Partie II - Lois des Premières nations promulguées

Informations sur la décision

Contenu de la décision

îk¥ no* 6 The Council of the Kettle Point Band of Indians at a meeting held this l^th day of iepteaber t 1965, taakre the following by-1 w purtu>r t to paragraphs (f), (l) and (q) of Section 80 of the Indian Act. P/.-* t eMi. Jiff*. 6 < \ 4 I^-Lav to provide for the construction and maintenance of avater-vorke ays tee and appurtenances thereto and for the paytsent of water rates and %o regulate the use of water supplies. 1. In this 3/-Lav» (a) "band" means the Kettle Point Band of Indians; (b) "Council" u&ans the Council of the Kettle Point Band of Indiana;, (c) "Owner" includes a person who occupies or rerides on any lanes as-a locate-, tenant, licensee or rr ittcc; U) "service connection" ne ns the service pipe?, fittings'arid valves laid, constructed or installed or that may be laid, constructed or installes by the water coaniorion to the lot line of the applicant pursuant to an application for water services uncer this By-Law and includes an;* replace- uaut or extrusion thereof .•wade at any ti .3 or frota tine to tine; (e) "water comuissioner" îaeans the perron designated as each by the Council froc, tine to tir.e; and (f) "waterworks eystea" neans the water distribution and putp syctea laid, constructed and installed on Kettle Point Indian deserve and any eortension or replaceront thereof sade atrnny tire or froa tire to time and induces all rorvice connections. 2. An application for a supply of water froa the waterworks aysten ;nay be entertained by the Council betw en Harch 15th and October 1 5 th in any year. 3. Where an owner of lands used or occupies for the purpose of a cottage site, business or commercial enter; rise or -here an ovnar, other t*ian a :*jîd r.e ber, of lands usea or occupied for the pupose of xeci-ience, require? a supply of water froa'the waiter s/stera he shall; ' _ . I (a) -ake a written application to the Council, and (b) deposit with the Council for application towards the cost of construction of the connection, the su* of sixty dollf-i*». U. Where a rember of the îsand - an owner of land used for residential purposes - c e sire: a supply of voter fron the water £\*:tcn, he snail; (uj ut'f . written sc lie tion to the Council, -ml (b) ce i: with the Council for sp.,lic-iion tow .res the. c ,st of c-.of true tion tne tui of thirty-five collars. iui. eun. t , o , he ec fcy *vn ~>1 u t i or. s ''u ir ed .
/ - 2 -5. Vhere an application for a supply of water from the waterworks system is not approved by the Council, the deposit shall be returned to the applicant» 6. (c.) Where an applio .tion bjr an owner ..urauant to Section 3, hereof, has been approved by the Council and the applicant has deposited with the Council the monies required to be deporitod by this Sy-L v, the water comoissiont-r shall construct to the lot line of such owner the required service connection» (b) Whore an application by an ovn.r pursuant to Section k hereof has been approved by the Council and the applicant h- s deposited with the Council the toniec required to be deposited by this By-Law, t' o vtter oouniasionur shall construct to the lot line of such own -r t* e required service connection and nay with the approval of the Council provide free of charge to the applicant up to fifty feet of copper line of the proper hize as determined by the water ^.jcissioner. A water service connection shell be of a size not smaller than on -half inch nor larger than one and one-:.uarter inches which rise shall be determined by the water con'issionor. 8. A single service connection shell hot be connected vitn two or d o:a buildings except with the consent of the water corni:sioner. Every owner who is to receive a supply of water frora the water works i-ystea shell install cucn fittings, pipes, taps and plumbing fixtures, in, under and about hie prenait es which, in the opinion of the water oom£isr.ionçr, are necessary to receive and control the .ter conveyed from the water-works eyetes» 10 Where an owner has cos, lied with all the provisions of this Ey-Lov, the vst-r cocaissioner shall turn on the w t4r to tr,a pre.-i. es of such owner. 11 Every owner shall repair and rsint in end keep re .-ired and t/.intained ( v all fittings, pipes, tape and rlurtir.g fixtures installed pursuant to Section 9. II. !,o owner a-all install .r l.y any pipez, fitnin _rc/or rlurbing fixtures in or ebout his *r^ ipcr fr'r the P'*?*** receiving wuter fron the vâtcr-vork£ cycler unle~- rucr ;,ipesf fitiir. ; ps and plu^Lin^ fixtureL have bean Lpprjv <L by the water it Bion^T*
