Partie II - Lois des Premières nations promulguées

Informations sur la décision

Contenu de la décision

BSIIA COPIA BAUD SI-IAwS February, 1961 By-law Ho. î» A by-law to provide for the regulation of traffic- in Bella Coola #1 Indian Reserve, ia the Province of British Columbia. (a) do vehicle shall bo operated at a rata of speed in excess - of fifteen miles an hour on any road on the Reserve. (b) Any person who violates any of the provisions of -this by-law shall ce tguilty of an offence and shall be liable on summary conviction to a fine not exceeding ten dollars or imprisonment for a term not exceeding seven days, or both fine and imprisonment. By-law Ko, 2 A by-law to provide for the regulation of the use of public wells*, cisterns, reservoirs mid other water supplies. (a) Bo person shall wilfully or maliciously pollute any public well, cistern, reservoir or other water supply within the Bella Coola #1 Indian Reserve, in the province of British Columbia. (b) ho person shall destroy or injure any public well, cistern, intake reservoir, min or branch thereof or other water .supply within die Reserve. (c) Ths holder of a certificate of Possession or occupant of land 'within the Reserve shall keep any well thereon properly enclosed- or covered*-(d) bo person shall deposit into or on the ice or on the shores of any water lying within the Reserve any night-soil, garbage, manure, offal, dead animal matter, decaying vegetable matter or any substance or suh- stancoa wv.JLeh in :ay way may contaminate wan era am; t-=ÿià to make them. In. any way therefore unfit for human' eonsurgiblon. (o) Any person :l>o violacés any of the provisions of ehis by-law shall be guilty of an off acme une shall be lia ole os summary conviction to a fine not eucansvlng twvaiy - ollnru or irprisonaent for a term not exceeding i . ' our'ceea u , uys or . n ot ,, a .. m a ana , i . mpri . sonment . u sjy a a/' /gv'/-' 2 5/St-By--:.3.v : o. 3» A by-law to provice dor she do3-cruction ana control of noxious- weeds is holla Bools .. .1 Indian, deserve, in the provinc *. e of Brit * i sh Columbia * , (a) .bio nol.or of a certificate of possession or occupant of any land within the reserve si vail cut or cause zo so cut cowtt or otnesvis© destroy
Fags 2 ̂ ' ill noxious needs growing thoreon as often in each year, as is deemed neces­ sary to prevent then from going to seed. (b) The Inspector appointed by the Council shall give notice in. writing to the holder of a Certificate of Possession or occupant of any land where noxious weeds are growing and in danger of gâing to seed» requiring Him to have the i ! same cut down or destroyed within ten days from she service of such notice, ! and in the event of such holder of a certificate of Possession car- occupant refusing or neglecting to cut down or destroy the said noxious weeds within the period aforesaid, he shall be deemed guilty of a breach of the prov­ isions of this by-law. ! (c) Any person who violates any of the provisions of this by-law shall be guilty j of an offence and shall be liable on summary conviction of a fine not exceeding ten dollars or imj>risonment for a term not exceeding seven iaya, or both fine and imprisonment. /PS'/-'##*'* # &/ # ~"e7 * f£/5 2 ^ A by-law to provide for the disposal of garbage and waàte on the Bella Coola #1 Indian Pesarve, in the Province of British Columbia. (a) ho person shall accumulate or permit to be accumulated upon lands in his possession or deposit or accumulate on the lauds in possession of another person anything which is or may become offensive or injurious to health. (b) iio person shall deposit any dead animal, offal, fish, manure, garbage, fruit, vegetables, night-soil, filth, liquid uafcte, or anything of a nature which is or m y 'become offensive or prejudicial to health upon or into any highway, [ street, road, allay, lane, lot, ditch, vrlsarf, cock, lake, pond, river, stream,,.;, uoll, or sever, or into any land or premises the he serve curd any such, deposit .Stall be doovod a nuisance, provided ova /or, L:.afc m e provisions of tliiü pseoagruph shall not apply to the deposit, and proper disposal of any such :xvlurlc.I into or a*" a place vvxtliiei 'the .deserve approved by 'the Council for L»e .t.v d .v. fpOb9 « (c) ...ha ionaeii any arrange tor a he regular removal of garbage and waste from ; cay,- provisos vitnia fee Reserve. t (cd In ; a spring of each year as soon as tho melting of snow permits, the person . in ooss isuion of any promises within b he- Reserve stall collect all waste- { ratter lying thereon including fin cans, ofties, paperand animal «enure. * i (ej Ail sue,., waste .vaster shall be disposed, of in ouch a sauner as will prevent f vny vvisanco or offeece as the foaling of wells and. «dater supply.-' ,
