Partie II - Lois des Premières nations promulguées

Informations sur la décision

Contenu de la décision

c> / Lo S G D E P A R T M E N T O F C IT IZ E N S H IP AND IMMIGRATION / I N D I A N A F F A I R S B RA NCH BAND COUNCIL RESOLUTION CANADA NOTE: The word# ‘‘From our Band Fund»** mmt appear in all resolution* requesting expenditure# from Band Fund#. The Council of the............................ ............ ......Whxte f ± ah L alee ..Band of Indiana, (Name of Band) « the......................- ..................................................................... ......................................................... ...Indian Agency, (Name of Agency) ^ T in the Province of...............P.ïÆ.'Ei?.................................... at a meeting, held at... ^ake R eserve 'Th lA f-* - ' ^ ' 7 . (Nameof Provin ce . in fu s ll) s t±2LjLD. 19 « ....................( N ^ r f F t a S ) ................. s£ .....^ of (In Full) (Month) Do H ereby Resolve: That Band by-law Ko. 1 governing fishing and hunting by Non-Indians on our Reserve be approved under the following conditions: Fishing 1. Fishing to be confined to the inland waters of the Whitefish Lake Indian Reserve No. 6. 2. The Ontario Fishery Regulations will apply to non-Indians at all times. 3. Cost of permit to be $3.00 per day or $12.00 per week. 4- One Indian guide for every two fishermen. Guide to be paid at the rate of $15.00 a day plus board. Hunting - Deer and small game (Ducks and Partridge) 1. Permittee must possess valid Ontario licenses. 2. Valid only during regular open season as set by the Province. 3. Deer permit valid~for hunting and killing one deer only. 4. All Ontario hunting regulations to be observed. 5. Permittee must be accompanied by a Whitefish Lake Band Indian guide; at the rate of one guide for every two permittees. 6. Cost of permits to be $12.00 for one week and guide fees to be $15.00 a day per each two permittees. 7. Small game to be hunted within the regulations of the migratory Birds Act. B. Permits for partridge and ducks to be $3.00 per day. One guide for every two permittees at $15.00 a day plus board for each guide. 9. Permits to be printed at Band Fund Expenses. 10. Guides will be responsible for issuing permits to their individual fishing parties and to turn in proceeds to the Agency office. They are also responsible for the (Councillor) (Councillor) (Councillor) (Councillor) (Councillor) (Councilor) FOR HEADQUARTERS USE ONLY 1. TRUST 2. CURRENT BALANCES 3. Expenditure 4. Authority 5. Source of Fund# ACCT A. Capital B. Revenue Indian Act Sec. 1 | Capital Q Revenue $ $_ $ 6. Recommended 7. Approved D a te A u th o r iz e d O ffic e r D a te D irector* In d ian A ffa irs IA 5 - 7 (Rev. 3 - 6 3 )
( rM i Council of theWhltofish Lake Band of Indians at a meeting held the of _ /jgrdi^ , makes the follov/ing by-law pursuant c> to paragraphs (0) and (r) of' Section SO of the Indian Act. By-law B o » | A by-law to provide for the preservation, protection and management of for­ bearing anifaals, fish and game in the h'hlteixsh lake Indian Reserve in the Province of Ontario, FISH31G 1. Ko person, other than a member of the band, shall be permitted to fish in the reserve without first obtaining a written permit to so do from the person au­ thorised by the Council to grant sueh permission. 2, Permits may be obtained only on production of a valid and subsisting Ontario Provincial Licence, if such is required by the person applying, to fish in provincial waters contiguous to the reserve. 3 Such permit shall authorize the permittee to fish by angling only and may be subject to a fee established from time to time by resolution of the Council of the band. h Mo person, under authority of such permit, shall fish for, take or attempt to take in one day, (a) more than six large mouth or six small mouth black bass or any combination of six thereof <b) more than two mskinonge (c) more than six yellow pickerel (d) more than six pike (e) core than five lake trout (f) more than one sturgeon (g) more than ten perch (h) more than twenty crappies (i) more than twenty fish in the aggregate in all species mentioned, above. 5 Ko person shall retain, keep out of the water or Lave in his possession, (a) any black bass of a total length less than eleven inches (h) any maskinonge of a total length less than thirty inches (c) any yellow pickerel of a total length than fifteen inches (d) any pike of a total length less than eighteen inches (e) any lake trout of a total length less than fifteen inches (f) any sturgeon other then the first sturgeon taken or caught regardless of size. 6. Ho person shall retain, keep out of water or have in his possession more than one days limit as set out in Section 4 aid 5 of this by-law.
( ' , < ( { - 2 -7. ïhs definition of angling, open and close season, coarse fish, game fish, resident, total length, yellow pickerel and all other matters not specifically mentioned in this by-law shall be as provided in the Special Fishery Regula­ tions for the Province of Ontario. ° MgITiNO 8. Ko person other than a member of the band or the holder under lease of shooting rights in any part of the reserve, shall be permitted to trap or hunt in the reserve without first obtaining a written permit so to do from the person authorised by the Council to grant such permission. 9. Holders of permits to hunt or trap as outlined in Section & must be aceoinpanied by a member of the Whitefish Lake Band duly licensed to act as a guide. 10. Permits may be obtained only on production of a valid and subsisting Ontario Provincial Licence, if such is required by the person applying, and may be subject to a fee established from time to time by the Council of the band. 11. Open season, bag limits, possession limits and all other matters not provided for in this by-law shall be, with- respect to ducks, as set out in regulations for the Province of Ontario made tinder authority of the Migratory Birds Con­ vention Act and, with respect to other game, as provided in the regulations wade under the Ontario Gmie Act for the contiguous provincial lands. 12. All band members before being permitted to act as guides must register with the person authorised by the Council to receive such registration who will issue free of charge to each band member who registers a licence to guide on the Whitefish Lake Indian Reserve. 13. Every guide licenced under Section 12 ox the by-law is required to abide by the rules and regulations set down by the Council for the instruction of guides and failure to do so will result in the revoking of the licence to guide. 14. Any person who violates the provisions of this by-law contained in items 1 to 11 inclusive shall be guilty of an offence and shall be liable on summary conviction to a fine not exceeding $100.00 or imprisonment for a term not exceeding thirty days or both fine and. imprisonment (Councillxsr) (CouncillorT
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