Partie II - Lois des Premières nations promulguées

Informations sur la décision

Contenu de la décision

—>cv ^ t- / / ̂ - 4-Ù L u . . , / ~ ( . The Council of the Penticton Band of Indians in the Province of British Columbia at a meeting held April , 1972 do hèreby make the following By-Law pursuant to Section 8l, paragraph H of the Indian . Act : By-Law No. 2 A By-Law for the raising of money to improve, repair and maintain any and all buildings owned by the Band. (1) The money for the improvement, repair and maintenance of Band owned Buildings shall be raised by the rental charges of èaid Band owned Buildings. (2) The rental to be paid at the Administration Office of the Penticton Band where at a receipt will be issued. (3) The Terms and conditions for the rental of Band owned buildings shall be set by the Chief and Band Council and reviewed annually. - ( The Chief and Band Council through the Band Administrator or an official appointed by Council, shall control the usage and occupancy of said Band owned buildings. (5) Any person, persons, clubs or organization that do not comply with the terms and conditions laid down by Band Council, after firstly been given fair notice, "will he subject to eviction* (6) All rental charges and fees collected pursuant to this By-Law shall, when required, be expended by the Chief and Band Council for the improvement, repair and maintenance of Band owned buildings. . (7) An annual audit shall be performed on the Revenue and expenditure of monies concerning this By-Law by a reputable Chartered Accountant and the said audit shall be made available to the membership upon request. Signed: Chief: Ernest Lézard Councillor: Adam Eneas____ _ Councillor; Clara F. Jack Councillor: __________
CANADA Province of Ontario TO WIT I.. Vernon M, Gran___________ Chief, Band Management Division (name) (capacity) ' residing at Ottawa, Ontario__________ ______________make oath and swear that the paper-writing. cm (to) which this affidavit is endorsed (attached) is a true copy of a document produced and shown to me and purporting to be the original by-law made pursuant to the Indian Act and signed by Penticton Band Council and dated April £ h 1972 the said copy having been compared by me with the said original document. (signature) Sworn to before me at Ottawa_______ this 15th day of August _ 1972. H U B ER T MAXWELL THORNJiJN Commissioner of Oa * ths in and for the Province of Ontario______ 'OR1'* Commissioner for the Taking of Oaths Authorized under Sectioir-lOS^of 'the Indian Act. 1,.
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