Partie II - Lois des Premières nations promulguées

Informations sur la décision

Contenu de la décision

K SECHELT BAND OF INDIANS BY-LAW NO. 1982-01 A BV-law to provide for the regula­ tion of the construction, repair and use of buildings on the Reserves of the Sechelt Band of Indians. WHEREAS Section 81(h) of the Indian Act provides that the council of a band may make by-laws respecting the regulation of the construction, repair and use of buildings; WHEREAS Section 81(q) of the Indian Act provides that the council of a band may make by-laws with respect to any matter arising out of or an­ cillary to the exercise of powers under Section 81; AND WHEREAS the Council of the Sechelt Band of Indians deems it neces­ sary for the health, safety and protection of persons and property to regulate the construction, repair and use of buildings; NOW THEREFORE the Council of the Sechelt Band of Indians enacts as a by-law thereof the following: 1. In this By-law the National Building Code of Canada, as amended from time to time, has the same force and effect as if a valid­ ly enacted by-law of the Sechelt Band of Indians. 2. This By-law may be cited as the "Sechelt Indian Band Building By-law 1982-01".
In this By-law: "Act" means the Indian Act, R.S.C. 1970 Chapters 1-6. "Agent" means a person, firm, or corporation representing the Owner, by designation or contract, and includes a hired trades­ man or contractor who may be granted a permit for work within the limitations of his licence. "Application for Building Permit" - Appendix "A" to this By-law which shall be completed by any person who carries out or in­ tends to carry out any work on the Reserve. "approved" means approved in writing. "Band" means the Sechelt Band of Indians. "Band Housing Authority" means the persons responsible for man­ aging the Band's housing stock pursuant to Declaration of Trust dated September 18, 1980. "Building Code" means the National Building Code of Canada, as amended from time to time. "Building Permit" - Appendix "B" to this By-law and when signed by the Housing Inspector it shall be the authority for a person to proceed with the work authorized therein.
3 "construction" means, any erection, repair, alteration, enlarge­ ment, addition, demolition, removal or excavation. "Council" means the Council of the Sechelt Band of Indians as duly constituted. "Housing Inspector" means the person appointed from time to time for the purpose of enforcing and carrying out the provi­ sions of this By-law and shall include any Acting or Assistant Housing Inspector. "Inspection Notice" - Appendix "D" of this By-law and when signed by the Housing Inspector shall serve as notice that he intends to inspect the works indicated thereon. "Inspection Report" - Appendix "F" to this By-law and when signed by the Housing Inspector shall serve as the record of his approval or disapproval of any work and shall include his recommendations regarding any work. "Occupancy Permit" - Appendix "C" to this By-law and when sign­ ed by the Housing Inspector shall be the authority for a person to occupy premises for which a Building Permit was issued. "Owner" means any person, firm or corporation who is legally in possession or control of a portion of the Reserve.
