Partie II - Lois des Premières nations promulguées

Informations sur la décision

Contenu de la décision

Indian and Nonhem 1 o f 3 A/fai/es indiennes Affairs Canada et du Nord Canada Chronologie*! No. «■* Numéro tonaczutil -an and Inuit Affairs Affaires indiennes et inuit F»lt Reference —/V° d* tel. du d o n /or BAND COUNCIL RESOLUTION RÉSOLUTION DE CONSEIL DE BANDE By-law 1998 N0TBl Wf B*nd Fun ' " " Ctpilal" 8f which .h. » . . . m- ^ r .p p » , in ■>!!.re lu t,O A . r.quT.ïTn . '.«p.nditu,.:. I,.m N O TA : ) rfV T da. dJ '0,r* bandt UC*P M " ° u /o valu*1 ..Io n /. . da/vint ptr , ilrB d.n« tou log d«'p w , i meme f e y fond* d e » tend e* The COUNCIL OF THE . .. "■ " LE CONSEIL DE LA BANDE INDIENNE SKWAH FIRST NATION Current Capital BaUnco AGENCY .. Solda da tAnital t district VANCOUVER AGENCY Committed Enàefic S PROVINCE BRITISH COLUMBIA Current Revenue balance PLACE X/l)nll fték #Af«Artf« 2 /VOAf DE LENÙROIT CHJLLIWACK Committed S Datf. . D . A . Y ^ -6 JOUR MON N T O H V -. AD to 9® MOIS "YËAR - a NNEOT DO HEREBY RESOLVE; DECIDE, PAR LES PRESENTES: SKWAH FIRST NATION ZONING AMENDMENT BY-LAW NO.2, 1998-01 BEING A BY-LAW TO FURTHER AMEND SKWAH INDIAN BAND ZONING BY-LAW NO.2, 1990 Zoning Amendment By-Law,No.2, 1998-01 WHEREAS on November 13, 1990, the Skwah Indian Band Council did pass Skwah Indian Band Zoning By-Law No.2, 1990-, that being a by-law designating the reserves of the Skwah Indian Band or portions thereof as Special Development Zones and to prohibit the construction or maintenance of any buildings, or any use of land, or the carrying on of any business, profession, trade or vocation within such Special Development Zones except to the extent that such construction or maintenance of any class of buildings or such use of land, or the carrying on of any such class of business, profession, trade or vocation conforms to the requirements of Skwah Indian Band Zoning By-Law No.2, 1990 and any amendments thereto; AND WHEREAS on April 19, 1991, the Chief and Council of the Skwah Indian Band amended Skwah Indian Band Zoning By-Law No.2 1990; A quorum for this Bande Pour alto bande lc quorum eal cons * is ts of tixé Three (3) Council Members Af ambre* du Con soit ^fTTirt ui> 1 Tirfiw ytC X X L d Ü ... (Councillor contti ĴCOuuncnlcliHlor - Gonaollflkf) (Councillor con** titer) (Councillor conseiller) (Councillor Con a oil for) nOwimnwwwtmmiWMXl» (Councillor COnaeiller) (Councillor conseiller) (Councillor on* *111*0 (Councillor c Qn**ill*i) (Councillor conaeiltor) (Councillor conaoll(çr) FOR DEPARTMENTAL USE ONLY - RÉSERVÉ AU MINISTERE 1, 13and Fund Codo 2. COMPUTER BALANCES - SOLDES D* ORDINATEUR 3* Expenditure 4. Authority Autorité 5« Hour ce of Funda d C o o d 6 e ô r d t u de compte Indian Act 5«C £ourco cfojr fonde A. Capitol D. Revenue Revenu D<ipen*** ArL dm |(a Lot »ur te* ii . . . n Reveiuic Indiene 6. Recommended Recommandable Approved Approuve bte Date Approving Officer Approuvé per Dvle Recommending Officer Recommande par
IncSan and Northern Affaires indiennes Affairs Canada et du Nord Canada an and Inuit Attairs Affaires indiennes et inuit BAND COUNCIL RESOLUTION RÉSOLUTION DE CONSEIL DE BANDE NOTE» Tho word* "From our Band Fund»*' "C ap ita l" or "R evenue", whichever Is the cnee. must *pn«»r in all.resolution! requeuing expenditure Band Funds NOTA; Lan mots "das fonda da noua bonde "CupH o f" ou to venu" 40/On la c os do/venf Pûrêitra dans toutes lea résolution* partant mut do# dopenoo# a mom lev funds des bandas THE COUNCIL OF THE LE CONSEIL DE LA BANDE INDIENNE SKWAH FIRST NATION AGENCY d is t r ic t VANCOUVER AGENCY PROVINCE BRITISH COLUMBIA PLACE NOM DE L ENDROtT CHILLIWACK hATir 2 6 Nov. ATM9 DAY - JOUR MONTH - MOIS DO HEREBY RESOLVEj DECIDEt PAR LES PRESENTES; AND WHEREAS Adam Mussell, the Certificate of Possession holder in respect of Lot 50-2, Skwah Indian Reserve No.4, has made an application to amend Skwah Indian Band Zoning By-Law No.2, 1990 in order that he may undertake a gravel-extraction operation on Lot 50-2, Skwah Indian Reserve No.4, and the Council of the Skwah First Nation, formerly known as the Skwah .Indian Band, is of the opinion that making such an amendment is in the best interests of the members of the Skwah First Nation; NOW THEREFORE the Council of the Skwah First