Partie II - Lois des Premières nations promulguées

Informations sur la décision

Contenu de la décision

RECREATION BY-LAW ' " C. ?.Oc! M 4 A BY-LAW OF THE DENE THA1 TRIBAL ADMINISTRATION IN THE PROVINCE OF ALBERTA TO PROVIDE AUTHORITY FOR THE COUNCIL TO ESTABLISH A LOCAL RECREATION BOARD. WHEREAS, the Dene Tha1 Tribal Administration in the Province of Alberta, is desirous of forming a Local Recreation Board to pro- vice leadership and leadership training opportunities, to foster, create, develop, maintain, and operate recreation events, services, facilities, and areas including Parks under it1s control and ex­ penses , Now therefore, the Dense Tha1 Tribal Administration of Assumption, duly assemble, enacts as follows: SECTION A (Board make-up) 1. That the Dene Tha1 Tribal Administration, consisting of the following reserves; Hay Lakes, Amber River, Zama Lake, Jack- fish Point, Meander River, and Bushie River, be and is here­ by empowered and authorized to appoint a Local Recreation Board, which shall be called the "Assumption Recreation Board". 2. (a) The Board shall consist of (5) members who shall or shall not receive an honorarium, who shall be appointed by re­ solution of the Dene Tha1 Tribal Administration. All ap­ pointments shall become effective on January 1st, of each year. The said members as far as is practicable, to con­ sist of : One member of the Dene Thaf Tribal Administration. One representative of the local school admin. One representative of the participating Band. Two remaining members to be appointed by the Dene Thaf Tribal Admin. (b) All appointments shall be for a one year term. (c) A maximum of two consecutive terms may be served. (d) All members shall reamin in office until their respective successors have been appointed. (e) In the event of a vacancy occurring on the Recreation Board, the person appointed by the Band Council to fill the vacancy shall hold office for the remaining of the term of the said vacanvy. (f) All person appointed to the Recreation Board, shall be resident of the Dene Tha'__________________ reserve, and shall remain members only if they continue on the Dene Thaf reserve. SECTION B (Terms of Reference) 1. (a) Any members of the Board who shall be absent from three consecutive meeting (unless such absence be caused through illness or he be authorized by resolution of the Board) forfeit his office and another member appointed in his place. (b) The Chairman, vice-chairman and a secretary of the said Baord shall be chosen at the first meeting of the Board, which shall take place within one month of the date of the acceptance of these regulations. (c) Regular meetings of the Board shall be held at least once a month. (d) The Dene Tha1 Council may with reason, request the resign­ ation of any member of the Baord at any time prior to the expiry date of the members term of office. Any member of the Board may resign provided he/she send a written notice to the secretary of the Board. . . .2
2 (e) Special meetings may be called on 24 (twenty-four) hour notice by the Chairman or at the request of any three members of the Board. (f) A minute book shall be kept and minutes of all regular and special meetings shall be recorded. Copies of the minutes shall be filed in the Band Office. (g) A quorum of the said Board shall be a majority of members of the Board, in this case three. (h) The Chariman shall have a vote on any question and in the event of a tie, the motion shall be lost. SECTION C (Board Working Role) 1. (a) The Board will be operational in nature, and will be responsible and accountable for revenues and expenditures under the Band's control. All in accordance with the Section (D), on Budget and Finance. (b) The Recreation Board shall make recommendations to the Council concerning the appointment or dismissals of a Recreation Director, and the staff under the Director's control. (c) The public at large will be encouraged to sit on commi­ ttees or meetings with Board members acting as Chairman. (d) The Recreation Board shall have the power to make rules and regulations Section (F) as it may deem necessary from time to time provide such rules and regulations are not inconsistant with power herein conferred. (e) The Recreation Board shall be concerned with all matters pertaining to equipping, marking with adequate signs, staffing playgrounds, athletic fields, recreation centres and other recreation facilities owned and controlled by the Dene Tha' Tribe. It shall be concerned with the development of a broad range of recreation service that will provide opportunity for people of all ages to use their leisure in a wholesome and satisfying matter. (f) The recreation Board shall be consulted on all matter affecting the development, maintenance and use of public recreation facilities. (g) In the interest of a well-balanced, co-ordinated recreation program of activities, the Board shall co-operate with all organizations, public, private, civic, social and re­ ligious, within it's jurisdiction, which are supporting, promoting and working for recreation in it's broadest application. (h) The Recreation Board shall hear and consider proposals by any individuals, organization or delegation of the Dene Tha' Tribe with respect to recreation and act on such recommendations provided it is in the general interest of all reserve people. SECTION D (Budget & Finance) 1. (a) Annually and prior to the end of the Band Fiscal year (March 31st), the Recreation Board shall submit to the Dene Tha' Tribal Administration a budget of projected expenditures and revenues for the coming year. (b) In March of each year, the Recreation Board shall provide a financial and program annual report to the Dene Tha' Tribal Administration. A copy of all annual reports shall be forewarded to the Department of Indian Affairs and the Provincial Recreation Department. . . . 3
3 (c) The Recreation Board is responsible for maintaining financial records and for confining all expenditures during the fiscal year to the budget as approved by the Band Council. (d) All expenditures must be confirmed by the Dene ThaT Tribal Administration according to the current budget. All Ac­ counts will be passed at a regular Board meeting with ap­ proval by the Band Council, through an accepted purchase order system, and passed on to the Band Administration for payment. (e) The Recreation Director is authorized to make expenditures to a limit of Two Hundred_____ dollars with approval of the Dene Thaf Tribal Administration, providing the expenditure is a budget item. (f) All programs revenues shall be properly controlled and accounted for on an approved revenue receipt system. (g) Neither the said Recreation Board or any member thereof shall have the power to pledge the credit of the Band in connection with any matters whatseover, nor shall the said Board or any member thereof have any power to authorize any expenditures to be charged against the Dene Tha1 Tribal Administration. (h) The Dene Tha1 Tribal Administration shall be the signing authority for all cheques, purchase orders, and monies received or spent with respect to Recreation coming under the jurisdiction of the Recreation Board, and shall be the agent through which all grants, requests, monies and pro­ perties are requested or received. All budget spending shall be by recommendation of the Recreation Board. The signing authority shall be responsible for the annual audit. (i) All monies qualified in the form of capital grants and/or financial assistance from any and all outside sources will be applied for by the signing authority as directed by the co-operation authorities as per regualtions in qualifying for grants and/or financial asssitance. The Council of the Dene Thaf Tribal Administration of Indians at a meeting held on the 31st____ day of May________, 19 78 , makes the fol­ lowing by-law pursuant to paragraph (m) of Section 81 of the Indian Act. APPROVED BY: Harry Chonkolay CHIEF Paul (His Mark)Metchoqueam COUN y CILLOR COUNCILLOR Antoine ̂ His Mark)Providence G.F. Ahnassay______ COUNCILLOR COUNCILLOR Alexis (kis Mark^ Seniantha ______________________ COUNCILLOR COUNCILLOR H. Denechoan COUNCILLOR COUNCILLOR C. Chisaakay WITNESS
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