Partie II - Lois des Premières nations promulguées

Informations sur la décision

Contenu de la décision

Tel: (604) 326-4212 &npa/a>” KINCOLITH, B.C. VOV 1B0 -1988-THE KINCOLITH BAND OF INDIANS. BY-LAW NUMBER 1 1 Being a By-law for Public Meetings. The Council of the Kincolith Band of Indians at a meeting held at Kincolith B.C. on the Seventh day of April 1988 makes the following by-law pursuant to subsections (1) to (4) of Section 80 of the Indian Act. A by-law respecting Band and Council meetings. Whereas, the Kincolith Band Council is required to make reports to the public. And whereas, the village has several organizations required to make reports, and that the Band Council deems it very important that the public reports be heard by the Kincolith Public. Therefore, the Kincolith Band Council requests that: (a) At least one or more, from a household attend a public meeting. (attendance recorded). (b) Businesses respectfully close down their businesses until the meeting is done with. (c) All meetings are strictly prohibited on Wednesday evenings, and there will be no labour activities or meetings on Sundays. (d) The penalty for non-attendance be held against such persons in Band Council meetings and decision making process. Eg. those who fail to attend meetings will not be considered when Band Council, makes decisions.
Approved and Passed on the Seventh day of April, 1988 COUNCILLOR COUNCILLOR
G.V.G. Gingolx Village Government (Kincolith Band Council) 1304 BROAD STREET - KINCOLITH, B.C. VOV1B0 ~ CANADA Phone (250) 326 - 4212 / or TOLL FREE 1-800-736-5511 - Fax (250) 326 - 4208 1998 EyLU "C ( / THE GINGOLX FIRST NATION By-Law No. 10 BEING A BY-LAW TO REPEAL AND REPLACE THE PREVIOUS BY-LAW NO. 10 ILLEGAL SALE OF INTOXICANTS BY-LAW W HEREAS the Gingolx Village Government considers its necessary to undertake measures for the protection o f the community. W hereas the council o f the Band is declaring in effect a prohibition against the illegal sale, barter, supply or manufacture o f intoxicants on Gingolx Indian Reserve No 14 and 14(A). W HEREAS Subsection 85.1 (1) o f the Indian Act, authorizes the council o f a band to make by­ laws: a. prohibiting the illegal sale, barter, supply or manufacture o f intoxicants on Gingolx Indian Reserve Number 14. b. prohibiting any person from having large quantities o f intoxicants for the purpose o f illegal sale, barter, supply, or manufacture on Gingolx Indian Reserve Number 14. W HEREAS subsection 85.1 (4) of the Indian Act provides that every person who contravenes a by-law made under this section is guilty of an offence and is liable on summary conviction, in the case o f a by-law made under paragraph 85. l(lX a), to a fine o f not more than one thousand dollars or to imprisonment for a term not exceeding she months or to both; and in the case o f a bylaw made under paragraph 85.1 (1) (b) or paragraph 85.1 (1) (c), to a fine o f not more than one hundred dollars or to imprisonment for a term not exceeding three months, or to both; and W HEREAS as a majority o f the electors o f the Band who attended a special meeting o f the Gingolx First Nation on July 30,1998 called by the council o f the Gingolx First Nation on May 20, 1998 for the purpose o f considering the contents o f this bylaw, assented to the contents o f this bylaw, AND W HEREAS the Council of the Band did enact By-Law Number 10 on the 1st day o f June, 1986, and wishes to repeal the said By-law Number 10 and replace it with this by-law;
NOW THEREFORE, it is hereby pursuant to Section 85.1 o f the Indian Act: Short Title 1. This by-law may be cited as the Gingolx Village Government Intoxicant By-law. Interpretation 2. In this bylaw: "Band" means the Gingolx First Nation: "Intoxicant" means any fermented liquid spirits or mind-altering drug; "Intoxicated" means being under the influence o f an intoxicant; "Illegal Sales" includes all sales occurring outside a licenced premise or without a licence to sell liquor; "Reserve" means all those lands defined as a "reserve" within the meaning o f the Indian Act, R.S.C. 1985, c-I-5, and set apart for the use and benefit o f the Gingolx First Nation known as Gingolx Indian Reserve Number(s) 14 and 14(A). Prohibitions 3. No person shall sell, barter, manufacture or supply an intoxicant to anyone on the Reserve. Convictions 4. Where evidence has proven an individual guilty and the same being served with a "ticket" by the Community's By-Law Officers; the individual will appear either before "Crown Counsel" or alternative justice that is controlled and initiated by the community. Repeal 5. By-law number 10 enacted on the 1st day o f June, 1986, being a By-law to prohibit intoxicants on reserve, be and the same is hereby repealed.
THIS BY-LAW IS HEREBY made at a duly convened meeting o f the Council o f the Gingolx First Nation this 30th day o f July, 1998. Voting in favour o f the by-law are the following members o f Council: <i 3 ' * Peter Stevens Jr., Deputy Chief CLA/i*/_______ An^us, Coudcillor \Éjlu bore, Councillor Valerie Doolan, Councillor J L 71 John StevensrCbuncillor Percy Desmond Barton, Councillor r3 -'V Floyd Stevens, Councillor tarry Moore, Councillor jae. Steve Doolan Jr. being the majority o f those members o f the Council o f the Gingolx Band present at the aforesaid meeting o f the Council. The Quorum of the Council is 5 members. I, / I t e r c e t ChiefyCouncillor o f the Band, do hereby certify that a true copy o f the foregoing by-law was mafled to the Minister o f Indian Affairs and Northern Development at the O /A y g ^ /^ e f e o ffice at the department pursuant to subsequent 82 (1) o f the Indian Act, this day o f J& tU Atrcf:1998. Witness
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