Partie II - Lois des Premières nations promulguées

Informations sur la décision

Contenu de la décision

e D E P A R T M E N T O F I N D I A N A F Ç A « S A N O N O R T H E R N D E V E L O P M E N T INDIAN AFFAIRS BRANCH BAND COUNCIL RESOLUTION ÛTF.: The words From out Band Funds must appear In all resolutions requesting expenditures from Band Funds. PORT SIMPSON FOR HEADQUARTERS USE ONLY OUNCIL OF THE BAND GENCY NORTH COAST DISTRICT R 0 VIN C E BRITISH COLUMBIA LACE PORT SIMPSON, B.C. ATE Fifteenth ...March AD 19 71 DAY MONTH YEAR O HEREBY RESO LVE : WHEREAS: An amendmeht be made to sections (b) (c) and ( f ) of bylaw.# 3 . ft* BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED: That the f ir s t amendment be as follows: The Council of the: Port Simpson Band of Indians at a meeting held March 10th, 1955 makes the following bylaw pursuant to paragraph (a) and (r ) o f section SO of the Indian Act to apply to ALL reserves registered in the Port Simpson Band. Amendment to section ( b ) : ■’into any highway, street, road, a lley , lane, lo t , ditch, wharf, dock, lake, pond, river, stream, well, or -sewer, or into any land or premises within the reserve and lands adjacent to the reserve below the high water mark within any reserve and any such denosits shall be deemed a nuisance." Amendment to section (c): add "a two do llar charge per month for such service shall be collected on the Port Simpson Indian Reserve #1." Amendment to section (f): "Any person who violates any of theprovisions of this bylaw shall be guilty of an offence and shall be liab le on summary conviction to a fine not exceeding one hundred dollars or imprisonment o f a term not exceeding thirty days or both fine and imprisonment." / * / (Chie>f)x 7 \ ~ ^ ... d E . ... - ... ) / (Councillor (Coimci ... / * / * < / ' ......' t / / A 's ' .... ,y /\ (Councillor) / (Co untb Tlbop)^ // (Councillor) - ^ ^ 7 (Councillor) / / (Couunciîllor) *m (Councillor) ............ .... .............. . (Councillor) s ^ Z (Councillor) (Councillor) * ^ FOR HEADQUARTERS USE O N LY 1. .TRUST 2. CURR ENT B A LA N C E S 3, Expenditure 4. Authority 5. Source of Fund* ACCT A. Capital B. Revenue Indian Act Sec. [ ~] Capital [ | Revenue $ $ $ tin commended 7. Approved A. * Date Assistant Deputy Minister, Date Authorised Officer Indian Affairs 533 ( 3 -8$ ) ?330~2i-023~4SS2
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