Partie II - Lois des Premières nations promulguées

Informations sur la décision

Contenu de la décision

EXHIBIT "A" PEST CONTROL BY - LAW Pursuant to Section 81 o f the Indian A ct , the fo l low in g by-law is enacted by the Skawahlook Indian Band, which by-law shall take e f f e c t f o r t y (40) days from the date th e re o f , unless otherwise declared by the M inister . 1. This by - law may be c i te d as the Skawahlook Indian Band PEST CONTROL BY - LAW NO. 1. INTERPRETATION 2. IN THIS ACT: "Adverse e f f e c t " means an e f f e c t thay may, in the opinion o f Band Council r e su lt in damage to man or the environment; "Apply" used with respect to the a p p lica t ion o f a p e s t i c id e , includes possess f o r the purpose o f applying a p e s t i c id e ; "Band Council" means the Council o f the Skawahlook Indian Band e le c te d according to the provis ions o f the Indian A ct ; "Committee" means a committee duly appointed by Band Council; "Indian Band" means the Skawahlook Indian Band; "Permit" means a permit issued under th is by-law ' "Person" includes every in d iv id u a l , company, s ta tu tory or otherw ise , partnership , a s so c ia t io n and s o c ie t y , coop ert iv e or other lega l e n t i ty or non-legal a s s o c ia t io n ; "Operator" includes any person engaged in commercial or in d u str ia l op eration s , th e ir agents, servants and employees; "P e s t ic id e " means an organism or material that i s represented, s o ld , used or intended to be used to prevent, d estroy , repel or l i t i g a t e a pest and i n d u (a) a p lant growth re g u la to r , p lant d e f o l i a t o r , or p lant d es icca n t ; (b) a contro l product (c ) a material that may, in the opinion o f Band Council, a f f e c t the natural, p h y s ica l , or b io lo g ic a l q u a lity o f the rece iv in g environment; "Water" means any spring , lake, channel or water course flow ing in to or under the re ce iv in g environment; "Receiving environment" means the land held by Her Majesty the Queen in Right o f Canada, se t aside f o r the use and b e n e f i t o f the Indian Band, whether that land has been c o n d it io n a l ly surrendered or otherwise. PERMIT 3. No person shall apply a p e s t ic id e to any body o f water or an area o f land which may have an Adverse E f fe c t on the re ce iv in g environment unless he has applied f o r a permit from Band C ouncil, and Band Council in th e ir so le d is c r e t io n , has granted the permit. 4. Any person applying f o r a permit under the terms o f sect ion 3 shall provide f u l l and complete d is c lo s u re o f the information concerning the p e s t i c id e , including information as to i t ' s Adverse E f fe c t s , i f any, and the h is tory o f the use o f the p e s t i c id e , and any other information required by Band Council.
ENFORCEMENT 5. Band Council may appoint a Committee to ensure compliance with the prov is ions o f th is by-law, whose acts and duties shall be as was s p e c i f ie d in th e ir appoir ments. 6. Any person who v io la te s any p rov is ion o f th is by-law is g u i l ty o f an o f fe n ce punishable on summary con v ic t ion and i s l i a b le to a f in e not exceeding one hundred d o l la r s ($100) o r imprisonment not exceeding th ir ty (30) days or both. 7. I f any v io la t io n o f th is by-law continues f o r more than one day, each day such v io la t io n continues co n s t itu te s a seperate o f fe n c e and may be punished as such, and, without r e s t r i c t in g the g e n era lity o f the fo re g o in g , a v io la t io n o f th is by-law continues each day that the p e s t ic id e e f f e c t s the re ce iv in g environment. 8. A ll p en a lt ie s under th is by-law are recoverable and en forceab le by summary proceedings taken under the p rov is ion s o f the Criminal Code re la t in g to summary co n v ic t io n . 9. Subject to Section 3, no person shall cause, permit or a llow any p e s t ic id e to enter the rece iv in g environment. SCHEDULE 10. The p e s t ic id e s set out in Schedule "A are declared by th is By-Law to have an ADVERSE EFFECT.
» Indian and Northern Affaires indiennes Affairs Canada et du Nord Canada Indian and Inuit Affairs Affaires indiennes et inuit BAND COUNCIL RESOLUTION RÉSOLUTION DE CONSEIL DE BANDE NOTE. The words From our Band Funds Capital or R even u e", whichever is the case, must appear in ail resolutions requesting expendit Band Funds NOTA: Les mots des tonds de notre bande Capitat ou revenu * selon le cas doivent paraitre dans toutes les résolutions portant sur des dépt même les tonds des bandes t h e c o u n c i l o f t h e l e co n seil d e l a b a n d e indienne Skawahlook Indian Band AGENCY d i s t r i c t Vancouver D is t r i c t p r o v i n c e B rit ish Columbia PLACE nom d e l e n d r o it R u b y Creek DATE 25 th ____June--------- AD 1 9 8 0 _______________ _____ d a y - JOUR MONTH - MOIS DO HEREBY RESOLVE: DECIDE, PAR LES PRESENTES: WHEREAS: at a duly convened meeting o f the Skawahlook Indian Band C ouncil, the attached p e s t ic id e contro l By-Law #1 was passed by a vote o f 2-0 and, Be I t Hereby Resolved that the Skawahlook Band adopt the attached By-Law Marked th is 25th day o f June 1980 and, And Further Be I t Resolved that th is By-Law be notarized as a true copy. A quorum for this Bande Pour cette bande le quorum est consists o f 2 fixé è Council Members Membres du Conseil ."Wm.„.CIiaEmâD.".................. ............................... ..... (Councillor conseiller) (Councillor conseiller) (Councillor conseiller) (Councillor conseiller) FOR D E P A R T M E N T A L USE O N L Y - R É S E R V É A U M IN IS TE R E 1, Band Fund Code 2. COMPUTER BALANCES - SOLDES D ORDINATEUR Code du compte de bande A. Capital B. Revenue Revenu $ $ 6. Recommended Recommendable D a t e Recommending Officer Recommandé parChronological No. Numéro consécutif 80-81/582-10 File Reference N ° de téU du dossier 987/3-10-582 Current Capital Balance Solde de capital £ Committed Engage % Current Revenue balance Solde de revenu ^ Committed Engagé $ YEAR - ANNEE "Anna Chapman" ................. (Chiïf" - '’Chef’)' (Councillor conseiller) (Councillor conseiller) (Councillor conseiller) (Councillor Conseiller) (Councillor conseiller) (Councillor conseiller) (Councillor conseiller) (Councillor conseiller) 3. Expenditure 4. Authority Autorité 5. Source of 1 Dépenses Indian Act Sec Source des Art. de la Loi sur les $ Indiens I | Capital j Approved Approuva ble Date Approving Officer Approuvé par
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