(1) Tr.e water commitsioner nay enter the premises of any owner connects to the water-works eystea for the purpose of inspect­ ing the riper, fittinyr, taps and -~lu binj fixtures. (2) If the water commissioner is of the opinion that the pipes,’ fittir. -5, tape and plumbiny fixtures in or shout the premises of an/ owner are defective or rre in need of repair; or that additional fittin s or plumbing fixtures are : epuired to receive or control the water or prevent frost damage to the service connection be shall serve^ipon the owner a notice in writing to correct the condition. (3) Tbr notice referred to in subsection (2) shall state a reasonable tice within which the owner is to correct the condition referred to in the notice. (*») *h;rei (a ) The notice referred to in sub-section (2) has been served on the owner, and (b) in the opinion of the water commissioner the owner has not corrected the condition referred to in the notice the water corusissioner nay turn off the supply of water to the premises of the owner until such tine as the connection has been corrected. (1) In this section "year" aeans the period commencing the 15th day of June and ending the Hfth of June immediately following. (2) Vater ratée slis.ll be paid to the Council on or before the coa ence mont of each year. (3) k'here a service connection icl^id and constructed purcu-nt to an application trade pursuant to Section 3 or hereof and the premises of the owner it- e-uir. ea to receive and control water from the euuply system the owner shall pay to the Council prior to the t..min on of the water by the water cur.mi- cioner a i.r .. lien of the water rate besed on the number of ca/s re-%inlf.~ 4* *■ c I**tt of June immediately following. Tne following vater rates shall be ^aid to the Council each year* (a) by an owner, who is a sember of the band, of lands used or occupied entirely for résidentiel purposes..............r19»5C
- k -(b) b/ an owner of land; , oth-.r than bund ambers, usnd or occupied for the purpose of, or in connection vith a residence or cottage si te...î2b.Q0 (c) by an owner cf lands uued for the purpose of, or in connection vith the oper_tion of en office building, store or school ......... $30.jO (d) b/ an owner of lands use! for the purpose of, or in connection with the ' operation of a restaurant, cafe or snack bar......... ....... $40.ü0 (e) b / an owner of lands used or occupied for the purpose of, or in-connection vith, an/ business or coanerciol enterprise not mentioned above, a r-te to be c-ter ined from tine to tir e by a resolution of the Council. 154 (l) notwithstanding anything in this By-law the C uneil sa/ recuire an o-ner to owner to pay a flat water r--to in such amount and in such ruanner as it nay deten ire fross tira to ti e. (2) The rate established pursuant to subnotion (l) of this section shall not b ; less than the highest E in g le rate that would otherwise be ' payable by the owner under Section 15 hereof. "* (3) The cuount of the vster rate established under this section for owner whose ltnds are used fer or in connection vith a particular purpose rh&ll be consistent with the water rutes established under this section for other owners whose lands are used for or in connection vith s similar pur ̂D^6# 1 5 B (1 ) The Council iiifiy , &t it; Gxpgnpc, & visiter motor in, on or about the prociic-es of tu owner which is connected to the water works system. (2 ) Â water meter in s ta lle d under th is se c tio n s h a ll be and remain the property o f the bund. (3 ) The v a te r couniesioner aay en ter in , on or upon the prerdees o f an owner froia time to t in e fo r the r.ur ose o f read ing the w ater m eter. (*+) Vhore a water c e te r i s in s ta lle d in , on o r about a premise the owner th ereo f s h a ll pay to the Council a water ra te in such snouht as the council v»ay from time to t i e determine by re so lu tio n . (5) The amount o f the water ra te estab lioh aa u n ier th is se c tio n f o r an owner who: e lands c used fo r or in connection with u p a r t ic u la r j-ur.o.-e sh a ll be con sisten t v ith the water . ates ectabliuhed under th is .e c t io n fo r other owners v:.oae 1m m .:t- used fu r nr in connection wit" a si:dl .r pur.-ose.
f / - 5 -v̂-16. (1) If sn owner nglecte or refuses to pay water rates when due the water cordis si oner rL.ay tjx-n off the water to his premises. (2) If the owner p-a/s to the Council (a) the water rates in arrears, and % 00 a service ch rge of five doll ere for the turning on of the water, the water eo: mis-i oner shall turn on the water supply. 17. Ever/ owner of lands used or occupied for the purpose of or in connection with a cottage site shall notify the water coa lseioner the date upon which his cottage shell he closed for the winter season and being upon/so notified the water commissioner shall turn off the water. le. Ko owner sh'll waste or permit water conveyed to his premises froo the water-works system to be vatt..d. t \ i?.. ' il) ho owner shall use or water conveyed to hie premises from the waterworks ç̂ /steia to be used for purposes ofher than d .rsestic purposes without the consent in wr iting of the water eo ici- sioner. (2) In this section the ters "domestic purpose" does not include irrigation purposes or lawn or garden watering; 20. The Council or the water commissioner shall not be liable to any owner or any other person for any damage to the property, lands, or buildings of an., such owner or person us the result of, or by reason of, or occasioned or attributable to the turning off of the water to the premise of the owner or the faillir» or breakdown of the va tr-works system. 21. The water conulcsioner ray, for the purpose of constructing, repairing, maintaining or extending the water-works eyetes or making any adcitions thereto, shut off the water supply to the premises of any owner for such . period of time as he considers necess'ry to complete the work. 22 All service fees, charges and rates collected pursuant to this By-Law 8 .all, wren required, 06 expended by the Council for the construction -.nd rainterf.nce of the water-works system. 'kief »1 $ 3 -^ 4 ir /A s Council lor.-1 ./ ^ ' S ê'*. -1 /
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