"Reserve" means all those tracts of land, the title of which is vested in Her Ma jest 1 y in the Right of Canada, which are or have i been set aside for the use and benefit of the Sechelt Band of Indians and which have not been unconditionally surrendered. "Scale of Fees" - Appendix "G" to this By-law which sets the fees applicable to any work. "Scale of Fees" - Appendix "G" to this By-; law which sets the fees applicable to any work. "Stop Work Notice" - Appendix "E" to this By-law and when sign­ ed by the Housing Inspector shall order the stoppage of work on the work stated therein. "Termination Notice" - Appendix "H" to this By-law and when signed by the Council shall order the occupant to vacate the premises occupied. "work" means any erection, repair, alteration, enlargement, addition, demolition, removal or excavation. 4.1 The following appendices form part of this By-law and are adopted : Appendix "A" Application for Building Permit Appendix "B" Building Permit Appendix "C" Occupancy Permit Appendix "D" Inspection Notice Appendix " u E p " » Stop Work Notice Appendix « G " Inspection Report Appendix Scale of Fees - Building Appendix "H" Termination Notice
5 4.2 This By-law shall apply: (a) to buildings on the Reserve, whether owned by the Band or by individual members of the Band; i * (b) to the design and construction of a building when the building, or part thereof, is con­ structed on site or to a factory-built unit or component; (c) to the work involved in the demolition when the whole or any part of a building is demolished or removed ; (d) to all parts of the building when the whole or any part of a building is moved, either within or into the Reserve; (e) to any alteration and to any part of a building affected by alterations to an extent which, in the opinion of the Housing Inspector, reduces the levels of public health and safety below the levels existing prior to the alteration; (f) to all such replacements and alterations when materials and equipment regulated are replaced or altered in a building; (g) to any part remaining when a building is demo­ lished to an extent of more than 75% of its val­ ue above its foundations as determined by the Housing Inspector ; and
6 4.2 (h) to site grading and/or asphalt or other perman­ ent surfaçing which will affect the drainage characteristics of the site. 4.3 Where any Federal Act or regulation or Provincial Act or regulation or any other Band by-law may apply to any matter covered by this By-law, compliance with this By-law shall not relieve the Owner or his Agent from complying with provisions of such other Act, re­ gulation or by-law. 4.4 Council shall appoint, from time to time, a person who shall serve at the pleasure of the Council for the purpose of carrying out the duties set out in this By-law pursuant to terms and conditions estab­ lished by Council. 5. Referenced Documents 5.1 The provisions of referenced documents and referenced standards prescribed by this By-law apply to the ex­ tent that they relate to buildings. 5.2 In the event of conflict between the provisions of a referenced document and those of this By-law, the provisions of this By-law govern.
Prohibitions 6.1 For the purposes of this section, "Person" includes Owner, individual, occupant, lessee, firm or corpora­ tion as applicable. 6.2 No Person shall fail to comply with any order or notice issued by the Housing Inspector. 6.3 No Person shall do work or authorize or allow work to proceed on a project for which a permit is required unless a valid permit has been issued in the form shown as Appendix "B" of this By-law. 6.4 No Person shall deviate from the approved plans and specifications forming part of the building permit or omit or fail to complete work required by the said plans and specifications without first having obtain­ ed approval in writing from the Housing Inspector to do so. 6.5 No Person shall occupy or allow the occupancy of any building, or part thereof, unless the Owner has ob­ tained an Occupancy Permit from the Housing Inspector in the form shown as Appendix "C" of this By-law. 6.6 No Person shall occupy a building pursuant to a lease, permit or other agreement unless he fully com­ plies with the terms and conditions thereof.
- 8 -6.7 No Person having authority in the construction, re­ construction, demolition, alteration, removal, relo-i * cation, or occupancy of a building shall cause, allow or maintain any unsafe condition. 6.8 No Person shall excavate or undertake work on, over or under public property or erect or place any con­ struction or work or store any materials thereon, without approval having first been obtained from the Housing Inspector. 6.9 No Person shall submit false or misleading informa­ tion to the Housing Inspector. 6.10 No Person shall interfere with or obstruct the entry of the Housing Inspector acting in the administration or enforcement of this By-law. 6.11 No Person shall excavate or fill any building site in the absence of a valid or subsisting permit. 6.12 No Person shall continue building construction beyond the foundation stage until, in the opinion of the Housing Inspector, an acceptable level of fire pro­ tection has been provided.
l 7. Duties and Responsibilities of the Owner » * 7.1 Every Owner shall allow the Housing Inspector to en­ ter any building or premises at any reasonable time for the purpose of administering and enforcing this or any other Band by-law. 7.2 Every Owner shall obtain all permits and approvals required in connection with proposed work, prior to commencing such work. 7.3 Every Owner shall ensure that plans and specifica­ tions on which a permit is based are continuously available at the work site during working hours. 7.4 Every Owner shall notify the Housing Inspector of the date of commencement of work on a building site. 7.5 Every Owner shall, when required by the Housing In­ spector, give written notice listing: (a) The name, address, and telephone number of the contractor or person in charge of the work; and (b) The name, address, and telephone number of the engineer or architect reviewing the work, together with a letter of commitment from such engineer or architect setting forth the extent and limits of his reviewing function.
