Partie II - Lois des Premières nations promulguées

Informations sur la décision

Contenu de la décision

BAND COUNCIL RESOLUTION The Council of the. Masset --------------- Band of Indians, (Name of Band) in the _ iueen Charlotte --- Indian Agency, in the Province (Name of Agency) c British Columbia _at a meeting, held . 'Masset (Name of Province in fu ll) (Name of Place) this t e n t h ________________ day of-. A p r il lA.D. 19__54 (in Full) fMonth) DO HEREBY RESOLVE: A Bylaw to provide a curfew for lias set Indian Reserve -fil, By-Law $4. (a) accept by reason of an unavoidable cause, no child shall without proper guardianship be in any street or public place during the hours of night time with^fiasset Indian ^yReserve 7;'1« A ^ (b) the age at which a person shall be deemed to be a child for the purpose of this «4 curfew bylaw shall be under'thé fu ll age of IS years. \ (c ) the hours that shall be deemed to be night-time for the purpose of this bylaw shall be the hours between 'eleven o clock in the afternoon o f any day and six o clockh n the morning of the following day in the_ months of July and August in each year and between the hours of nine o clock in the afternoon o f any day"and six o clock in the morning o f the following day during the remainder of the vear. ( / d j ; \ where any ch . i ld is found in any street or publi p c l a /i c n e contravention o f this bylaw any v illage constable, truant o ff ice r or peace o ffice r my warn, him and if* after the warning the child continues to contravene any such regulation any village constable, truant o ff ice r of peace o ffice r m y take the child to its home* (e) where any parent or guardian permits his child habitua ly to contravene this bylaw he shall be guilty of an offence and shall be liable on summary conviction for a f i r s t offence to a fine of one dol l nr , for so o^nd offence to a fine of two dollars and for subséquent offence to a flue of five dollars* (Councillor) (Councillor) i (Councillor) (Councillor) (Councillor) (Councillor) (Councillor) (Councillor) (Councillor) ( Councillor) (Councillor) FOR HEADQUARTERS USE ONLY 1 .TRUST . 2. CURREN-F BALANCES 3. EXPENDITURE 4 .AUTHOR1 TY- 5 ,SOURCE OF FUNDS ACCT A) C A P I T A L ) JNDIAN ACT SEC. b r e v e n u e |~ J C A P I T A L 1 | R E V E N U E $ $ * 6 .RECOMMENDED 7 .APPROVED _______ Date________Saperi n t enden t , p /es and Trusts!________ Date________________ Director , Indian Affairs form 1A5-7 ( r - 10-53)
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