Partie II - Lois des Premières nations promulguées

Informations sur la décision

Contenu de la décision

The Council of the __Kincolith____________________________Bend of Indians at a meeting held a t Kincolith, B.C. on the third day of February, 1961 makes the following bylaw pursuant to paragraph (a) and (r) of section 80 of The Indian Act: Bylaw N o ._____ 5___ A bylaw to provide for the disposal of garbage and waste on the Kincolith _____ ____ Indian Reserve, in the Province of___________ Britihh Columbia (a ) No person shall accumulate or permit to be accumulated upon lands in his possession or deposit or accumulate on the lands in pos­ X " session of another person anything which is or may become offensive or injurious to health. (b) No person shall deposit any dead animal , o f f a l , f ish, manure, garbage , fruit , vegetab les , n ight-so i l , f i l th , l iquid waste, or any­ thing of a nature which is or may become offensive or pre judicia l to health upon or into any highway, street, road, a l l e y , lane , lo t , ditch, wharf, dock, lake , pond, river, stream, well, or sewer, or into any land or premises within the reserve and any such deposit shall be deemed a nuisance, provided, however, that the provisions of this paragraph shall not apply to the deposit and proper disposal of any such material into or at a place within the reserve approved by the council for that purpose. (c) The council may arrange for the regular removal of garbage and waste from any premises within the reserve. (<J) In the spring of each year as soon as the melting of snow permits the person in possession of any premises within the reserve shall co l lect all waste matter lying thereon including tin cans, bottles , paper and animal manure, (e) All such waste matter shall be disposed of in such a manner as will prevent any nuisance or offence as the fouling of wells and water supply. (0 Any person who violates any of the provisions of this bylaw shall > be guilty of an offence and shall be l iab le on summary conviotion to : a fine not exceeding ten dollars or imprisonment for a term not e*ce« eding seven days, or both fine and imprisonment.
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