Nation, formerly known as the Skwah Indian Band, enacts as a by-law thereof the following, which shall be known as the Zoning Amendment By-Law No.2, 1998-01: 1. Section 6A is hereby added to Skwah Indian Band Zoning By-Law No.2, 1990: Gravel extraction is hereby a permitted use for Lot 50-2, Skwah Indian Reserve No.4, until such time as this bylaw is revoked. It is a requirement that the gravel-extraction operation on Lot 50-2 must conform with all applicable laws of the Skwah First Nation, Canada, and British Columbia. At a Council meeting held at the Band Administration Office, the following resolution was considered and passed: A quorum for this Bande Pout ctllo bando it quotum eat consists of Uxé è Three (3) Council Members Membre* du Con soit .f .m ...... (Councillor conseiller) (Councillor consaUlst) (Councillor conaailiaO (Councillor conseiller) FOR DEPARTMENTAL USE ONLY - RESERVE AU MINISTERE 1. Bond Fund Code 2. COMPUTER b a l a n c e s ; - SOLDES D10 RDIN A TE U R Code du compta de bande A. Capitol B. Rnvanue Revenu s i 6m Recommended J commendable Dvle Recommending Officer Ke common do per t A 135 (S -70) 7530-21-023-44422 o f 3 Chronologie Al No. Numéro tonaccutil Fil* Reference N° da ref. du dossier By-Law 1998 Current Capital Balance SnJHn tin tApital ^ Committed En/tnfic S Current Revenue balance Committed Rnfrnâa $ .. YEAR - ANNÜ& (Councillor cons 4 lit or) (Councillor -* ban a oil 1er) (Councillor cons oilier) (Councillor conaelliar) 3. Expenditure 4. Authority Autorité 5. Upurcc of Fund# Indian Act $CC Source das f end* Dopensas Arl. de L o i mur la* i i Capital m R R e e v n en n u u e s Indiens Approved Approuva bl o MlfflMMliIvi Date Approving Officer Approuva p *t
1+ Indian and Northern 3 o f 3 Affaires indiennes Affairs Canada el du Nord Canada Chronologic*! No. Numéro conaccutif * an and Inuit Affairs Affaires indiennes at inuit Pile Re ft re ne r /V ° d0 rof. etu d o t t i e r BAND COUNCIL RESOLUTION RÉSOLUTION DE CONSEIL DE BANDE By-Law 1998 NOTEt The words "From our Bond Funds * Band Funds " C p i t . l " or '•Revenu»", which ever i> the cole , muet epne.r in «ll.rceolutione requeuing expenditure, (rem NOTA* Lea mot* dee fonda da notre bande Capital ou revenu" ..(On Is cee dotvsnt p.rAiire dons toutes las resolution* portant sut dos d rpe iee i é mémo l fonda de* bonde» th e c o u n c il of th e LE CONSEIL DE LA BANDE INDIENNE SKWAH FIRST NATION Current Capital Balance Solda da CAnita! t AGENCY ------------------------- -d is t r ic t VANCOUVER AGENCY Committed —• En&afic £ PROVINCE BRITISH COLUMBIA Current Revenue balance Ç/iff/n a #a (#▲ ma»» J) PLACE NOM DE L'ENDROIT CHILLIWACK Committed Enp-aü « S d a tf . _ . 36 Nov. to 98 DAY - JOUR MONTH - MOIS .........YEAR "-~ÀNN&Ù DO HEREBY RESOLVE; DECIDE, PAR LES PRESENTES; "Moved by Councillor Victoria McCarthy, seconded by Councillor Stephen Williams, Zoning By-Law No.2, 1990, be amended and the same is hereby approved and enacted, at a duly convened meeting of the Council, as Zoning Amendment By-Law No.2, 1998-01 this 26th day of November, 1998. I . i S y _______ Chief of the Skwah First Nation, do hereiby certify that a true and exact copy of the foregoing Zoning Amendment By-Law No.2, 1998-01 was mailed to the Department of Indian and Northern Affairs Canada Pursuant to section 81(1) of the Indian Act, this 26th day of November, 1998. C A quorum Cor this Bonde Pout Cbtto bon do Ic quotum esl consis ta of iixé i Three (3) Council Member® Membres du Consott Ê ^ oiilihdÇ&itt&èzZXpr*. (Councillor c oneeltiet) ( Counci 11 Coaaaiily/f (Councillor Sanaailler) '(Councillor COnaoi'llar) (Councillor conaalllet) (Councillor coneedier) (Councillor co n ** ili*0 (Councillor conaaliior) (Councillor Gonaetlier) FOR D E P A R T M E N T A L U5E O N L Y - RÉSERVÉ AU MINISTERE 1. Band Fund Codo Z COMPUTER BALANCES - SOLDES D 'ORDINATEUR 3. Expenditure 4, Authority Autorité 5, Hour ce of Funds Code du compte A, Source dos I onde de bande Capital B. Revenue Revenu Dâponte* Indian Act See A rt da *1 a L o i sur lei S $ s Indiana Capital 6m Recommendod Jf CCmmondafa/c Approved Approuvebio Dole Approving Officer Approuvé pet Ovle Recommending Officer - Recommande par 1 A 13* ( 5-70) 7530-21-023-4442
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