Partie II - Lois des Premières nations promulguées

Informations sur la décision

Contenu de la décision

l1/1S/91 16:10 «604 839 1256 Kitasoo Band -» BC REGION L.R.T. INTOXICANT CONTROL BYLAW KITASOO INDIAN BAND BYLAW NO. 1991-1 A BYLAW concerning the control of the use of intoxicants on the reserves of the Kitasoo Indian Band. WHEREAS section 85.1 of the Indian,Act. R.s.c. 1985, c. 1-5 empowers the Council of a Band to make bylaws concerning intoxicated persons and the sale, barter, supply, manufacture or possession of intoxicants on the reserves of the Band, Incimdingj^xeïj^ AND WHEREAS., t^^ embera, of the Kitasoo Ind^^Ba^d^haveg; zssez.TTnSZ'imS'* adopted a een»uni'^^ V »t . ahd . a . x , d , : . o . £:;mo ^ de^^o : n; . - . .̂•,:̂ ̂intoxicants on the reserve and ragulfefthat non-iand members respect that standard; AND WHEREAS this bylaw has been assented to, by a majority of the electors of the Band who voted at a special fc' v . meeting of the Hand called by the Council of the Band on:. ^ 1991 for the purpose of considering thl *1 v v, pursuant t p, >tc.t'ïon̂ S‘>i(2iMmfetiièI. " fell V'r vhlchTBanlTasaenyflWfWnlxeWHe^EPaWsci?e2uïi?>^^ W W kSXORI ? * * § * foil. !->t. y . i , K'-?->’■
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11/18/91 16:08 ©604 839 1256 Kltasoo Band - 2 - TITLE 1. This bylaw may be cited as the Kltasoo Indian Band Intoxicant Control Bylaw No. 1991-1. PART I INTERPRETATION 2. In this bylaw: , (1) "Act«means the Indian Act. R.S.C. 1985. c. i-5. as amended from time to time; "Bandjj means the Kltasoo Indiana Band ; .3):. "Band^member? means a parson^ vhosa^na»a^appaara4on. 'r thelllld List;" (4) "Council of the Band" ("Council"} means the Chief and-^tmncil^choeen according. to the..election; provisions set out under section 74 of the Act; (5) "intoxicant , includes spirituous, vinous, feraantad^malted#for.-others;. ........[ i g & k .- y i n t a x i c a b l n g ^ l i g u o r ^ o r capableffiT o i w m human vconsumotion -y'' that are .Ï. . •• intoxicating;BC REGION L.R.T. $004 m m alcohol, alcoholic^ c o m b i n a u i o n ^ o f j i t l Q U o r s â e n d é 1-_r gfV S t f f C É r â̂ ô n ft l ; -y f can | s* ;• / , •'-* ;< y ;. .«. - i * "-Sf'î -̂ÂUVRvi?***: .-.i. .; ff
U/18/91 16:05 060*1 «39 1256 jJ mu (S) "intoxicated" naans a person vho has consumed intoxicants to a degree which renders him: (a) incapable of caring for himself or of protecting himself against bodily injury; or tb) a danger or a threat to the safety of other Band members or to any property an the reserve; or tc) a nuisance to the public peace. (7) "ordinarily resident" means a person, whether a Band member or not, who lives on the reserve where '.;̂ I.he': normally eats and sleeps and includes a person who is: (a; temporarily absent in order to attend school ort̂ tô vork-''off the. resezve;|pnd, (b) temporarily resident on the reserve while lawfully employed there. F (8) "reserve" means a tract1 of land, the legal title to which is vested in Her Majesty, that has been set apart by Her Majesty for the use and benefit of the Bend and, for the purposes of this bylaw, includes a^^vessel or aircraft destined for the resecve|ie *n *d jSSSfaeei-ivt a«#<s■> selpfo£% r■£ -. aA ltr'wcArVAa fi Ktwobred-ed jacont to or in the vicinity of the resecvn; and ! . .U > ;’"iïSP» £Special®OccisTon^'incfïïdel*'bïï€^ iis 'not' ' 1 imited .-_ m-) weddings; birthdays; .SIS