Page 3» (i Any person who violates any of the provisions of this by-law eh»i ? be goilty of an offence and shall be liable on summary conviction to a fine not exceeding ton dollars or imprisonment for a terra not exceeding seven days, ov > D cx ^ u i ii s , iQ and . x nprxsoamen . z » / y y i -:' ' * ~ •& /'?y /Vt~ // z* z~rz" a* &/£ "ê£kÛmJ&:~± ii bylaw to provide for the licensing of businesses, -callings, trades and, occupations within.the Bella Coola §1 Indian Reserve, in the Province of British Columbia, (a) bo person shall conduct or carry on 'any business, calling, trade or occupation as listed herein who is not the- holder of a valid and subsisting licence for the business, calling, trade or occupation issued pursuant to this by-law. (h) There shall be paid at the time of the application, for a licence a fee in the amount as set out hereunder, which, licence may be renewed- from year to year upon payment of the required fee. BUSS 133 CALL!:!G TMDË or OCCOPAflCM •. LlCaiCB ESS General 3tore $ 10.00 Pool Hall 5.00 (c) k:iy person who violates any of the provisions of this by-law shall .■ o guilty of an off once and shall De liable on suranary conviction to a fine not exceeding ten dollars or imprisonment for a term not exceeding ten days, or both fins and. imprisonment. She Council of the Bella Coola Band of Indians at a meeting held January 30, 1954-, males the following by-law pursuant to paragraph (a) and (r) . of Section SO, and paragraph (a.) (i) of Subsection Cue of Section 32 of tie act. / U K v /bmgm rphp,* /5'/̂ /> cV> CD i , /I l- t*'!' /f m ,:-;-rE/-i 0 r- /rf/wV/h- >:/ IT 7* MiMSLMsZ. A bp-lay to proviso for the regulation of xho conduct am. activities. of liavhers. petdlsro, or others oho enter the Bella Coola #1 Indian B.eservs in the rrvvirsee of British l>mnbia to buy or coll or otherwise deal in wares. cr :nrecanfloe end the charging of a licence foe therefor. (a) haulers, pmdulors orb others carrying on p otty. trades, or who otnerwise deal in caroc or p; orchard: ise, ofio go from place to piece or to other iasn*s .houses, on foot or rich ms.y o.airil or bicycle, motor oyclo, autfSKfoile. or other vehicle
Pag© 4 ' bearing or drawing any goods, wares or merchandise for sale shall before doing business within the Reserve taka out a license and .pay a fa© of five dollars per annum or. one dollar for each visit therefor to the Indian Office, Balia Cools., B, G*, which license sliall not be transferable and shall expire at the end of the then calendar year and may renewed from year to year car visit to visit upon the payment of the required fee, The term hawkers, peddlers, and others’* shall, in. addition, extend to and include any transient parson who solicits or takes orders for hardware, groceries, dry goods, clothing, proprietary medicines, small goods, or enlarged photographs from a customer for future delivery, with the exception of hawkers, peddlers and others dealing exclusively with George Kelson and Sons General Store, (b) Ho licence shall be required by a member of the Band under this by-law, (c) Any person who violates any of the provisions of this by-law. shall be guilty of an offence and shall, be liable on summary conviction to a fine not exceeding ten dollars or. imprisonment for a term not exceeding seven l y /t Z/j-jr By-law ho, 7 The Council of the Bella Ooola Band of Indians at a meeting held hay 23, 1955, rade the following by-law pursuant to pamgraphs (e), (d), (q) and (r) of Section 90 of the Indian Act. A by-law to provide for the regulation of the activities of boys and girls on the Bella Ooola #1 Indian Reserve, actually or apparently under 16 years of age* (a) Ko boy or girl on the Balia Ooola Ho. 1 Indian Reserve actually or apparently under 16 years of age, shall loiter any place with the Bella Ooola I'o , 1 Indian Id serve after n.xe o clock iv- the afternoon* (b) Ho boy or ,! on -doe Bella Ooola. do. 1 India-:.. Reserve actually or apparently under 16 years ox ago, shall be in any place of entertainsent, street,, lane, by-sap ;.)v oemon obthr, uiosaid liaoerve a fte r the aour on nine o clock in the afternoon from Sunday to Tfursaay Inclusive and a fte r the hour ef ciunon o c»» eh la hx afternoon on Fridays, Saturdays and - ays preceding holidays, xnlosv. accompanied by his or her parent or an adult appointed ay a parent to a.oc-anpnny arch child, (.;} A ooy or girl on oho 3:11a Cooîa Ho» 1 Indian doaarvo found violating the ;.:rnvirions of g x v y g h (a) or (b) may be warded r.nd conducted hood by a volioa at fie-or :u*.o if u:e rx\,ru-g is not rogarasd or altar ohe varnxng xhe