10 7.6 Every Owner shall give 24 hours written notice to the Housing Ins i pect * or : (a) of intent to do work that has been ordered in­ spected during construction; (b) of intent to cover work that has been ordered to be inspected prior to covering; (c) when work has been completed so that a final in­ spection can be made; (d) and, while not limiting the generality of the foregoing, at the following stages of construc­ tion : i. when excavation and footing forms are complete, including placement of required reinforcing, but prior to placing of any concrete. ii. when foundation concrete, damp­ proofing, water-proofing and peri­ meter drains are complete, but prior to any backfill being placed.
11 iii. when all structural components are in f place but uncovered including windows, concrete, structural iron, stairs, ductwork, rough plumbing, wiring and gas venting. iv. when insulation and vapour barrier are complete but prior to placement of any finish thereon. v. when all work is complete but prior to occupancy. 7.7 Every Owner shall give notice to the Housing Inspec­ tor of intent to occupy or allow occupancy of a building or portion of a building. 7.8 Every Owner shall make or have made at his expense tests or inspections necessary to prove compliance with this By-law and shall file copies of test re­ sults and inspection reports with the Housing In­ spector . 7.9 Every Owner, when required by the Housing Inspector, shall uncover and replace at his own expense any work that has been covered contrary to an order issued by the Housing Inspector.
12 7.10 Every Owner shall ensure that all work shall be con­ fined withj.n the boundaries of the property on which the work is, or is to be, located and that the outer walls of any building shall be at least 5'0" distant from each boundary of the property. 7.11 Every Owner is responsible for the cost to repair any damage to public property or works that may occur as a result of undertaking work for which a permit was required under this By-law. 7.12 Every Owner shall obtain an Occupancy Permit from the Housing Inspector prior to any occupancy of a build­ ing or part thereof after construction, partial demo­ lition, or alteration of that building. 7.13 Every Owner shall maintain his building in a good and tenantable state of repair. 7.14 Every Owner, when required by the Housing Inspector, shall provide, in a form satisfactory to the Housing Inspector, evidence to certify compliance with the requirements of this By-law and of any permits re­ quired. 7.15 Every Owner, when a building or part thereof is in an unsafe condition, shall forthwith take all action necessary to put the building in a safe condition.
13 7.16 Every Owner is responsible, when making application for a permit, for the verification of the existence and locatiôn of' any utility services required for the subject permit. 8. Duties and Responsibilities of the Housing Inspector 8.1 The Housing Inspector is responsible for the admin­ istration and enforcement of this By-law. 8.2 The Housing Inspector shall keep copies of all per­ mits and orders issued, inspections and tests made, and of all papers and documents connected with the administration of this By-law for a period of not less than five years from the date of issuance of the permit. 8.3 The Housing Inspector shall: (a) Issue such notices or orders as may be required to inform the Owner where a contravention of this By-law has been observed; (b) Issue an order to the Owner to correct any un­ safe condition observed in any building; (c) Issue an order to the Owner to repair his build­ ing where the Housing Inspector is not satisfied that the building is being kept in a good and tenantable state of repair.
14 8.4 The Housing Inspector, when issuing a Stop Work Notice as provided for in Section 9 of this By-law, shall post such notice in a conspicuous location on the construction site, in the presence of the permit holder or the permit holder's Agent. 8.5 The Housing Inspector, when requested to do so, shall, within a reasonable time, provide reasons for refusal to grant a permit. 8.6 The Housing Inspector shall answer such questions as may be reasonably related to the administration of this By-law, but, except for standard design aids, is not authorized to assist in the laying out of any work or to act in the capacity of a design consult­ ant . 8.7 The Housing Inspector shall issue a permit when, to the best of his knowledge, the conditions set forth in this or any other applicable by-law have been met. 8.8 The Housing Inspector shall issue an occupancy permit when, after inspection, it appears to him that the building or part thereof so inspected complies in all respects with the provisions of this and any other applicable by-law. 8.9 The Housing Inspector shall carry proper credentials and produce them for inspection upon request.
