.00) DOLLARS. (4) The Commission shall be responsible for the planning and development of certain Band Lands, upon approval of the Council, to do all things necessary for their proper development, and without limiting the generality of the foregoingi (a) Provide for.The planning, development, construction, erection, improvement^ alteration, extension, maintenance, operation, use, management regulation, control and supervision of d Co e t v t e a l g o e p me D n e t v el o o n pm p e r n o t p er o t n i duly authorized by Council to commence such work; (b) To adopt and promulgate any rules and regulations for the proper use and-development of Cottage Development and any other development of Band Lands authorized by the Council; (C h ie f) (C ou ncillor) (C ou n cillo r ) (C ou ncillor) (C ou n cillo r) (C ou ncillor) (C ou n cillo r) (C ou ncillor) (C ou n cillo r) FOR H E A D Q U AR TE R S USE O N L Y 1. T R U S T 2. C U R R E N T B A L A N C E S A C C T A . Cap ita l B . Revenue $ S 6. Recommended Date Authorized O ffice r IA 1 3 3 (3 - 6 8 ) 7 3 3 0 -2 1 -0 2 3 -4 6 6 2C hronological No. *•/& (Cont'd) H.Q. R e ference ^75/28-12 FOR HEADQUARTERS USE ONLY BAND Y E A R e C s h r o i w s n t e i d a n by I sl C a o n u d n ci a l n d af an t y e r o h t a h v e i r n g been Page Three...... - dh *' (C ou n c illo r ) (C ou n c illo r ) (C ou n c illo r ) (C ou n c illo r ) 3. Expenditure 4. Authority 5. Source o f Funds Indian A ct Sec. f 1 C ap ita l ( | Revenue $ 7. Approved j Date A ssis tan t Deputy M in ister. Indian A ffa irs
✓—■ Page Three) { D E P A R T M E N T O F I NDI AN A F F A I R S A N D N O R T H E R N D E V E L O P M E N T INDIAN AFFAIRS BRANCH BAND COUNCIL RESOLUTION CAN AD A N O TE : T h e words "F rom our Band Funds * must appear In a ll resolutions requesting expenditures from Band Funds. C O U N C IL OF TH E __________________________________ AG ENCY PR O V IN C E P L A C E D A TE ______________________________________ __________________________ AD 19 ______________ D A Y MONTH DO H E R E B Y R E S O LV E : (c) Regulate and fix rates for the proper and efficient use of tjcie Cottage Development for the proper and efficient use of all facilities upon said Band Lands. (d) Enter into lease or leases, only upon approval of the Council with individuals, partnerships, or corporations for the operation of the Christian Island Cottage Development. Dated at Christian Island on the 15th day of June 1971* sV (C ou ncillor) (C ou ncillor) (C ou n cillo r) (C ou ncillor) FOR H E A D Q U AR TE R S USE O N L Y 1. T R U S T 2. C U R R E N T B A LA N C E S A C C T A . Cap ita l B. Revenue $ $ 6. Recommended ' V Date Authorised O ffice r IA 133 ( 3 - 6 8 ) 7 5 3 0 - 2 1 - 0 2 3 - 4 6 6 2 C hronological No* y ff (Cont*d) H.Q. Re ference 5/ 28-12 FOR HEADQUARTERS USE ONLY BAND Y E A R ! i (C ou n cillo r ) (C ou n c illo r ) (C ou n cillo r ) 3. Expenditure 4. Authority 5. Source o f Funds Indian A ct Sec. •' \ ' 1 ) C ap ita l | ] Revenue $ 7. Approved 1Vci ^ * n . } .. ; ! / ■* J Date A ss is tan t Deputy M inister, t Indian A ffa irs 1 \
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