Paga 5 , jcy or girl is again found disobeying said paragraph (a) or (b) the parente ; of such boy or girl shall be directed to seat with the Advisory Committee appointed by the Council of the Band for the protection of the children» (d) A parant who permits his'child to violate paragraph (a) or (b) shall be ljulliy of an offence and shall be liable cn*summary conviction to a fine not exceeding v5»0Q or iaprisomaent for a tens not exceeding seven days-, or H L& 17 c A FA /?£>/»//? both fine and imprisonment* û F /vï z/s~.<T The Council of the Bella Coola Band of Indians at a meeting held this 2nd day of April, 1956, makes the following by-law pursuant to paragraph (b), (f) and (r) of Section SO of the Indian Act* By-law ho. S A by-law to provide for the regulation of trafficdon the Foot Suspension Bridge across the Bella Coola Hiver and situated on Bella Coola Indian Reserve Bo. 1. (a) Ho person shall use the bridge except for the purpose of crossing on foot and no more than, six (6) persons shall use the bridge at any one-time* (b) Subject to paragraph 3, no person shall use the- bridge unless he has obtained permission from the Band Council or the Superintendent of the Reserve. (c) Kombars of the Band who are 16 years of age or over, members of the Band under the ago of 16 years when accompanies by a person 16 years of age or over,, employees of 'die Allison Logging Company or any person having: business with the sai-._- Company, employees of tho Government of Canada and of the Province - of British Columbia and Law Enforcement Officers shall be entitled to use the bridge at any time. (d) Ho per stall (1) ïancg-é, deface or remove the bridge or any garb thereof, or (2) lamage, deface or ronove any sign or notice affixed or attached to the brit..3 ;./y the- 'and joonoil. (g) Any poj.'soi.i oiio violates any provisions ox Axis by-law el nil fee guilty of aa offence had ora.11 be t.„.tie o.a eamaiy ecaviu cic*. to a fine not exceeding, one hundred -..ollars or iaeriboriisynt for a torn not exceoumg 30 days.or both t d : e : v I.a riccenont; //re, /yJ- Ob /tn '//■<r~if f r / t'-'-' y S 'F 6 D / ' i -- y~yyy y / 77 f v . t. /{• e
Page 6. 1, .< Council of the Bella Coola Band, of Indiana at a meeting held October 22, 1955 raakes the following ty-law pru3uant to Subsection (2) of-Section 82 of the Indian Act. By-law o. 9 A ty-dai-/ to provide for the expenditure of moneys raised under By-laws Mo. 5 and Mo. 6. (a) All Fioneys raised under By-laws Ho. 5 and Ho. 6 shall be used to defray expenses in eonnaetior* --*rfch the Bella Coola Village Waterworks. The Council of the Bella Coola Band of Indians at a meeting held October 22, 1955 makes the following by-law pursuant to paragraph (e) of Section SO of the i _ a coan A , c , t . / ft v p/>fuve0 /4 0 *?--/' 'Jp /s.'j £/&/r£s> J. h f felaw.Ho, ,1-0 A qy-law to provide for- the protection against and prevention of trespass, by cattle and other donas tie anisals, the establishment of a pound*, the appointment of a pounolceeper, the regulation of his duties and the provision, for fees and charges for his services in the Bella Coola #1 Indian Beserve in the Province of dritlsh Columbia. (1) Ho parson shall pernit cny ass* boar, bull bullock, calf, cow, goat, heifer, horse, jackass, Land, naile, ox, pig, ran, sheep, sow, or stallion, owned by him or reputed to be In his care or possession to run at large an any part of the i.hdla Coola pi Indian Reserve, in'.the Province of British Columbia, ami ary such animal so found at large on the said Reserve- shall be liable to be inp-ounded as hereinafter provided. (2) The Chief or so:~*3 parson duly appointed bp the Council of the Band shall be Poimdkoepor for the Reserve, and such Foimdheoper s'sall supply sufficient feud an.. out or ho any urinal in̂ , carded 0.3 provided by hectic.-» 4 . (3) The f ounoheeper slall veep a dock 02 which he snail record a description, of -Phi i.rluvdo iry ounood, voici\ the -date of Irsgounciug, denude claimed (if any ), auto relaxed or sold, unci disposal of proceeds. yj ; u p s o s i u running at largo on the Reserve, contrary no the pw/iuio&B of dectiov 1, ray dolivor the same to -.he pound whether the name a as ; . dr a :• of she owner or r..pu tod. ( :■ nor of ouch aaisal sfi.ll be known op not, :.iu '.or so delixrrag so:no, avail be entitled To vsnuaeratioa as follows? (a) .for the dolxv ;-ry ofa sh stallion, j a clasp or aril , y - 2 5 ' . \'.y f -ox che - xliv ;ry of each other animal p «25, out not. more xnaa .5 s .fos- one impoundment.