15 9.> Powers of the Housing Inspector 9.1 The Housing Inspector may enter any building or premises at any reasonable time for the purpose of administering or enforcing this By-law. 9.2 The Housing Inspector is empowered to order: (a) a person who contravenes this By-law to comply with the By-law in a specified time period; (b) work to stop on a building or part thereof if work is proceeding in contravention of the By­ law or if there is deemed to be an unsafe condi­ tion ; (c) the removal of any unauthorized encroachment on public property; (d) the removal of any building or part thereof con­ structed in contravention of this By-law; and the Housing Inspector may recommend to the Band Housing Authority: (e) the termination of any occupancy in contraven­ tion of this By-law or other applicable by-law; and (f) the termination of any occupancy if any unsafe condition is deemed to exist because of work un­ dertaken or not completed; and where the Band Housing Authority concurs with the recommendation of the Housing Inspector or where the Band Housing Authority itself declares that the occu­ pancy of any building or premises is in breach of Section 6.6 hereof, the Band Housing Authority shall request the Council to issue to the contravening occupant a Termination Notice in the form attached as
16 9.3 The Housing Inspector, at his discretion, may direct that sufficient evidence or proof be submitted at the expense of the Owner to determine whether a material, device, construction method, assembly, construction or foundation condition meets the requirements of this By-law. 9.4 The Housing Inspector may require any Owner to submit a recent plan of survey by a registered British Columbia Land Surveyor which shall contain sufficient information regarding the site and the location of and building to: (a) establish prior to construction that require­ ments of this By-law and any other applicable by-law will be complied with; and (b) verify at the earliest practicable time after work is in place that all such requirements have been complied with. 9.5 The Housing Inspector may require any plans and/or specifications submitted to bear the seal and signa­ ture of a member of the Architectural Institute of British Columbia or the Association of Professional Engineers of British Columbia before it is accepted, if in his opinion:
17 (a) the site condition, soil types, contours or drainage requires special foundation design; (b) the proposed building or structure is not stan­ dard construction; or (c) the proposed building or structure is of a cate­ gory requiring professional design. The Housing Inspector may further require that all * phases of the construction are to be reviewed, in­ spected and certified on completion by the architect or engineer over his official seal and signature. 9.6 The Housing Inspector may issue, at the risk of the Owner, a permit for the construction of a phase of a building or complex prior to all required plans and specifications for the whole building or complex hav­ ing been submitted or approved, provided: (a) Plans and specifications for the phase in ques­ tion have been submitted in sufficient detail to satisfy the Housing Inspector that the work to be done will comply with all requirements of the Building Code and of this or any other related by-law; and
18 (b) Adequate information and detailed statements have * b een * filed to the extent that the Housing Inspector is satisfied the remainder of the building or complex will comply with all pertin­ ent by-laws. The requirements of this By-law apply to the remainder of the building or complex as if the permit had been issued for the entire structure. 9.7 The Housing Inspector may refuse to issue a permit: (a) when, in his opinion, information submitted is inadequate to ensure compliance with this or any applicable by-law; (b) when incorrect information is submitted; (c) that would be prohibited by any other by-law, Act or regulation; or (d) when site work has been carried out previous to issuance of a permit, including but not limited to, excavation or fill. 9.8 The Housing Inspector may revoke a permit :
19 (a) if there is contravention of any condition under which the permit was issued; (b) that was issued in error; (c) that was issued on the basis of incorrect infor­ mation; or (d) for violation of any provision of the Building Code. This revocation shall be in writing and transmitted to the permit holder by registered mail. 9.9 The Housing Inspector may, for the purpose of deter­ mining permit fees, place a value on the work to be carried out where no cost estimate is available or where he is not satisfied with the value submitted with the permit application. 9.10 The Housing Inspector is empowered when, in his opinion, any building, construction, excavation or part thereof is in an unsafe condition as a result of being open or unguarded, or because of danger of fire or risk of accident, and when due notice to correct such condition has not been complied with, to make safe such condition at the expense of the Owner and the cost for so doing may be charged to the Owner.
