Partie II - Lois des Premières nations promulguées

Informations sur la décision

Contenu de la décision

M I N I S T E P O F C I T I 2 E N 5 H ' P A N D I M M I G R A T I O N f I HE'JSSY declare the following by-law made by the Council of the Chippewas of Georgina Island Band of Indians in the Province of Ontario, at a meeting held April 26, 1962, to be in force: By-law No. 1 - A by-law to provide for the regulation of the activities of boys and girls on the Georgina Island Indian Reserve, actually or apparently under 16 years of age, in the Province of Ontario.
The C cuad l o f t~v C tl'pevna c f islan d fend of Indiana s i a »&etJLag tcàld A jiril 2Qth , 19 ï.*ke& tha fctle%d_ft£ hy-Xm pw rsv^t to p a ra g ra p h ic ) , (d ) . (q ; *r>d < e f S ,> U co 80 o f tha Indien Act. i r .- l*rn So* 1 A by-Lsw to pr r id a fe r the tio n of tha « .e t ir it ia » o f boy» ersi g ir la on t l« G^or^lrss Island Indian Res-erca, aefcastly or apparently 15 ÿf'.-I'a of ££9. a) to b-y or ^ tr l ce. the Oa^rjrin* Island Irrdi*n rle&srca a c tu a lly or apparently ur>de»r l é y&cj-a o f »£«, aba.U l e t t e r any p laça ad th in ti-3 Indian •'.'estrvo fefter tçn c 'e lc c k in l i a a fta rrîo ca . 'b ) fo tey c r e t r l on t->a C ercle-s Zrîrusd l/jdt&a '^ .o rv e a c tu a lly or ap.p:.rc_tly under l é $v-:;ra e f ago, a f a i l bo l e any p laça o f anteriorvr.-^rjt, a tr . e t , l r , ?y.rv:iy or o-n^ne vitfeln the aald ^eifcrva, ï«" « f a l l à lu tha ctr».-va o f rvbürniag fr o * « ry p laça of enic-rlairt-^njt o f f th-e said h; - erv* a f t a r tha hoar o f te a o 'c lo ck in tha aftj?,v.n:r. c s î es a aeo^sêpaniad by hta or her p&r&nt or an e*dolt appetDhNd by a pertrst to aeanspasy such c h ild . (a) A hegr or f l r l on tha Srargina la land Indian t a ,*orr« reread r i d a t in g tha pporiato»» of mgrapJi (a ) or (b) say oa vw tod and ccraiijatad tressa by a p o iica o f f ic e r . -d) & psrent p « r d l i *1» »h ild to r i d a t a p*.r»p.r&ph (a} or (to) shall. b« g u ilty o f ar. offanea and sh a ll be l ia b le on rurm ^ry cosjrlrtioB t a f in e rict a^eeadlng ? 5 ,“'C or Itrpriannaact f a r a to m nc?t exceeding aavan deya, nr --oth f in e and i^psieersoeot. reunc-..ll-Tr Co. me i Her Councillor Councillor
 Vous allez être redirigé vers la version la plus récente de la loi, qui peut ne pas être la version considérée au moment où le jugement a été rendu.