Partie II - Lois des Premières nations promulguées

Informations sur la décision

Contenu de la décision

The C hippewas o f Georgina Island First N ation By-law No. 30 Being a By-law to R epeal By-law N o. 6 Public Games Enacted on the 11th day o f Septem ber, 1967 W HEREAS the Council o f the Chippewas o f Georgina Island First Nation desires to repeal certain by-laws; AND W HEREAS the Council o f the Chippewas o f Georgina Island First Nation, pursuant to sections 80 and 81 o f the Indian A ct R.S.C. 1985, cI-5, may, subject to the approval o f the M inister o f Indian Affairs and Northern Development, make by-laws for any or all o f the purposes provided for under sections 80 and 81 ; AND W HEREAS the Council o f the Chippewas o f Georgina Island First Nation, did enact certain by-laws in accordance with the aforesaid sections o f the Indian A ct R.S.C. 1985, c.I-5; NOW THEREFORE the Council o f the Chippewas o f Georgina Island First Nation, hereby enacts this by-law repealing the following by-law: Band by-law number 6, By-law Title Public Games”, enacted on the 11th day o f September, 1967, effective on the 5th day o f October, 1967. THIS BY-LAW IS H EREBY ENACTED at a duly convened meeting o f the Council o f the Chippewas o f Georgina Island First Nation, this 6 7 day o f n p ri / __________ , 2003 Voting in favour o f this by-law are the following members o f Council: being the majority o f those members o f Council o f the Chippewas o f Georgina Island First Nation Band present at the aforesaid meeting o f the Council. The quorum o f the Council is 3 members. ^ N o. o f members o f the Band Council present at the meeting: 6 I, CO) | W Cl HO M- M (Q jUL Chief/Councillor o f the Chippewas o f Georgina Island First Nation Band, do herby certify that a copy o f the foregoing by-law was mailed to the M inister o f Indian Affairs and Northern Development at the District/Regional/Hull Office (as the cape may be) pursuant to subsection 82(1) o f the Indian Act, this (TJ day o f O f l / U J , 2003.
CHIPPEW AS OF GEORGINA ISLAND FIRST NATION RESTRICTIVE SIGNS BY-LAW BY-LAW #3 W HEREAS the Council o f the Chippewas o f Georgina Island First Nation desires to make a By­ law for the regulation o f traffic through restrictive signs and with respect to any matters ancillaiy to the exercise o f powers under section 81, and for the im positions o f penalties for the violation thereof; AND W HEREAS paragraphs (b), (d), (q) and (r) o f section 81 (1) o f the Indian Act empower the Council o f a Band to make such a By-law; AND W HEREAS it is deemed to be expedient and necessary to regulate traffic through restrictive signs for the benefit, comfort, safety and prevention o f nuisance for the inhabitants o f the Chippewas o f Georgina Island First Nations Reserve #33 and 33A; NOW THEREFO RE the Council o f the Chippewas o f Georgina Island First Nation Band hereby makes the follow ing By-law: SHORT TITLE 1. This By-law shall be cited as the Chippewas o f Georgina Island First Nation Indian Reserve Restrictive Sign By-Law”. DEFINITIO NS 2. In this By-law, (a) Band means the Chippewas o f Georgina Island First Nation Band #33 and #33A; (b) Council means the elected representatives including C hief o f the Chippewas o f Georgina Island First Nation Indian Reserve #33 and #33A; (c) BCR means Band Council Resolution as defined in the Indian Act; (d) Reserve means a tract o f land, the legal title to which is vested in Her Majesty, that has been set apart by Her Majesty for the use and benefit o f Georgina Island Band o f Indians and known as the Georgina Island First Nation Indian Reserve #33 and #33 A; (e) Nuisance means any act or activity in which materially impairs, otherwise than by direct interference, the use and enjoyment o f a persons property, public property and or any business or other means o f livelihood authorized by the Council;
2 of 3 (f) Daylight hours means the time period beginning one half hour before sunrise and ending one half hour after sunset; (g) By-law Enforcement Officer means Peace Officer or anyone designated by Council. POSTING 3. (a) all signs shall be posted in a clearly visible location at the point o f access and shall be visible and readable during daylight hours under normal conditions; (b) posted signs shall bear, in no smaller than one inch characters that reference the date the sign was made official by Council; (c) a sign naming or showing a graphic representation o f an activity with an oblique line through the name or graphic is sufficient for the purpose o f giving notice that the activity is prohibited; (d) any sign under this section shall be o f such a size that a circle ten centimeters in diameter can be contained wholly within it. EXCEPTIONS 4. (a) a notice o f permission may be granted by Council to any person who applies in writing, and must be presented to a By-law Enforcement Officer when requested; (b) any person who fails to surrender written notice from Council w ill be charged as i f no permission had been granted. PENALTIES 5. (a) any person who disobeys any posting displayed under the authority o f this By-law is guilty o f an offence and is liable on summaiy conviction to a fine not exceeding ONE THOUSAND DOLLARS ($1000.00) or imprisonment for a term not exceeding thirty day or both fine and imprisonment; (b) a judgement for damages and or an award o f costs under this By-law shall be in addition to any fine that is imposed. 6. Where an offence under this By-law is committed by means o f a motor vehicle, as defined in the Highway Traffic Act, or by means o f a vessel, as defined in the Criminal Code o f Canada, or by means o f a motorized snow vehicle, as defined in the M otorized Snow Vehicle Act, the driver o f the motor vehicle, vessel or motorized snow vehicle is liable to the fine provided under this By-law, and where the driver is not the owner, the
3 of 3 owner o f the motor vehicle, vessel, or motorized snow vehicle is liable to the fine under this By-law, unless the driver is convicted or, at the time the offence was committed, the motor vehicle, vessel, or motorized snow vehicle was in the possession o f a person other than the owner without the owners consent. APPROVED AND PASSED this 01 Day o f f lp f i / 2003 by Council o f the Chippewas o f Georgina Island at the duly convened meeting at which a quorum o f the Councillors o f the Band are present and voting in favour o f this Restrictive Sign By-law”. Voting in favour o f this By-law are the following members o f Council: being the majority o f those members o f Council o f the Chippewas o f Georgina Island First Nation Band present at the foresaid meeting o f Council. The quorum o f the Council is 3 Members. No. O f members o f the Band Council present at the meeting:__S I , W illiam M. McCue, C hief o f the Chippewas o f Georgina Island First Nations Band, do hereby certify that an original o f the foregoing By-law was mailed to the Minister o f Indian Affairs and Northern Development at the District/Regional/Hull office (as the case may be) pursuant to subsection 82(1) o f the Indian Act, this O l Day of _________, 2003. (W itness) (C hief W iliam M. McCue)
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