20 9.11 The Housing Inspector, at his discretion, when im­ mediate mea sures must be taken to correct an imminent danger of fire or risk of accident, is empowered to take appropriate action, without notice and at the expense of the Owner. 9.12 The Housing Inspector, at his discretion, before issuing an Occupancy Permit, may require the Owner to provide certification that the requirements of this By-law and other applicable by-laws have been compli­ ed with. 9.13 The Housing Inspector, in order to prevent unneces­ sary delay, may, prior to issuing a permit, grant permission, subject to such conditions as seem to him prudent, for an Owner to excavate or fill on a pro­ posed building site. 9.14 The Housing Inspector, prior to issuing a permit, or during the course of construction, is empowered to impose such conditions as he deems reasonable to pro­ tect neighbouring property. 10. Permits 10.1 A permit is required whenever work regulated by this By-law is to be undertaken.
21 10.2 An Occupancy Permit is required to allow the occu­ pancy of a .building or part thereof. 10.3 To obtain a Building Permit the Owner shall apply in writing on the form "Application for Building Permit" which is attached as Appendix "A" to and forms part of this By-law. 10.4 Every Application for Building Permit shall be ac­ companied by the prescribed fee as detailed in Appen­ dix "G" attached to and forming part of this By-law. 10.5 The Council may by resolution from time to time amend the fees provided for in Appendix "G" of this By-law. 10.6 Every application for a Building Permit shall: (a) identify and describe in detail the work and oc­ cupancy to be covered by the permit; (b) describe the land on which the work is to be done by a description that will readily locate and identify the building lot; (c) include plans and specifications, and show the occupancy of all parts of the building; (d) state the valuation of the proposed work; and
22 (e) state the names, addresses and telephone number of th I e Own 1 er, architect, engineer or other designer and contractor. 10.7 Sufficient information shall be filed with each ap­ plication to enable the Housing Inspector to deter­ mine whether the proposed work will conform with this By-law or other applicable by-laws and whether or not it may affect adjacent property. 10.8 The Housing Inspector may allow the essential infor­ mation to be shown on the plans in lieu of written specifications but in no case shall such terms as "in accordance with the by-law", "legal", or similar terms be used as substitutes for specific informa­ tion . 10.9 When work requiring a permit is commenced or under­ taken prior to the issuance of such permit, the per­ mit fee shall be doubled, provided, however, that the amount of such increase shall not exceed $250.00. 10.10 Within six months of a building permit having been issued, should the Owner make written application to cancel the permit, provided no construction has taken place, the Housing Inspector may refund up to 50% of the permit fee paid in respect of the permit.
23 10.11 No permit shall be issued until utility services for the subject property are completed to the approval of the Housing Inspector and all appropriate connection fees or other construction costs have been paid. 10.12 Construction must be commenced within 180 days of the issue of a building permit, and must be completed to final inspection stage within two years or the permit shall be deemed invalid. The Housing Inspector may grant a renewal permit for a further 12 month period if he is satisfied that construction is progressing in accordance with the approved plans at a reasonable rate of progress. A permit renewal fee shall be lev­ ied in accordance with Appendix "G" attached to and forming part of this By-law. 11. Appeal 11.1 An appeal against a decision of the Housing Inspector lies with the Council. 11.2 An appeal against a decision of the Housing Inspector may be submitted to the Council by any Owner or Agent who : (a) has applied under the provisions of this By-law for a permit which has not been granted;
24 (b) has had a permit revoked; or (c) feels adversely affected by a decision of the Housing Inspector. 11.3 The appellant shall file with the Council a statement in writing in such detail as will enable the Council to properly consider the appeal, setting out : (a) the nature and subject matter o » f the appeal; (b) the address of the building affected by the ap­ peal ; and (c) the sections of this By-law affected by the ap­ peal . 11.4 An appeal to Council shall be in writing and shall be heard at the next regular Council meeting at which the appellant may be present. 11.5 The Council may either concur with, reverse or modify the decision and shall render its decision within seven days. This decision shall be final
