Partie II - Lois des Premières nations promulguées

Informations sur la décision

Contenu de la décision

(CERTIFIED TRUE COPY ' \ v ' 4 2 - / - * Indian and Not lh e rn Affaires indiennes Z . / ? / s w ' r ; n n Allairs Canada el du Nord Canada ChfonoJrxjical No - N° consécutif 1 ilo n«:k>M!nce N " dn lélérenc.e du doscrni BAND COUNCIL RESOLUTION #2166 RÉSOLUTION DE CONSEIL DE BANDE NOIE Jlie words "From our Band Funds" "Caprlal" or "Revenue", whichever is Ihe case, must appear in all resolutions requesting expenditures Irom Band Funds NOTA Les Mois "des londs de notre bande" "capital" on "Revenir" selon le cas doivent paiailre dans loules les résolutions porlanl sur des dépenses à même les fonds des bandes The council of the Current Capital Balance Le conseil de la bande indienne SETON LAKE INDIAN BAND Solde de capital Agency District VANCOUVER DISTRICT I u Committed Engagé Province BRITISH COLUMBIA Current Revenue Balance Place Solde de revenue Nom de l'endroit SHALALTH Date 14 11 AD 19 90 Commuted Engagé Day - Jour Month - Mois Year - Année DO HEREBY RESOLVE: DÉCIDE, PAR LES PRÉSENTES: SETON LAKE BAND OF INDIANS BY-LAW 141190_-_1 Being a by-law to provide the regulation of Disorderly Conduct and Nu i sance. WHEREAS paragraphs (d) and (r) of Section 81 of the Indian Act empowers the council of a Band to make by-laws respecting the regulation of Disorderly Conduct and Nuisance and the imposition of a penalty for the violation thereof; AND WHEREAS the said council deems it expedient and in the best interest, and safety and welfare of the inhabitants of the SETDN LAKE RESERVE. NOW THEREFORE the council of the SETON LAKE band of Indians enacts a by-law thereof the following: 1. In this by-law (a) "Council" means the Council, as defined in the Indian Act, of the SETON LAKE band of Indians. <b) "dwelling house" means the whole or any part of a building or structure that is kept or occupied as a permanent or temporary resident, and inclLides: (i) a building within the curtilage of a dwelling house that is connected to it by a doorway or by a coverage and enclosed passageway and (ii) a unit that is designed to be mobile and to be Lised as a permanent or temporary resident and that is being used as such a residence. (c) "public place" includes any place to which the public have access as of right or by invitation, express or implied. (d) "property" means real and personal property of every description and deeds and instruments relating to or evidencing the title or right to property. £. No person shall cause a disturbance in or near a public place (a) by fighting, screaming, shouting, swearing, singing or using insulting or obscene language (b) by being drunk, or (c) by impeding or molesting other persons. 3. No person shall disturb the peace and quiet of the occupants of a dwelling house by discharging firearms or by any other disorderly conduct in a public place. / i
I* Indian and Not (hern Affaires indiennes Affairs Canada ef du Nord Canada Qifonolocjical No N" consécutif BAND COUNCIL RESOLUTION #2166 Tilo Rofemnco N 1 do léféionoe du dossiei RÉSOLUTION DE CONSEIL DE BANDE NOIE 1 Me words "From our Band Funds" "Capital" or "Revenue", whichever is the case, must appear in all resolutions requesting expenditures from Band Funds. NOTA L b e a s n d M e o s ts "des fonds de notre bande" "capital" ou "Revenu" selon le cas doivent paraitre dans toutes les résolutions portant sur des dépenses à même les fonds des 1 he council of the Le conseil de la bande indienne SE _ T _ ON LAKE INDIAN BAND Current Capital Balance Solde de capital < Agency T> c .......... ...... District VANCOUVER DISTRICT Committed Engagé Province BRITISH COLUMBIA $ --------------------------Current Revenue Balance Place SHALALTH Solde de revenue * Nom de l'endroit $ --------------------------Date 14 11 AD 19 90 Committed Day - Joui Month - Mois Year - Année Engagé DO HEREBY RESOLVE: DECIDE, PAR LES PRESENTES: SETON LAKE BAND OF INDIANS BY-LAW 141190-1 . £/£ 4- No person shall, by common nuisance; (a) endanger the lives, safety or health of the public, or (b) cause physical injury to any person. 5. No person shall: (a) destroy or damage property; (b) render property dangerous, useless, inoperative; (c) obstruct, interrupt or interfere with the lawful use, enjoyment or operation of property; or <d) obstruct, interrupt or interfere with any person in the lawful use, enjoyment or operation of property. 6. Any person who violates any of the provisions of this by-law shall be guilty of an offence, and shall be liable on summary conviction to a fine not exceeding one thousand dollars or imprisonment not exceeding thirty days, or both fine and i rnpr i sonment. Approved and passed at a duly convened meeting of the Council of the SETON LAKE Band of Indians this__ 14thday of NOVEMBER____ _______19_90. : , _____ Chief of SJEETTON LAKE/Band of Indians, do hereby certify that a true copy of the following by-law was forwarded to the Minister of Indian Affairs A quorum for this Band Pour cette bande le quorum est and Northern Development pursuant to Section 8£ ss(l) of the Indian Act this consists of a fixé à ________ ________ 16th day of NOVEMBER___________ , IS 90 Council Members. Membres du Conseil. F i l e : D9009S5 (Councillor - Conseiller) (Councillor - Conseiller) (Councillor - Conseiller) (Councillor - Conseiller) (Councillor - Conseiller) (Councillor - Conseiller) (Councillor - Conseiller) (Councillor - Conseiller) (Councillor - Conseiller) FOB DEPARTMENTAL USE ONLY - RÉSERVÉ AU MINIST ERE I Band Fund Code 2 Computer Balances - Soldes d'ordinateur 3 Expenditure - Dépenses 4 Authority (Indian Acl Section) 5 Source of Funds Code du compte Autorité (Aticle de la Loi sur Source des fonds de bande A Capital B. Revenue - Revenu les Indiens Q Capital j~J Revenue J______________________ -1_____________________________ A ___________________________ Revenu 6 Recommended - RecommendaMe Appioved Approuvable Date_________________________Recommending OHicet Recommandé par____________ Date Approving Officer - Approuvé par IA 135 (9 85) 7530 21 023 4662 Canada
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