Partie II - Lois des Premières nations promulguées

Informations sur la décision

Contenu de la décision

; The Counoil of the _______T sert lip_______ at a meeting held makes the following by-law pursuant to paragraph (f) of section 80 and paragraph (a) (i) and (e) of subsection 1 of Section 82 of the Indian Act. By-law No, ^ A by-law to provide for the maintenance of a water system within the South Saanich No. 1 of British Columbia and provision of a tax. (a) The South Saanich I.R.ffl Waterworks System shall be under the control of the Tsartlip Band passed the attached regulations for the control and manage­ ment jof the said waterworks system and which regulations form part of this by-law and shall be in effect from the date of the passing of this by-law, a copy of which regula­ tions is duly recorded in the office of the Indian Superintend­ ent. (b) In addition to the penalties provided in the said regulations, any person who violates any of the provisions of this by-law shall be feuilty of an offence and shall be liable on summary conviction to a fine not exceeding $5«00_______dollars or imprisonment for a term not exceeding both fine and imprisonment. St, 205 Band of Indiana 3 February 17» 1964, * r % *-7 *'\- . v Indian Reserve in the Province Council, which has five_______ days, or £v: l.:.t*-*7 _c r\ K \ V
Regulations for the Control and Management of the South Saanich Watarworka System ------------------ I.ft. 31 __________• ' #1 1. The control and management of the South Saanich I.R./ Waterworks shall be under the direction of the Tsartllp Council. 2. All persons desiring a supply of water from the South Saanich IJL Waterworks System shall make and sign an application in the form prescribed, such application shall be made only by the holder of a certificate of possession of the land for which the water is to be supplied. 3. No person shall tap or make any connections whatever with any of the pipes or maines of the said system without written permission of the Tsartllp Band Council, 4. No person, unless authorized by the Council, shall interfere with any hydrant, valve, stopcock, pipe or other waterworks appliance outside of his ovm premises. m . 5. The water connection from the street line into any premises ; shall be made at th9 cost of the applicant. 6. Persons receiving a permit for the introduction of a water service into his premises and the person doing the work will be required to cause the said service to be placed not less than two feet below the surface of the ground throughout the 9 «• distance between the street lino and the inside of the founda tion wall of the building into which the water service is introduced. 7. Every service pipe shall be provided by the user or occupant with a brass ’’stop or waste cock" of a pattern to be approved <5* by the Council, which cock shall be placod immediately inside the outer wall of the building supplied. 8. The user shall use only taps, pipes, fittings and plumbing fixtures which are in a satisfactory condition and have been approved by the Council, 9* The diameter of the standard service pipe and standard taps shall not exceed three-quarter inch, *
10* Mator shall not be turned on to any premises until the installation il the pipes, etc* has been oomplotcd to tho satisfaction of the Council or an inspector appointed by the Council, A charge of 500 shall be made for the turning on the water to any property, 11* A person so appointed and authorized by the Council may enter any building connected with the water system at any convenient time to examine pipes and fixtures and to investigate in regard to tho quantity of water used and the manner of its use, 12, Every user shall keep his service pipes, stopcocks and other fixtures on his premises and from the line of street or lanej in good order and repair and at his expense. In the caso of leaky or faulty fixtures tho Council may shut off tho supply of water until such defective pipes or other fixtures are re­ paired or altered as required. In no caso shall any user have a claim on the band or Council by reason of such shutting of£,of the water. 13, When it is necessary to mako repairs to the main lines or to contruct new works, the Council reserves the right to shut off the water from any user and keep it shut off as long as may be necessary. H . Where boilers are supplied with water the Council willnôt be liable for any damage resulting from the shutting off of the supply of water, 15. Any user vacating any premises supplied with water from the water system or who is desirous of discontinuing the service supplied, must give a reasonable notice of the same in writing to the Council of tho band or Indian Superintendentte In the case of failure to give such notice the user will be held liable for the rates therefore and for any damage that may result. In the caso of such notice being received tho Council may authorize a rebate in the rates for tho part of the quarter which is not then expired, which rebate shall be calculated to the nearest month.
3* 16, The several rates and charges set forth in the schedule which f*rms part of theso regulations, shall bef the rates and charges for water supplied from the South Saanich I.R.ffL Water System and all such rates and charges shall be payable at the office m o f _____ Water Commissioner_____________ in jSonoaeaaaa instalments on the. r * 'V •* sApcxfcàooflrioâo&skcg in each year provided however that new applicants shall pay only from the date. on which the water is turned *n,w ' < y- . \ C * * 17, (a) At the expiration of one month after the rates or charges ■_ __are due on any premise, the water may at, the option of ~ * the Council, be shut nff and it shall not be turned on* except on payment of all rates and charges, together with ' the fee of ,50$ paid for the shutting off and ,50$ paid for the turning on, (b) The Council may shut the water off from the premises of any user who infringes any of those regulations and may refuse to turn the water on again until satisfied and assured that the user will comply with those regulations, 18, Each building or house whether attached or dotachod, shall have a separate service from the street lino. In cases where one of- several buildings occupies the frontage of a single lot and other buildings are located at the rear of said building, then penalssion may be granted to supply all the buildings from one service, * 19. A discount of ton percent will bo allowed to users of the water paying the rates and charges on or before the date upon which such payment is due, providing the full amount is paid. St, 205
r*i m APPLICATION FOR WATER SERVICE SOUTH SAANICH INDIAN RESERVE ; J » k 4 I> i hereby apply for a supply of water for my premises located on Lot , I agree that the said water shall be used for domestic ♦* purposes only unless otherwise stated and in conformity >'f with your regulations. I also agree to pay for such services the amount of < §2» 50 payable in advance on the âod first business day of each month . J in each year and if not paid within one month from the date on which thoy have become due, water may be turned off without - notice-Signed: « TiWn pT*r>g<vPThnd hv the Council of the Council of Tsartlijgand of | Indians. . % * i - > * § ! : * st, 205 i i / ..
CEDER OF PERMIT FOR WORK Mr. (M rs.) You are hereby authorized to make the necessary connection from the service line of the water system to your premises subject to the rules and regulations for the control and management of the South Saanich I.R. Signed for Form prescribed by the Council of the Indians. * St, 205waterworks. 1 Council! Secretary Indian Superintendent Tsartlip Band of
SCHEDULE OF PATES Each private house occupied by a Tsartlip Eaqh private home occupied by a nsnemberi Business establishments Destitute Band members# as approved by Council Rates prescribed by the Council the ^sartlip St, 205Band mambert $30 per yeap |3j00Jej* nwrth » free jB and Indians,
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