25 12. Demolitions 12.1 The demolition of any building requires application for a permit as outlined in Appendix "A" attached to this By-law. 12.2 Every Owner or Agent making application for a permit to demolish a building shall, as part of his applica­ tion, provide the Housing Inspector with satisfactory evidence that : (a) no unsafe condition will be created or permit­ ted; and (b) all utility services to the building have been disconnected and all such disconnections have been approved by the appropriate authority. 12.3 Before issuing a permit to demolish any building, the Housing Inspector may demand that security be provid­ ed in a form satisfactory to the Council to ensure that the site of the demolition will be left in a safe, neat condition, free from debris or dust, and compatible with neighbouring properties. The amount of the security shall be equal to the estimated cost of site restoration for the purpose of restoring the site in the event that the site is not properly re­ stored to a standard satisfactory to the Housing In­ spector
26 12.4 Prior to issuing a permit to demolish any building, the Housing Inspector may impose such conditions as seem to him reasonable to protect the public. 13. Other Regulations 13.1 Maintenance of Construction Sites Every construction site shall be maintained free of loose or blowing debris and shall be subject to a continuous and effective program of dust control dur­ ing the various phases of construction. The Housing Inspector may require, as a condition of issuance of the Building Permit, that security, in a form accept­ able to the Council and in an amount acceptable to the Housing Inspector, be provided to guarantee com­ pliance with this clause. In the event the condi­ tions contained herein are violated, the Housing In­ spector may draw upon the security for the purpose of effecting adequate maintenance of the site. In the event the forfeited security is not sufficient to provide continuous maintenance of dust and debris un­ til contruction is finalized, the Council or its appointed Agents, may enter onto the site and take whatever actions are required to resolve the matter, and charge the cost directly to the Owner. The costs incurred shall be due and payable upon notice served by the Council upon the Owner.
27 13.2 General Workmanship All work shall at least conform to the rules and cus­ toms of good trade practice and shall be performed by people familiar with the work, well equipped and ad­ equately supervised. 13.3 Retaining Walls All retaining walls shall be designed and constructed in accordance with good engineering practice. 13.4 Penalties Every person, firm or corporation violating any pro­ vision of this By-law is liable on summary conviction to a fine not exceeding one hundred dollars or im­ prisonment for a term not exceeding thirty days, or to both fine and imprisonment. 13.5 Disposition of Funds All monies received under this By-law shall be de­ posited by the administrator of the Band in the same manner as other revenue is received by Council and will be budgeted and used to defray Band expenses.
28 APPROVED AND PASSED at a duly convened meeting of the Council of the Sechelt Band of Indians, held at Sechelt, British Columbia on the 2 ^ » * ^ day of December, 1982. Councillor Anne Quinn Councillor Thomas Peter Paul Councillor Benedict Pierre
APPENDIX "À SECHELT BAND OF INDIANS BOX 740; SECHELT, B.C. VON 3A0 885-2273 APPLICATION FOR BUILDING PERMIT Pursuant to By-law No. 1982-01 being a by-law for the regulation of the construction, repair and use of buildings. I, of being the N O A w M n E er ADDRESS hereby make application Repair to Construct authorized Agent Alter Demolish Add to Other the following building which is described by drawings and specifica­ tions forming part of this application : All easements and/or rights-of-way are shown on the drawings Owner Address Designer Address Contractor Address Legal Description Type of Building Intended Use & Occupancy Zoning Building Area Storeys Lot Area Method of Heating Roofing Garage Carport Total value of all work including subtrades $ Permit fee $ Additional details of proposed work:
2 I agree to conform to all the By-laws of the Sechelt Band of Indians and to all statutes and regulations in force on the Sechelt Indian Re­ serves and to save theBand'harmless from any actions or costs whatso­ e i v s e s r u e a d r . ising out of, or incidental to, the granting of this permit, if I affirm that it is my responsibility as Owner/Agent to identify foun­ dation conditions generally on which the intended construction is to be placed and all action required to ensure the adequacy of the foun­ dation . I have read and understand all the requirements of this application. NAME Date Permit No issued on Date This application is NOT to be considered a Building Permit and does not authorize construction.