Page 7 I'" i'he P oundkesper shall, within two day a after .the isçounding of any animal, pest a notice of sane ia at least throe conspicuous places os or -adjoining the üoserro, ana ray advertise- the same in two successive issues of the local paper (if any). If the owner or person reputed to.have charge of the animaj is imown, the Poundkeeger shall notify such owner or person in writing, (6) The owner or any person having any animal in his care and possession m y redeem any impounded animal by the payment of foes and damages as provided in Section 7. (7) The following fees and damages (if any) shall be recovered by the Poundkeeper together with the remuneration mentioned in Section 4-, before releasing the impounded animal from the Pound: (a) For receiving into pound each stallion, jackass or bull gl.GO (b) For receiving into pound each other animal 75## but not mors than $1.00 for each one impoundment. (c) Per the maintenance of each stallion, jackass or bull $2.00 a Say. (d) For the maintenance of each other animal $2.00 per day. (0) For notifying the owner or person reputed to have charge of the animal or animals impounded 50#. (f) For advertising - -actual cost. (g) For posting notices of animals impounded, each notice to include all animals impounded at one distress or seizure 50# (h) For posting notices of sale, each notice to include all animals impounded at one distress or seizure $1.00 (1) For each mile necessarily travelled in performance of Las. dirties W -(j) i-or selling impounded - 2gf* of >.>■.3 a.mount rotiised. (k) tor dom&ge done by an animal at large, ci.o amount of Hie actual damage asses.- .d, which shall be paid to the person entitled thereto* (3) than an animal ks not basa, redeemed from ths pound, witiiin twenty 'lays after notice of impoundment has boon given as provided for ia «Section 5# the said animal shall be sold by publie fraction .after the notice of such sale has-been posted for tourteau days in Hires conspicuous places within reasonable. distance of the said pound, ana ax such sale the koimflceeper ar an auctioneer chosen by hi,a s,:all he '.'.cbicnoor, and each ...uko :L^Xl no ;..alu a.a a,-..a pound and shall commence at too oclock in the afternoon t-oendaro Time. (9) aie ..roseau.; of u;iy iigouadot aniaal sold as provided by b -ction 8 snail, . after deducting foes, c.uirgos anu tarages assessed (if any) so provided by ■■.o lions a u.;.c 7, bo a.aa bo, os* if lot cd,' -suid .:ac dise USj of each sale, ahull k-o _ ai... forthwith to dho InuL-i- auperlntanaent of die Ap...-.rp in n ick ths listerve is situated, and any money so aid shall ae return ad t.o ba owner of fha animai sold on satisfactory evidence being ir- iif.bbit. as to ovmarsnip one. application therefor ho :g mda to tie Superintend ■.. ' -wu... ..m oe -. uu ».. ..a -.nan ...... m »> o Ou. »-» - ̂o ̂ ox w u. » ch prooeeus ahull da -X-'uiof da f.ia arefit of afu fanes of the f-und.-ft .'.J-v.. p n a a n />, ''■"?/ft <f - /- d'/*//(/?<:'<£■ '>?
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