Partie II - Lois des Premières nations promulguées

Informations sur la décision

Contenu de la décision

AV / r The Covu JL o f tho Kettle l'oint Deiv. >f Indians at a meeting hold on tho day o f August, 1965», makes the follow ing by-law purouanfc to iloction 80 o f The Indian Aot# Whereao the Kettle Point D&nd o f Indiana are descendants o f that pert o f the Chippewa Nation o f Indiana which granted large aroaa in Wootem Ontario to tho Crown by Treaty dated duly 10th, 1827. And wlioreno the forefathoro o f the Kettlo Point Indians did not grant to the Crown nny o f their righto in the lande underlying Lake Huron, the Kettle Point Indians do aeaert th e ir ancient and undoubted righto In ouch ltvnd» under Lako Huron* And whoroao the Council o f tho Kettlo Point Band o f Indiana doaio i t expedient to posa u by-law roopocting fish ing on tho Kottlo Point Uooorvo and on the lando underlying Lake Huron* And whoroao tho Council o f tho Kettle Point Band o f Indiana further docano i t expedient to pa so a by-law relating to the hunting and taking o f gamo and game birda on tho K<rttle Point Hoeerve and on tho lando underlying Lake Huron adjacent to the Reservo* K0\J TUB C0U1ICIL CF ÏHK HAND OF K&TÏL8 POINT INDIAK3 eruictc au follows» m m 1 . Ho porcon, ot.hor than u member o f tho Band, ahull be permitted to fish in the Ueoervo or on the waters o f Luke Huron running northerly botwoen the oaoterly <uvi wootorly H alva o f tho k ottlo Point iloeorvo for a diotanoa o f ten miloe witlvout f ir u t obtaining a written permit to do oo fro a tho person authorised by tho Council to grant auch portaloainn* 2 . buch portait ohall authorise» tho itoo to fleh by angling only and tiay bo cubjoct to a foo ostabliohod fro» i time to time by resolution o f tho Council o f tho Band. J . llo i or oo n, under authority o f ouch porait, ch o ll fioh fo r , take or at tempt to take in one day, 0 nor© than six lor^o mouth or nix acini 1 tïouth black bees or any combination Of six thereof l •% V moro than two masklnougo more than aix yollow pickerel id!1 m m o o r r e e t t han nix plks ■,0/ han five lake trout ,f, wore than one sturgeon m m o o r r e e than ton perch h than twenty orartioo 1, more than twenty fioh in tho aggregate in a l l species wentionod abote.
V* Ko pereon shall rotaitlj keep out ol water or n*v« au <>*.• / pooeoeaion, / a ftr rw »y K \j i X A t P to k k l u b o t si o o or f a o t to b p ,o oo\y yellow pickerel of a to toi length le inch e p a ü) ojy i ke of a total length loot» t o any lnko trout of a total length loos than fifteen inche» r any sturgeon other than tho firct sturgeon t o n or caught regardless of oi*o. 5 . lîo person ahull retain, koop out of water or havo in his joooeacion more than ono day*o 1 liait ao »et out in Ooctione ) und 4 of tills by-law» 6 . Tho dofinltion of angling, open and clooo oeaoon, ccuroa fieh, C/a-o fiali, residenti total length, yellow pickerel and ell , other oattorn not specifically nentionod in till» by-law shall bo aa proYidod in the Special Fiahory Regulations for the Frovinoo of Ontario* mam 7* Wo peroon, othor than a nombar of the Band nr tho holder under lento of shooting right» in any j.ort of the Reaerre, or on the watoro of lako Huron running northerly fron the Reoerre between tho easterly and wootorly limita thereof for a dietonce of ten ii.iloo, ulioll bo ponnittod to hunt in tho Roaoryo or on tho aforaiontionod watoro of l/xke Huron without firet obtaining a writton permit e*o to do frees tho poroon authorieod by the Council to grunt ouch j-omiooion. d. Huldoro of i-omito to hunt oo outlined in deotlon 7 awot bo ucconj>unio<J by a uanbor of the Kottlo l'oint Hand of Indiana duly licenood to act us n guide. V- Opuu tioaaon, bug litiito, poeoeaoion lirait» tuxl all other matter» not provided for in this by-law ehall be, with rtopoct to ducks, no oot out in regulations Cor̂ tl»o Fro vino o of Ontario modo under authority of the Migratory Birdo Convention Aot and, with respect to other gcrae, un jrovidod in tho regulation» ande under tho Ontario Cano Act for the contiguous provincial hand»* 10* All Bund Ecn-ibero before boing pomittod to aot no guidon eaurt rogioter with tho j-ereon authorised by tho Council to receive ouch registration who will lomio froo of chiure to each Band uttjûber who rogistora a llconco to guide on tho ilcttlo Pointo t t A a l l l lw e v n j g t t h h l lo s o s t o t t hfin Qlitm inche» ho a n o t t h h i a r n t y f i i f n t o e h e e n » . h an ei . g h teen i . nch , e»
Indian Rsaonro U« Evory guido liconood undor Soctlon 10 of V by-law 1» rsquirsd to a bids by ths rulsa and rs&ilations est down by tbs Council for ths lnotructlon of fjiidoo <md falluro to do so will rseult in ths revoking of tht lioonco to guidt» 12 Any pcrcon violatoo tho provioions of this by-law contained In Itteio 1 to 9 Inclusive ait all bo guilty of on offonoo and ahull bo 11 bio on muoaiary conviction to o fin* not axe coding $100*00 or inpriooiwent for a torn of not sxestding thirty day* or both flno and inprioonatnt. PASSED this M ̂ day of August, 1965. 1
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