APPENDIX "B" SECHELT BAND OF INDIANS BOX 740; SECHELT, B.C VON 3A0 885-2273 BUILDING PERMIT Issued _____________________ 19__ Permit No. NAME ___________________________________ LOCATION OF WORK ___________________________________ _ LEGAL DESCRIPTION ______________________________________ OWNER _______________________ ADDRESS __________________ CONTRACTOR __________________ ADDRESS __________________ PURPOSE FOR WHICH PERMIT IS ISSUED _____ VARIANCE PERMIT NO. IF ANY _____ ___________ DATE ISSUED PURPOSE FOR WHICH VARIANCE PERMIT ISSUED ______ CALL FOR INSPECTIONS AS INDICATED INSPECTION OF: APPROVED DATE INSPECTORS SIGNATURE Excavation and Forms Foundation Frame and Roof Insulation Electrical Plumbing (Rough-In) Heating Other Final
2 NOTES : (1) This card must be posted in a conspicuous place on the premises for which it is issued. (2) Issuance of this permit does not relieve the applicant of responsibility for compliance with all by-laws. DATED SIGNED Housing Inspector
APPENDIX "C SECHELT BAND OF INDIANS BOX 7 4 0 SECHELT, B.C. VON 3A0 885-2273 OCCUPANCY PERMIT Name Address Legal Description Approved The building constructed under authority of Permit No. may now be occupied. Housing Inspector Date
APPENDIX "F" SECHELT BAND OF INDIANS BOX 740,* SECHELT, B.C. VON 3A0 885-2273 INSPECTION REPORT DATE BUILDER PERMIT ZONE STAGE FOOTING FOUND FRAME INSUL PLBG FINAL OTHER A Surveyor's Certificate prepared by a certified B.C. Land Surveyor is required before proceeding past foundation stage______________________ INSPECTOR | COMPLETED
APPENDIX "G" SCALE OF FEES - BUILDING For the purpose of calculating the fee for permits under this By-law, the value of construction shall be the total contract price for the work including all subcontracts, or the value of construction as de­ termined by the Housing Inspector on the basis of plans, specifica­ g ti r o e n a s t er a . nd information available to him, whichever value shall be Amounts of permit fees shall be in accordance with the following scale : 1 . For construction of a value of $1,000.00 or less - $ 10.00 2 . For each $1,000.00 or part thereof, by which the value - $4.00/M exceeds the sum of $1,000.01 up to a maximum value of + a base $20,000.00 amount of $5.00 3. For each $1,000.00 or part thereof, by which the value - $3.00/M exceeds $20,001.00 up to a maximum value of + a base $50,000.00 amount of $25.00 4. For each $1,000.00 or part thereof by which the value exceeds the sum of $50,001.00 - $2.00 /M + a base amount of $75.00 The fee for a permit to wreck, demolish or move a building: 1. For buildings less than 1,000 square feet in area - $ 15.00 2. For buildings over 1,000 square feet in area - $ 20.00 In the event that a building is to be moved to a location within the boundaries of the Reserve, then the fees payable shall be the fee re­ quired for the moving permit plus the fee for a building permit based on the value of construction required to rehabilitate the said build­ ing in its new location, as determined by the Housing Inspector. For the special inspection of any building to determine whether it complies with the provisions of this By-law - $ 20.00 In the event that a renewal permit is required for construction which has not reached final completion within the time limit set out in this By-law, the fee for such renewal permit shall be 20% of the original building permit fee.
r * APPENDIX "H" TERMINATION NOTICE Name of Occupant ___________________________ _________________________ We hereby give you notice to vacate and give up possession of the premises at: LOT STREET NO. STREET NAME RESERVE NAME POSTAL CODE BUS. PHONE RES. PHONE on the day of 19 for the following reason(s): Dated Signatures of Band Council
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