11/18/81 16:08 0604 839 1256 Kitasoo Band BC REGION L.R-T. I&oos - 4 c) anniversaries; d) feasts; or, e) community banquets* (10) Use of words denoting the male gender Is deemed to include the female, and the singular the plural unless the context requires otherwise. PART II PROHIBITIONS - .usmv x* fptrsom shall " jt* ,('fcw, ;(-7 \ ê (1) aell, barter, supply, or manufactura intoxicant* ^on| they raser,ve ;fe or ; . |2®rha^^ on-S onl; thlIreservalM<^ otherwise than as provided for in this bylaw; or, (3) be intoxicated on>the reserve, except in his own home or in the homt^of a-frlend or a relative; or, (4) cause a disturbance or nuisance in public whi , le >y»-i under the influence of^an^intoxicant; or; cause or threaten to cause? injuryi or damage .to; any - jt '• &
11/18/91 18:08 ©604 839 1256 Kitasoo Band ■*’*-* BC REGION L.R.T. - 5 PART III EXCEPTIONS 4. Band members and other persons who are ordinarily resident on the reserve may bring intoxicants onto the reserve, subject to the following limitations: (1) he must be at least 19 years of age; (2) he may only bring intoxicants onto the reserve once every seven (7) days; and (3) pursuant to section 4(2), the amount of intoxicants which he may”: bring.,onto Ithe^reserve shall not exceed the equivalent-Oftéither : (a) two (2) twenty-six ounce bottles or one and ' half: ( 1 1/2) litars:! o£ distl?lled~!liquorVior two (2) cases of tv«lv*(12)355 milliliter bottles or cans of beer, os the equivalent amount of 8.5 liters in different, s i s e ^ containers. . ' ' No,thvith»tandi ng the provisions of section 4, Band ilembtsslmay^\ brlng onto the reserve excess?'intoxicants Special Occasion providing he^.appliss ths form attached heretof ; as Schedule trV v I
11/18/91 16:09 ©604 839 1256 Kitasoo Band BC REGION L.R.Ï. ® 008 - 6 -6. The Council may exercise its discretion not to issue a Special Occasion Licence if it has determined that: (1) the presence of a Royal Canadian Mounted Pollee (R.C.M.P.) officer ia desirable in ordar to ensura the public peace at the Special Occasion; and, .(2) an R.C.M.P. officer is not available to attend at the Special Occasion. 7. At any given time, a Band member or other person ordinarily resident on the reserve may only have In his
11/18/91 16:09 ©001 839 12*6 Kitasoo Band - 7 -10. Every person who contravenes this bylaw is guilty of an offence and is liable upon summary conviction to the penalties provided for in subsections 85.1(4)(a) and (b) of the Act, as amended from time to time. PART v COMING?INTOiFORCE 11. This bylaw shall come into force on the date of
8 B* it known that this bylaw entitled "Kitasoo. Indian Band Intoxicant Control Bylaw No. 1991-1" ia hereby enacted by the Council of the Kitasoo Indian Band at a duly convened meeting of the said Council held on the t£T day of i99i. The bylaw is consented to by the following members of the Counct J: Chief Councillor USSLIE PETER N8AS&0SS Councillor FRANK V. ROBINSON being the majority of those members of the Council of the Kitasoo Indian Band present at the aforesaid meeting of the Council.
11/19/91 16:04 ®604 639 1256 Kltasoo Band - 9 I# Kitasoo Indian Band, do hereby certify that a true copy of the foregoing byiav vas forwarded to the Minister of Indian Affairs and Northern Deveiopnant pursuant to subsection 85.1(3) of the Indian Act this BC REGION L.R.T, tél 004 Chief Councillor of the day -of i r ^ ï & K .
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